Saturday, April 30, 2011

Take Me Home?

Mood: -1

Meds: 12 pm

Sleep: 8 hours

Other: Met Kitty today for dinner. I think I'm going to stop tracking food and exercise. It just makes me feel like shit when I don't do it. Also, still depressed, still feel like shit. I'm starting to think I've got more problems than what I've already been diagnosed with.

I've decided that the older I get, the younger I get. Yes, that sounds contradictory, but I'm talking about in terms of the inner little girl I've mentioned before.

In addition to the whole S&M thing, I'm also fairly heavily involved in ageplay as a kink. I'm not sure if I've ever said that here or not. Well, anyway, I am. Not like it matters because I'm sure that the majority of my readers are people who already know this, anyway.

It used to be that pretending to be little was a fun thing to do while having kinky sex. Kinda hot, kinda dirty, and tapped into all the kidnap/torture/rape fantasies I used to have when I actually *was* little. Ok, cool.

I also used to think I was submissive. In some ways, yes, I am, but not in the kinky slave kind of way. All my attempts at living that way were just me trying to make someone else happy, and it made me miserable.

The longer I live, the more I realize I'm not submissive, but I'm little. It used to be a fun sex game, but it's gone so much farther now. I swear, I'm not going to turn into one of those "It's not a roleplay; it's a *lifestyle*" assholes. Really, I swear. It's just that it's no longer a sex game. The little girl inside is out, for better or worse.

Now, she just needs someone to take care of her. In more ways than just sexually.

Yeah...I'm not holding my breath, either.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Depressive Spiral Engaged

Mood: -2 and sinking

Meds: 12 pm

Sleep: 8 hours, I think? I dunno

Other: Not addressing food or exercise. I'm currently blowing it all to hell, as I feel like shit. I've managed to stay away from real sugar, potatoes, and corn, though. I've been forgetting to update lately because I feel so rough. Sorry.

Ok, massive pity party ahead. Don't read if you don't want to hear it.

I feel like nobody really cares about me or appreciates me. This is just part 15846023497 of the same old hang-up. It just seems like people only want me for what I can do for them, and then they toss me aside once they've bled me dry.

Another thing that drives me batshit and keeps the old wounds fresh is that I'm surrounded by people who refuse to talk about anything. I realize it's fucking EASIER to ignore it and pretend it never happened. But how can I be expected to "get over" anything when those things have never been addressed? If they're not addressed, I don't just forget about them. They just stay there inside, festering, getting worse, building resentment. And I feel like the more they're ignored, the angrier it makes me and the more worthless I feel. Like, I'm not worth doing something that might set my mind at ease because it might fucking INCONVENIENCE someone else.

God forbid.

I can't just let things go. I grew up in a family that prides itself on two things: 1.) The ability to never talk about anything, ever, and 2.) The ability to hold grudges for all eternity.

When I can't talk about how I feel about something--anything--, I feel invalidated, yet again. Which makes me feel a range of emotions--anger, sadness, isolation, etc. I can't just let things go. I need an apology, a heartfelt one. I need a pledge to do better in the future. And then I need the offer of "What can I do to make it better?"

I'm sorry, goddammit. Call me an attention whore, a drama queen, whatever. But I need to know that you care about me enough to do these things. If not, I feel, once again, like the doormat you wipe your feet on and then forget about. Good for what you need it for, but not worth a shit for anything else.

I don't want to spend my whole life like this. I really, really don't. I want to be valued for who I am, and I want people to do things for me just because they know it'll make me happy, and, most of all, I want to be loved.

So why does it never happen?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Symptom

Mood: A very tired 2

Meds: 1:30 pm

Sleep: 9-10 hours. Weeks of not sleeping worth a shit have finally caught up with me.

Food: Grilled turkey-cheese-tomato sandwich with sweet potato chips, Diet Dr. Pepper, and a Granny Smith apple for lunch. I had a sugar-free ice cream bar after I got back from the grocery store, too. Snack was nut-encrusted Wheatables with a little cream cheese, a cube of colby cheese, a handful of cashews, and an eensy sugar-free candy (chocolate with coconut in the middle) with Powerade Zero. Supper was turkey breast (real turkey breast, not cold cuts), turnip greens, squash, and pinto beans with Powerade Zero and a peach yogurt for dessert. I may have a tiny snack before I crash, and I may not.

Exercise: None yet. Going to do yoga DVD when I finish this blog.

Other: I went to the grocery store today. It was past time, LOL. Got some good stuff, I think. I think I'm finally starting to get over the sleeping issue. I didn't have any trouble sleeping last night, and I don't think I'll have any tonight, either. *Fingers crossed*

Ok, this isn't going to be a very long blog because I'd like to go do my yoga and go the hell to bed. *But* I did want to talk about something that I found interesting.

