Wednesday, July 20, 2011


For those of you who were anxiously holding your breath--that is to say, no one--I'm home now. I think K. is coming over on Friday to help me clean this place. I can stand it no longer, but I don't think I can do it all by my damn self.

The giggle in the title? Because my mother took my advice and reported the "incident" the other day to the sheriff's department. She declined to file charges, but she wanted it on record, in case there's any further troubles. Then, she crawled the director of the nursing home's ass for releasing the information that the old lady was there in the first place when they were specifically told NOT to in order to keep some bullshit drama like that happening.

Honestly? I'm hoping the bitch shows up at my grandma's house tomorrow, and I'm hoping my mama beats her ass and then has her arrested, LOL.

I'm still not entirely sure I shouldn't show up down there, too. You know, sit around and talk a lot of shit until I can provoke someone (because she'll probably bring her husband, too, this time for reinforcements--like anybody's scared of his fat, bald ass) into laying hands on me and then plant their face through the kitchen window.

Dear God, my blog posts get more redneck every day. Oh, well, back to my roots, etc., etc., etc. At least I've never actually *acted* on my violent impulses, yes?

I feel like I've been hit by a bus. I think I need to try to take a sleeping pill and get some rest tonight. I don't want to risk another round of batshit. After 2-3 nights of less than 8 or 9 hours of sleep, I usually try to drug myself to avoid a manic spell, since loss of sleep can cause mania, and mania can cause loss of sleep. Then, the two feed off one another until I'm imagining snipers in the parking lot again.


Note to self: Stop listening to your father's conspiracy theories.

Anyway, despite the fact that the caffeine pills in the morning and the sleeping pills in the evening are making me feel somewhat like Elvis, I feel fairly certain I'm not going to die on the toilet. Not tonight, anyway. I'm pretty sure we'd need amphetamines and barbiturates for that, and I fear I can't talk anyone into giving them to me. ;)

I really do think I'm going to hit the Unisom and see if I don't feel better tomorrow. My eyes are burning, I'm so tired. Think I'll go read David Copperfield--which is slowly turning into my new favorite Dickens book, after the free Kindle download of Dickens' complete works--until I pass out.

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