Monday, July 11, 2011

This Blog Has The Presidential Seal Of Approval!

Not really. Fangbunny just said it, and I thought it was funny. :D

Yes, I am talking nonsense because I just pounded a minimum of 3150 words. A MINIMUM. I'm fairly sure there were more. This stupid bitch who always waits til the last minute to send me my writing jobs needed four 350-400 word blogs and seven 250-300 word ones. And of COURSE, she needed them by tonight. *Headdesk*

But I did it somehow. Unfortunately, now my brain is completely freaking fried, and I know I have shit I need to say, but I've got no fucking clue how to say it.

Also, my mama sent some peach cobbler home with me today, and I promptly upended it on my front steps, trying to get the sticking-ass front door to open. I wanted that for dessert. :( But given the run of bad luck I've had lately, it kinda figures.

Despite the talk of dessert, I've lost another 10 pounds or so, bringing the grand total up to about 25 since April.

NOW, I want Taco Bell. I started today, and I'm exhausted from not sleeping well at my parents'. So yeah. Even if this completely ruins my "diet," I need a couple of Chicken Ranchero tacos. The good news is, they're some of Taco Bell's "healthy" shit.

Yo quiero Taco Bell, así que me voy de aquí.

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