Thursday, July 21, 2011


All the shit in my life is having a deleterious effect on my sleep.

I don't sleep well. I wake up a zillion times. I have crazy dreams that exhaust me, so I wake up more tired than I was when I went to bed.

Last night, I took a sleeping pill in hopes of resetting myself. Instead, I woke up exhausted and didn't shake the fuzzy feeling off until roughly midnight.

I also had an awful dream that involved Fangbunny being in a train wreck. It was so godawfully vivid that I had to text her (in New York) this morning at 5 am to make sure she was ok. :(

It's not that I believed the train wreck really happened. I'm just kinda superstitious in certain ways, I guess. I wanted to make sure nothing had happened to her, train or otherwise.

I hate this shit. :(

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