Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day Three Of Sugar Detox: No Dead Bodies Yet

Mood: 4 :)

Meds: 1 pm

Sleep: 7 hours

Food: Finishing my snack for the night as I write this. I had leftover stir fry and brown rice for lunch with another key lime yogurt and some sugar-free strawberry wafers and diet Dr. Pepper. Dinner was a lemon-pepper chicken breast (OMG, <3 lemon-pepper chicken), the rest of the boiled squash that was leftover from yesterday, mashed sweet potatoes (had never tried this until today, and I liked them), and English peas and Powerade Zero. Had vanilla ice cream for dessert with sugar-free chocolate syrup. The ice cream wasn't no-sugar-added, but premium vanilla ice cream doesn't have much in the way of added sugars (it's mostly milk sugar), and I didn't eat a whole lot, anyhow. Snack is more Powerade, baby carrots, two cubes of Colby cheese, a Granny Smith apple, and a whole wheat bagel with cream cheese.

Exercise: I was so far behind today that I didn't get any "formal" exercise. (I know, bad Bunny.) I did some other stuff, though. I cooked again (made a pot of beef stew out of the leftover stew meat for lunch), and I did some organizing of clothes. That's going to have to suffice for exercise today.

I have a good bit of shit to do tomorrow. First up is a fucking work meeting via conference call. Do. Not. Want. I'm going to try to go, but if I absolutely don't feel like it, I'm blowing it off. I've got some errands to run and so forth, and then hopefully, I can exercise before work. I'm going to try to get some insoles for my shoes while I'm out to make walking easier on my poor, abused footsies.

I ordered a restorative yoga DVD on Amazon earlier. This is mostly in hopes that it'll help my neck and back, rather than for exercise purposes. I've heard that it's good for stuff like that. I couldn't find a good link to explain exactly what restorative yoga does, but it supposedly is not hard "exercise-y" yoga. It's to help you get everything back into alignment and to help you relax, both of which I need.

I was told today that I seem better. Yes, my life is still a complicated tangle of bullshit, drama, and more bullshit, but I'm trying to work it out. I'm doing my best to take active steps to fix it--meds, therapy, and now diet and exercise and relaxation stuff. I still feel like a mess inside, but it was nice to have someone tell me I seem better.

I know I haven't written about anything worth a shit lately, but, honestly, this sickness, whatever it is, has got me whipped. I'm going to try to get back on track with my workbook tomorrow if I can get it together. I know I've been neglecting that.

Ok, kiddies. I'm pretty sure I'm about to pass out, so I'm going to lay down. Hopefully, I'll have something a little more productive in the blog tomorrow.

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