Monday, April 25, 2011

Notes From Sleepyland

Mood: 0

Meds: 2 pm

Sleep: 7 hours

Other: Had a rather eventful Easter, but I'm really tired and want to go to bed, so I won't be sharing tonight. I have a shit ton of things to do tomorrow, and I need to get up in time to get them all done. I have to call PayPal and see if I can get my account unfrozen. I've got to go to the bus station and file a claim for my bag, since I found the baggage claim ticket. I also have to fix food and walk. I really need to go to the damn grocery store, but I don't know that I'll feel like it. My goal is to start working more again, so I'm going for an absolute minimum of 5 hours a day. I also need to clean my house because my mama is going to bringing me the new furniture soon.

There really aren't enough hours in the day for me to get all my shit done. :|

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