Saturday, April 9, 2011

I Don't Wanna Be Sick Anymore :(

Mood: -2

Meds: I don't have any.

Sleep: I have no idea. I woke up from crazy-ass dreams every 15-20 minutes from 2 am until 12 pm.

Other: My bag still isn't here. Fucking assholes. I had to call in refills on my prescriptions today, and I'm going to have to meet my mother somewhere tomorrow to get them from her. This is an enormous pain in the ass, and I'm really tired of fucking with it. Just give me my shit back already, dammit.

I woke up still sick again this morning. I was doing better, but today I feel worse. I have no idea what this shit is. My throat is sore; my ears are full; my lymph nodes are swollen; my body aches; my intestines are revolting. But I'm not really coughing (no more than usual, anyway) or sneezing, and I've managed to avoid much nasal congestion thus far. Ugh.

I don't really care what it is. I just want it gone.

I'm drugging myself to sleep tonight. I've already spent 2 nights waking up every few minutes. Not again tonight.

I am SO tired, and it's only a few minutes after 1 am. Apparently, the sickness is catching up with me or something. I think I'm going to eat something, drug myself, read until I'm falling asleep, and call it a night. Let's hope that a.) I feel better tomorrow, and b.) my bag shows up. Please, God. Please.

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