Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Whereupon Bunny Gets Good News Mid-Blog-Post

I have felt so weird all day long. I went to bed last night at, like, 9 pm because I was just so tired. I slept off and on until about noon today. Then, when I got up, I felt so disconnected that I couldn't *do* anything. I mean, I legitimately felt like I was dreaming or watching myself from across the room or something. I tried to go back to bed a couple of times, but, of course, I couldn't sleep. I distinctly remember texting K. one of those times to ask if we'd really been talking earlier or if I was dreaming, LOL.

It was 7:30 this evening before I got it together enough to actually do something. But, mostly, this day has been a complete waste. When T. called me to talk to me about the contract that we hope we're getting, I'm convinced she thought I was on drugs or something. And though I woke up some, I still feel like shit. Tired, vaguely nauseated, etc.

OMG, T. just messaged me to say the contract went through. OMFG, I'm going to get to go back to school. *Happy dance*

I'm going to eat a bowl of cereal, I think, and see if I can't rest. I've got to feel better tomorrow, right? Then, I can get started on this project and several others of my own. And maybe even get my thoughts together enough to decide what I'm going to do about the other situation.

*Squeal* I can't believe it!

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