Sunday, April 17, 2011

Finally, A Good Day

Mood: 3--would be higher if I weren't so sleepy

Meds: 12:30 pm? Something like that

Sleep: 7 or 8 hours

Other: Not mentioning food or exercise today because I blew my diet all to hell. I knew I would today, though, because Kitty and I spent the day hanging out. I'll probably fuck it up tomorrow morning, too, but tomorrow night, I'm back on the wagon. The exercise wagon as well, now that I seem to feel better (*knock on wood*) and have inserts for my shoes.

Kitty got here a few minutes til noon. She woke me up, and then we hung out for a little while. When we got hungry, I got up and showered, and then we went to eat at the Chinese buffet. We went to the Exchange out by the interstate and hit Hobby Lobby, Dress Barn, Ross, and Lane Bryant. Then, we went to Walmart and Cato. Kitty got a couple shirts and a pair of jeans at Cato, and I got a pair of jeans.

Once we got back, it was time to get ready to go out. I haven't been "out" in forever. (Note: "Out" to me means you make plans in advance, take the time to put on something nice, wear makeup, do your hair, then go out and do whatever it is. You look nice and make it an occasion, rather than just running out for pizza in pajamas or whatever.) We saw a 6:50 showing of Hop, which was really cute, and then we ended up at Red Lobster for dinner. After that, we came home, changed clothes, and drove around for awhile, out down Speedway to see the dumbasses, and then came home. Then, we basically just talked until she got sleepy. She's in bed asleep now, and I'm gonna be headed that way myself soon.

Anyway, it was just kind of nice to get out and about. I wish I had the time/money/inclination to do it more often. Too bad I don't.

I hope the rest of the week is as good as the weekend has been. :)

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