Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Not My Day

So my phone started crapping out today. I figured I needed to do something about this. So I dug out a phone my not-brother gave me awhile back and decided I'd go buy a charger for it. (The lack of charger was the reason I wasn't using it in the first place.) I headed out toward Walmart, and I made the mistake of choosing the one farther away from the house because the sales tax is cheaper.

To make a long story short, a dickhead of a cop gave me a ticket.

Now, normally, I'd just pay the damn thing and go on. I drive like a bat out of hell; about once every 4-5 years, I get a ticket. It comes with the territory, right? Whatever, I deserve it.

However...this douchebag made two mistakes.

1.) He was incredibly rude to me, despite my being very polite to him. Most cops, once they see you're not begrudging them doing their jobs, will let their guard down and be courteous. Not this fuck. He made the mistake of trying to intimidate me.

See, here's the thing about intimidation. I can be intimidated. I don't have ice water in my veins. BUT...if you *try* to intimidate me, it's not going to work. My automatic "fuck you" kicks in, and it's just not going to happen.

2.) He wrote the wrong speed limit on the ticket. *Evil grin*

Thus, ladies and gentlemen, I will see this motherfucker in court, which he most likely won't show up to, anyway, as they hardly ever do. I have to pay court costs either way, so why let him get away with being a dick AND fucking up?

Ok, this kinda thing might be why people say I'm a bitch....

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