Thursday, July 21, 2011

Your Best Bet Is Just To Stay Away, Motherfucker

Ok, now that I have sufficiently calmed down, I will explain the last post.

My grandmother was to have come home from the nursing home today. My mother has spent the last three weeks cleaning and getting the house ready for her to return home. This includes buying new furniture for the living room (because the old lady shit all over the old furniture, so my mama had to throw it all out), buying air conditioners so it'd be comfortable (because the old bitch uses the HEAT in the dead of summer and never turned on the old air conditioners, so they didn't work anymore), cleaning up shit--literal shit--on her hands and knees like a goddamn slave (despite the fact that she's the only one with a *real* job and has used every bit of her vacation time and is going to have to use FMLA leave now to keep from getting fired, PLUS the fact that the last place someone who's had knee surgery in the last 6 weeks needs to be is on her knees scrubbing), setting up the sitters coming to sit with the old woman for 8 hours a day, and so forth.

Also, she's spent $2,100--of her own money, not the old lady's--buying the furniture, the air conditioners, and all that good stuff. She did all this HERSELF because my dumbass aunt was all like, "C. (my mother), you decide what to do. I can't make the decision. I don't know what to do. You take care of it," and so on and so forth ad fucking nauseam.

So you know what happens today, after all that time and effort and money spent by my mother and no one else getting that house ready? Oh, my dumbass fucking aunt decides it'd be "easier" on her if the old lady just stayed at her house.

All that time and effort and PAIN on my mother's behalf down the drain. Not to mention the $2,100 that she'll never get back.

I told you that story to tell you this one.

My sophomore year of college, my mother, foreseeing that the old bitch's mental capacity was going straight to hell in a handbasket, went to the bank and withdrew all the money my grandma had in her CDs, her interest-bearing accounts, etc. The only thing she left was the account into which the old bitch's Social Security check was deposited every month. This was so that if she ever had to go into the nursing home, they couldn't take all this money.

In all, there was about $50,000 taken out of the bank for safekeeping. Keep this figure in mind as you read the rest of the story.

What my mother did, instead of burying the money in the backyard or whatever, was get a safety deposit box at the bank. She put her name and my aunt's name on it. The money was then divided up between them *at my grandmother's request*. My mama and my aunt each got around $12,000 each. The remaining $26,000 or so was saved for my grandmother's use. This money was put into 3 different envelopes in the box and left there. My grandmother's envelope was not to be touched unless the old lady specifically asked for the money.

Within months, my aunt had already blown through her $12,000. Months, people. God only knows how. I barely made more than $12,000 all of last YEAR.

Anyway, after running through that $12,000 like so much water, she got into what was my grandma's money, even though she'd agreed that neither she nor my mama would take any of it for themselves as long as the old lady was alive. She "snuck" various amounts of money out for years.

Recently, my mother went down to the safe deposit box to take out my grandma's envelope before my aunt could get it all. Know how much was left? $5,000. Yes. $5,000.

Yes, this lazy, whiny, indecisive, "I'm-too-sorry-to-get-a-real-job" bitch flat out fucking STOLE $21,000. Not to mention spending her own $12,000 faster than it takes for water to get hot.

How in the name of bloody fucking hell do you just WASTE $33,000? I mean, even if I were rich and didn't need it, I don't think I'd piss away that much money in so little time. Maybe it's because I was born poor and brought up poor and still am poor, but I just don't get it. She literally wasted every dime of it on shit she didn't need, like "more furniture because the dogs had scratched hers up" and $1,000 mattress because she can't sleep on cheaper ones and shit like that.

So if we add the $21,000 that she stole, the $2,100 that she caused my mama to throw away on *nothing*, and the $40 a week my mama pays her to clean her house because she feels sorry for her, how much money does that amount to? Probably nearly enough to pay off my fucking student loans!

Now why do you think she wants the old lady at her house? Why, because she smells money, of course! If my grandma is there, my aunt can constantly hit my mama up for money "for their mother" because she knows my mama's a sucker and will give it to her.

These entitled motherfuckers won't get JOBS. They sit around and whine about how they don't have any money, and then they expect my mama to support them all. But my grandma's money is GONE because THEY pissed it away. Apparently, they think my mama has taken them to raise, and it makes me so fucking mad. They don't know what not having money is. Not having money is when you have to decide whether you want to eat or pay the power bill, so they don't cut your shit off, which would make it so you can't work. It's not "I don't have the money for expensive furniture."

Fuck you. You don't have any fucking clue what life's like because you've always had someone there to give you handouts. Grow the fuck up and work like everybody else has to do.

Oh, wanna know the kicker? My mama told my aunt that she was going to have to change the sitter arrangements because they were currently under the impression they were supposed to sit with my grandma at her own house. Then, my mama informed my aunt that it's going to cost about $500 a week to PAY the sitter. Know what my aunt said?

"Well, I can probably contribute $100 a month."

Oh, thank you for your generous contribution, you fucking cunt.

You know, it's not my grandma's money that bothers me. She's never given me anything worth a shit in my life, so why should I expect it when she dies? And, personally, I'm not one of those people who cares that much about money because I've never had it, I'm not likely to ever have it, and I've seen how crazy it runs people (see above if you don't believe me).

What DOES bother me is how my mama has run herself nearly crazy for these idiots. She gives and gives and gives--money, time, effort, sympathy, everything--and all they do is just stand there with their hands out and holler, "MORE, MORE, MORE!"

It's not fair. It's not right. It's going to drive my mother to an early grave. She says it's not worth it, to just let it go, but I think she's wrong. It IS worth it. My mama is batshit; I know this. But she's still my mama, and I know she's 100 times better than anything else that ever came out of that side of the family because, narcissist or not, she's still got something resembling a conscience.

Plus, all the bullshit makes her nearly impossible to be around because she takes her anger at them out on US (my daddy and me).

I still haven't decided against telling them what I think. Or telling my daddy what happened and letting him handle it. Or having us both go down there.

Of course, I guess the last laugh will be when the old lady finally dies, and all these money-hungry sonsofbitches like my aunt, my mama's other sister, my cousin, etc. all find out that there IS no more money left.

No, goddammit. The last laugh will be mine. I may not do it before my mama dies, but I'm going to tell my aunt that she can either give back all the money that she took, be sued, or sign her part of the deed on my grandma's house over to me. Her choice.

I don't want the goddamn money. By then, I plan on being independently wealthy. I'll donate it all to someone or give it to my friends or something. It's just the fucking principle of the thing.

What a fucking screwed up bunch.

I have tons more to say, but I have way too much to do before I go to bed tonight to say it. Maybe soon.

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