Sunday, April 3, 2011

Or Not

Mood: Low. Incredibly low.

Meds: 1 pm

Sleep: 2 hours

Other: Oh, God. Where to start?

Basically, to make a long story short, I had leg cramps up to my waist, an asthma attack, and a migraine that made me sick on the bus yesterday. At a stop in Duncan, SC, I bailed, walked a block to the nearest hotel, got a room, and proceeded to alternately sleep and wake up to run to the bathroom until such time as my parents arrived. I just got home and got out of the shower.

I feel like shit, and not just because I'm sick. Fangbunny, I'm sure, hates me. I feel horrible about leaving her there, but I couldn't have made it. There's no way in hell. I intend to reimburse her aunt for my ticket. I hope she will forgive me for it. :(

I also hate that my parents had to get up in the middle of the night, drive to SC, and bring me back here. I feel awful for fucking up things for everyone. I'd wanted to just catch another bus back home, but when we stopped for a restroom break (which wasn't a bus station, but a truck stop), I knew I couldn't go any farther.

My parents aren't mad, though. Thank God.

I left my checked bag on the bus. I have no idea how I'll ever get it back. It's got my clothes, my toiletries, and, most importantly, my meds. I have enough for one more day here. After that, I don't know what I'll do. Hopefully, there's a way to reclaim unclaimed baggage and have it sent back here.

Right now, though, I honestly don't give a shit. I just want to lay down and sleep it all off. I'm sorry to everyone whose day/week/month/year/entire lives I've fucked up.

Good night.

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