Friday, July 22, 2011


When I was younger, I was prone to migraines. When I was with my dumbass ex, I got on birth control--Depo shot--because he was a fucktard. (Too bad I didn't know then that I didn't fucking NEED it.) Depo made my bad headaches even worse, which culminated in a stint on Topamax for migraine control. Topamax made me absolutely batshit, so I got off of it and the Depo.

The migraines got better, but then I started having cluster headaches, which are even worse. Imagine being punched in the back of the eyeball and simultaneously stabbed through the temple with a dull wooden stake on the same side by a demon who lives inside your skull and waits until the most inopportune times imaginable to fuck with you.

But this post is neither about migraines nor cluster headaches, though I've been having bouts of both over the past couple of months. I dunno if it's upping the Lamictal or what.

BUT the last several weeks, I've had a headache I can't get rid of. It hurts in my temples, but I can ignore that. But the pain in my eyes and orbital bones is ridiculous. It's enough to nearly bring me to tears when I move my eyes.

I was bitching about it to Fangbunny earlier, and she said she's been having that trouble lately, too. She also said there was even a bit about it on the news last week because so many people are apparently having that issue. Supposedly, it's a seasonal thing or something.

It leads me to believe it's allergy-related, since hay fever and such are things Fangbunny and I both have issues with. I've been seeing Allegra commercials when I was at K.'s (because I'm too poor for cable and patently uninterested besides). It's recently gone over-the-counter, and I've been wondering if it sucked as hard as Claritin does. But I'm getting desperate enough that I think I'm going to give it a try because this shit SUCKS.

In other news, K. just crossed the state line a few minutes ago. I need to go put the sheets for the bed she's gonna sleep on in the washing machine. Also, my not-brother texted. He's going to be in town with his girlfriend this weekend, and I suggested the four of us should all get together for dinner or something. So maybe this weekend won't suck too bad.

Going to wash sheets now. Adios.

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