Sunday, July 3, 2011

Snippets & Tidbits

Work week is over. Thank GOD. I can't tell you how sick I am of this shit.

I expect I'll spend tomorrow--Sundays are my semi-off day nowadays--attempting to clean the house, or at least the kitchen and the bathroom. Hopefully reading, too. I've managed to get a shit ton of free or 99 cent books on my Kindle, and I'm indulging my Victorian fetish. More of the Brontes, Alice in Wonderland, more Sherlock Holmes, the complete works of Dickens, and The Scarlet Letter, for an American addition, LOL.

Just call me the Victorian Bunny.

Yes. Like these bunnies. And, yes, I would dress like a 5-year-old Victorian little girl every day if a.) I had the money, and b.) I wouldn't get strange looks everywhere I went.

In other news, my grandma's in the nursing home now. It's just for three weeks, the respite care thing, blah, blah, blah. If you ask me, that's where her ass needs to stay, rather than coming home in 20 days. But what do I know, right? They're all acting like it's a big state secret or some shit, so the other part of the family won't show up. Of course, no one listened to me when I told them that they could just tell the staff that no one is to be allowed into her room but them and to please kick them out if they find anyone else in there.

But no. That'd be too easy. And we wouldn't get our chance for histrionics and scheming and thinking we've pulled one over on somebody and so forth. *Eyeroll*

Kinda sad to be spending the holiday weekend alone. Every year for the past several, Kitty and I have gone somewhere to watch fireworks together, sometimes with our friend L. tagging along, too. Not this year, though. :(

Also...I don't know WTF is wrong, but my right hip (the one with the scleroderma) has been killing me for awhile now. The pain radiates up my lower back and stops right next to the right side of my tailbone. It feels like the sacroiliac joint is jammed or something. Hurts like a bitch and is one of the contributing factors to the lack of sleep. I didn't sleep well last night, either.

Speaking of sleep, I'm going to drug myself and try to do it. It's kinda late for it, I know, but I'd like to sleep more than 4-5 hours tonight, or I'll be batshit in another couple of days.

*Sigh* I'm having the time of my life. I really am.

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