Friday, April 15, 2011

Night-Night, World

Mood: All over the place today

Meds: 1 pm

Sleep: Very fragmented, I'm not sure

Other: Not even bothering with the food and exercise portion today. I blew my diet all to hell trying to find something I could eat with my throat swollen 3/4ths of the way shut. And forget exercising. I can hardly move. If I don't feel better by morning, I'm going to suck it up and go to one of those after-hours urgent care places that charge a zillion dollars. I don't care anymore.

Sick bunny is sick. :(

Kitty is coming tomorrow. She was going to come this afternoon, but there have been tornado watches and so forth all around, and it's just been shitty weather. The plan was to get something to eat tomorrow evening and go see Hop, but I don't know that I'll be able to eat anything tomorrow evening. I suppose I can just sit and watch her eat.

Headed to bed early. I managed enough soup and warm, salty water (gargled), menthol cough drops, and ibuprofen to get enough of the swelling in my throat down to be tolerable. So I'm going to go to bed before it gets uncomfortable again.

Also, does anyone have any suggestions for books about how to improve one's relationships, repair intimacy, learn to fix shit, etc.? I'm looking for a good one, but I don't particularly just want to throw my money away.

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