Saturday, July 9, 2011

I'm Branching Out!

Ok, I'm really excited, and I have to share! :D

I've been tossing around the idea of doing freelance SEO for awhile, but I couldn't decide if I wanted to do it or not. I mentioned something about it on my Facebook, and I got a pretty good reception, so I'm going forward with it. Going to have a couple of sites designed to do this, blah, blah, blah.

Ok, the really exciting part, though, is this. A girl I work with (well, used to work with now because she left the company, but we're still friends) who does design--she's the one who did the site design I was so excited about last month--had a proposition for me. She's going to refer her design clients to me for SEO for a small commission, and I'm going to refer my SEO clients to her for design for the same.

OMG, y'all. This girl does AMAZING design and has a shit ton of customers. I'm going to be OVERRUN with stuff to do. I'm going to have her do 2 websites for me, one for one part of my SEO business and one for the other. Then, I'm going to barrel ahead with it.

My Daddy has also lined up a bunch of SEO/web content jobs for me, too, so this couldn't come at a better time.

ZOMG, I get to actually use my degree, LOLOLOLOL.

Between this and the step I'm about to take into doing another business venture, I'm going to be extremely busy, but I hope I'll be happier professionally.

There are other things--serious things--I want to talk about, too, but I'm honestly too thrilled at the moment to do that. So I'ma just bask in my warm glow of happy for right now.

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