Thursday, July 7, 2011


I swear to Christ, if I had $100/mo., I'd get a fucking dedicated server. This Dreamhost shared server BULLSHIT is going to drive me mad.

Fuck you, Dreamhost. Fuck you and everything you stand for. Fuck you for taking my money and making my simple fucking Wordpress sites, none of which have more than 100 hits a day apiece, show 404 or 500 errors EVERY GODDAMN TIME SOMEBODY TRIES TO LOAD A MOTHERFUCKING PAGE.

The 404 pages are the ones most viewed on my sites. Know why? BECAUSE DREAMHOST FUCKING SUCKS and kills the fucking processes.

Every site I've tried to upgrade Wordpress on, I've gotten "briefly down for scheduled maintenance." More 404 errors. Crashes. The sites disappear until they decide to restore them.

It's not worth it. It's really not. In ALL, my sites--two of which aren't even on my own hosting--might get 300 uniques a day. No videos, no streaming, just goddamn Wordpress blogs, and Dreamhost kills processes when you try to go to a page because "it's a strain on their servers."


*Tears out hair*




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