Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Bunny's Work Is Never Done

Busy Bunny Is Busy

God in Heaven, I'm never going to finish. I know this is my constant bitch, but I'm REALLY shit outta luck right now. I'm trying desperately to write web content for one site, knowing that T., the designer, is way ahead of me. But I had to give up because I realized what I was writing sounded like freaking infomercials. I PRAY I can get it done tomorrow because that's when she's gonna be finished with the design. Then, I get to start on another one. *Headdesk*

$400. I just keep saying that to myself over and over. $400. Possibly more if he likes the sites we're working on now.

But I swear, every time I check one thing off my to-do list, I add two more. At this rate, I'll be dead before I can come anywhere near breaking even.

Yes, I realize I'm bitching when I could be working, but I think my brain's shot for the night. I've been going for 10 hours today. I think it's time to do my own personal blogging, have a bowl of cereal, and call it a night.

Tired Bunny Is Tired

Also, is that not the most adorable thing in the world? It's so fitting for me, being a "little" bunny and all.

I started on a post called "Letters I Wish I Had The Balls To Send," but I don't think I have the brainpower to finish it tonight. I do plan on working on it the rest of the week, though, because I DO have some correspondence I'm going to be sending out as soon as I can get my thoughts together and have a little time to sit down and put some real thought into writing them. I think "Letters I Wish I Had The Balls To Send" will help me with this.

Hopefully, I can do write that post tomorrow or the next day.

Ugh, fuck these people and their deadlines.

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