Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Mood: -3

Meds: Lamictal around 12 pm. No Wellbutrin.

Sleep: 9 hours

Other: Bag is supposedly in transit now. It's supposed to be here on Friday. I really hope so, considering I run out of Lamictal tomorrow. Still sick. Better, but decidedly not well. The dude I was talking to that I was so "meh" about is kind of a prick. I don't think I'll be talking to him anymore. Men have gotten to where they bore the shit out of me. They're stupid, and they present no challenge anymore. Maybe I'll just start hiring male prostitutes when I need them and not deal with men the rest of the time.

Therapy appointment is tomorrow at 3. I'm terrified. I know I need to do this, but I REALLY don't want to. The receptionist called me today to confirm my appointment, and she was like, "What are you needing help with?" I told her I have bipolar, and she was like, "Well, do you need coping skills or what?" Not a good start, I don't think. I really didn't like the insinuation there. Also, it's none of her business.

I'm afraid this will end disastrously. And it probably will. Stay tuned, I guess. I'll blog about it when I get home.

This is a huge sacrifice for me, and I'm not looking forward to it at all. I also have some other shit I need to take care of once this appointment is over with, and I do plan on handling it in whatever way possible. You can count on that.

Yes, it plays. It just doesn't show up the runtime 'til you click the play button.

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