Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I just finished writing two websites' worth of content. But that's ok. I have my SEO sites up and running now.

Tomorrow, I have to rewrite four of those blogs I wrote last night for a stupid, ungrateful bitch who can't be bothered to explain what she wants or how she wants it done. *Headdesk*

If you pay for a service and don't say what you want, it's your fault if you don't get it. Just sayin'.

Mostly, I'm just trying to stay busy to forget about...things. It's not really working, but I hope if I keep telling myself it is, I'll start to believe it.

It's gotta get better sometime...right? :(

Solid on the surface as I crumble within
But legends are made out of vulnerable men
So on the brink of death, I still manage livin' life
'Cause so rarely in this world are these chances given twice
I indeed sold my soul without glancing at the price

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