Friday, July 1, 2011

Trying To Face Reality Here

Oh, my God, I'm never going to get finished. Ever. I'm so behind that I've dug myself a hole I'll never get out of.

I'm running on about 4-5 hours' sleep. I had all these needy bastards messaging me, and I spent 2 hours on the phone. I had 7 work blogs to do today. You know how many I got done?


Fucking two.

But I believe I've ridden the train as far as it's going to go tonight. LOL, as soon as I finished typing that sentence, I heard the train on the track right down the road from the house headed this way. I am amused.

Anyway, since it doesn't look like there's any hope of getting caught up anytime soon, I'm just going to do what needs doing before finishing the work stuff. Composing an email to her is now a priority and will most likely be done tomorrow when I get up. I won't be sending it yet because I want to let it sit a few days and then come back to it to see if it still reads ok, but if I don't allot time to do it, it's just never going to get done.

It's true that I've been busy, but, also, it's been easy to keep putting on the back burner because, in the back of my mind, I'm scared to death. I know, that's not in keeping with my reputation of having no feelings whatsoever, blah, blah, blah, but it's true. I want something good to come of this, and I'm convinced I'm going to make a mess of it.

But I suppose the whole mess can't be much more fucked up than it is right now, can it?

If anybody's got any pull with the Heaven-place, I'd appreciate it if you'd toss up a few good words for me. I'm pretty sure I used up all my favor a long time ago. :(

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