I was talking to my friend K. earlier. She struggles with a lot of the same things as I do, crazy-wise. She was telling me how she can hardly work anymore because she's so anxious and nervous when she's logged in. I told her I knew exactly what she meant. That's why I have such a hard time working when I'm mid-episode. The performance anxiety is ridiculous.

I told her that mine is way more under control now that I'm on meds. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that it's not just work performance anxiety that's better.

I was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder/social phobia several years ago. Up until fairly recently, I figured the majority of my problems were an offshoot of the social phobia. But ever since I went on meds for this bipolar shit, the anxiety has abated considerably.

When I have breakthrough episodes on the meds, which has happened a couple of times since starting the Lamictal in late December, the social (and generalized) anxiety comes flying back. When I'm truly depressed, I don't care enough about anything to be anxious, but as I've said before, my pure depressive states are few and far between. When I'm mixed...oh, Jesus. It's bad. It's so, so bad. I can't do ANYTHING.

But I think it's interesting that even though I'm not being treated for anxiety, it's still lessening. That tells me that the anxiety is actually a by-product of the real problem, the fucking bipolar.

When I'm stable, I'm still not exactly the life of the party. But I appear to be quiet and introspective rather than scared shitless or thinking that I'm too good to talk to people. I can make a few moments of small talk with strangers, and it feels far more organic than it has in the past. I don't feel quite as awkward, quite as wooden. I can even make my own telephone calls again, LOL.

It makes me wonder about other things in life. How many problems do we blame on one thing when it turns out later that those problems were merely off-shoots--symptoms, if you will--of a much larger, more insidious problem? A good many, I'd wager. I know it's certainly happened to me more times than I can count.

And on that note, I'm off to take care of a few more things and then go the hell to bed.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Feel Like A Zombie

Mood: 2

Meds: 11:30 am

Sleep: 7-8 hours

Food: Fried chicken salad from Sonic with ranch dressing and Diet Dr. Pepper and 3 sugar-free chocolate chip cookies for lunch. Whole wheat pasta with spaghetti sauce and leftover oven-fried chicken, an orange, and Powerade Zero for supper. A Granny Smith apple (sliced) with peanut butter and a whole wheat bagel with cream cheese and the the remaining Powerade for a snack. I'm not hungry at all, but I realized I forgot to take my second daily round of antibiotics after I ate earlier, so I've got to choke down enough to take those after I finish this blog.

Exercise: Walked 2 miles.

Other: I don't even know. I'm exhausted. I got an hour call right as I was about to log off and go to bed, so I'm completely exhausted now and have no idea what I'm saying. Also, my eyes are burning like it's their job. Going to grab a snack, take this stupid pill, and call it a night.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Notes From Sleepyland

Mood: 0

Meds: 2 pm

Sleep: 7 hours

Other: Had a rather eventful Easter, but I'm really tired and want to go to bed, so I won't be sharing tonight. I have a shit ton of things to do tomorrow, and I need to get up in time to get them all done. I have to call PayPal and see if I can get my account unfrozen. I've got to go to the bus station and file a claim for my bag, since I found the baggage claim ticket. I also have to fix food and walk. I really need to go to the damn grocery store, but I don't know that I'll feel like it. My goal is to start working more again, so I'm going for an absolute minimum of 5 hours a day. I also need to clean my house because my mama is going to bringing me the new furniture soon.

There really aren't enough hours in the day for me to get all my shit done. :|

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Thoughts On Easter

Mood: 2

Meds: 12 pm?

Sleep: 6-7 hours, I think

Other: I don't even know what I've eaten today. The only exercise I got was going shopping. I know I haven't updated like I should've, but I've been sick as a fucking dog. I went to the doctor on Friday, and I apparently have some sort of mystery illness. I'm pretty sure it's the fucking plague. I got antibiotics, but I don't think this is bacterial. The only good part about going to the doctor is that they told me I'd lost 11 pounds since my last visit, which was in December. I didn't ask about psych meds this time because my regular doctor wasn't there, and I didn't really want to talk about it to the other one.

It's technically Easter now. Easter is my favorite holiday. This is partly because I'm a fucking bunny. :p I also happen to love all the spring-related stuff--the pastel colors, the baby animals, the large number of stuffies, etc. But since this is a more serious blog, I should probably talk about the more serious aspects of my love for Easter here.

I'm not a religious person. I haven't set foot in a church in years and don't plan to anytime soon, either, unless maybe someone dies. Much like Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday in Tombstone, my hypocrisy only goes so far.

