Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Mood: 2

Meds: 12:30 pm

Sleep: 7 hours last night, plus an hour or so nap this evening

Food: A ham on wheat sandwich (with cheddar, lettuce, tomato, pickles, mayo, and spicy mustard) from Subway, sweet potato chips, Diet Dr. Pepper, and a vanilla yogurt for lunch. A chunk of cheese, some cashews, a Granny Smith apple, a Powerade Zero, and a couple of sugar free cookies for a snack. I haven't had supper because I'm not really hungry. I think I may have an orange and a bowl of Special K or something before bed.

Exercise: I walked 2 miles today. I was going to do my yoga DVD tonight, but I'm just about to pass out face-first onto the keyboard as it is.

Other: I'm *thisclose* to fitting back into a size 20 again. Yes, I realize a size 20 is still enormous, but when you consider that I have 24s hanging up in my closet, it's progress.

I wanted to write a blog about some other things, relationship-wise, that are on my mind, but I don't think I can come up with anything coherent right now. The only thing I can formulate in my mind is this: For someone who has trouble with monogamy (and I REALLY have trouble with it), I have no problem with poly-fidelty, which is a neat word that describes being exclusive with more than one person. It's like monogamy with multiple people. I have various theories as to the whys and wherefores, but I think the biggest reason is that no one person in the world can give me the kind of attention I need. It takes 2, 3, 4 people to handle that. Once I've got that, though, I'm good. I'm not one of those people who just HAS to keep seeking out other people for the hell of it. I'm too old for that shit.

Also, I was kinda expecting backlash for my last blog. I'm glad I didn't get it. I didn't talk much to the person who might've gotten who/what I was talking about today, though. We shall see.

Ok. Bedtime.

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