Sunday, April 10, 2011

Everybody Loves You When You're Easy; Everybody Hates When You're A Bore

Mood: -3

Meds: 2:30 pm or so

Sleep: 11 hours

Other: Had a breakdown last night. I'm surprised Kitty didn't murder me. I finally slept like a normal person, so I feel some better. A lot of what I said last night still rings true, though. I could write more, but I want today to be better, so I'm not going to dwell.

The song for the moment:

Unravel me
A distant cord
On the outside is forgotten
A constant need
To get along

And the animal awakes
And all I feel is black and white

The road is long
The memory slides
To the whole of my undoing
Put aside
I put away

I push it back to get through each day
And all I feel is black and white
And I'm wound up small and tight
And I don't know who I am

Everybody loves you when you're easy
Everybody hates when you're a bore
Everyone is waiting for your entrance
So don't disappoint them

Unravel me
Untie this cord
The very center of our union
Is caving in

I can't endure
I am the archive of our failure

And all I feel is black and white
And I'm wound up small and tight
And I don't know who I am

Everybody loves you when you're easy
Everybody hates when you're a bore
Everyone is waiting for your entrance
So don't disappoint them

Everybody loves you when you're easy
So don't disappoint them
Don't disappoint them....

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