Monday, July 18, 2011

The Level Of Batshit In My Life Is Officially Through The Roof

Ok, this is officially going to be the most white trash post I've ever made. But OMG, these people are fucking nuts.

So I'd been working for awhile earlier this evening, right? I sorta got hungry, and so did K., so we decided to go to IHOP. My mama called and wanted to know if I had some time. I was like, yeah, sure. And she said she was on her way home and to call me when I got back to the house because she had something to tell me.

Ok, I hurried to finish eating and got back and called her. She told me she'd been to the nursing home today to see my grandmother, as usual. And my grandma's other daughter--the one who we don't claim--showed up. My mama ignored her because she really doesn't give a damn about this bitch and her drama.

So, finally, she got pissed about being ignored and told my mama, "You need to get your act together," and flounced out. My mama ran her down and was like, "I need to do what? Where have you been the last SEVENTEEN YEARS when we had to take care of YOUR mother?"

And do you know what this crazy fucking bitch does? She turns around, calls my mama a bitch, and SLAPS HER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NURSING HOME.

My mama was holding a glass a water, so she threw it in this bitch's face. Then, the bitch tried to grab her and claw her, so my mama got her by the arm, dug her fingernails in, and said, "If you think you can handle it, bring it on."

Bitch jerked her arm loose and took off outta there, LOL. I guess she knew she was about to tote an ass-whipping.

I told my mama she ought to press charges. Not because she needs the police to do anything because I know she can handle it herself, but because how funny would it be for this bitch to get hauled off to jail?

I mean, really? You play this "I'm so good and pious and perfect" act in public, and then you, the deacon's wife, show up at a nursing home to see the mother you've never lifted a finger to help, then call your own sister a bitch and then slap her across the face? On a *Sunday*, at that?

Jesus Christ.

My mother thinks the bitch will show up at my grandma's house when she comes out of the nursing home on Wednesday. Since the house actually belongs to my mama now (her name's been on the deed for years), I'm pretty sure the shit will hit the fan.

I'm *really* tempted to go down there. I'd love to break that bitch's face for laying hands on my damn mama. I don't know who the fuck she thinks she is.

Or I could go burn her house down.


If I go to jail anytime soon, you'll know why.

Also, my not-brother texted *right* after I talked to my mama saying he's being kicked out of his house by his parents. Randomly. For no reason.

I was telling Fangbunny about all this online, and she was like, "God, is it a full moon?" So I looked it up, and, apparently, the full moon was last night. That's close enough for me!

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