On the other hand, I have always felt a strong affinity for Jesus. Not in the "Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior?" sense. (Which, by the way, is the most obnoxious question ever. I'm pretty sure that a.) Jesus did not necessarily want to be referred to in that way, and b.) "personal" means it's none of your damned business in the first place.) I just think...I don't know. That Jesus understands things. He gets the way things are. Like I'd never have to explain myself to him because he just...gets it.

I dunno. I don't even consider myself "Christian" in the commonly-used sense of the term. I was raised Baptist, but...ugh. (Again, my hypocrisy only goes so far.) On the other hand, I'm not a fan of the pomp and circumstance of the more mainline denominations, either. I don't like the way people who call themselves Christians behave in regards to a lot of things. (Really? Someone is an abomination because they're gay? Your God made them that way. Are you saying he made a fucking mistake?) Besides, I have beliefs that aren't even rooted in the Christian faith--reincarnation being the biggest one--, so I'm pretty sure I don't qualify to ride the Christian wagon. Not that I care.

But for some reason, and it could just be the aforementioned Baptist upbringing, I've never had any problems believing in Jesus. It's kinda strange, I guess. I have issues with the Christian concept of God. MAJOR FUCKING ISSUES. Fangbunny and I have had conversations along these lines before. She thinks the story of Job is the one that embodies how fucked up the Biblical representation of God is. For me, it's the story of Abraham and Isaac. "Kill your son to appease me. No. Wait. Haha, Abe, I was just joking! Just wanted to see if you'd do it! No hard feelings, right?" That's fucked up.

Weird, huh? I dunno how I feel about God, but I know exactly how I feel about Jesus.

The one thing the Baptists did manage to get right, in my opinion, is the notion of Jesus as a friend. I dunno, I just feel like I'd be wasting my time trying to talk to God and convince him that I'm not a massive fuck-up. But I think Jesus understands. He was here. He was human. He knows how this shit works.

I've said this plenty of times before, but I don't think Jesus was the emo guy that most people paint him as. I think he was probably hugely charismatic to make people leave their lives for no other reason than TO FOLLOW HIM. No other reason. And he never even condemned the man who betrayed him. Not many of us could say that. I damn sure couldn't.

I see Jesus as this magnetic, larger-than-life personality who knew that even though he had a responsibility to mankind, he couldn't live his whole life with the weight of the world resting on his shoulders, or else he'd fail in his responsibility to mankind. If the whole point was for him to come, live as a human, learn to understand us so that he could later intercede on our behalves, and then die for some really twisted Old Testament reason that doesn't sit right with me and never has, then by sitting back and brooding, he'd never learn anything about being human. Thus, he wouldn't have any more unique a perspective than he did before he came in the first place, which would render the entire "sacrifice" part useless.

I don't even know where I'm going with this. I always thought it was morbid to celebrate the death of the supposed Savior of all of mankind, even if the celebration is on the day that he was resurrected. But as I've gotten older, I've begun telling myself that it's not a celebration of death or resurrection or anything, but a celebration of Jesus's humanity.

A lot of times, I feel like no one in the world understands me. Yes, people will say that God understands me. Maybe they're right. But in my head, God is an incorporeal being who has only a passing interest in the daily lives of his constituents. He has other shit to worry about. But Jesus...he was here once. He understands. No matter how much I fuck up, he understands that it's not as cut-and-dried as it may seem. I feel like Jesus is accepting of one and all and is probably a really cool dude to hang out with.

I fully expect to drink with Jesus one day. I've said that for years. It's probably gonna be a matter of "Hey, Dad, this one's cool. She even brought boxed white zin. Come on and let her in."

So in honor of Easter and the humanity of the man who I have no doubt is the embodiment of the Eternal, whatever the fuck the Eternal is (because I still have my reservations about God the Father), I raise a glass of the very best white zin Walmart has to offer and leave you with this song. I figure it fits.

I ain't the kind you take home to Mama
I ain't the kind to wear no ring
Somehow, I always get stronger
When I'm on my second drink
Even though I hate to admit it
Sometimes I smoke cigarettes
Christian folks say I should quit it
I just smile and say, "God bless"

'Cause I heard Jesus, he drank wine
And I bet we'd get along just fine
He could calm a storm and heal the blind
And I bet he'd understand a heart like mine

Daddy cried when he saw my tattoo
Said he'd love me, anyway
My brother got the brains of the family
So I thought I'd learn to sing

'Cause I heard Jesus, he drank wine
And I bet we'd get along just fine
He could calm a storm and heal the blind
And I bet he'd understand a heart like mine

I'll fly away
From it all one day
I'll fly away

These are the days that I will remember
When my name's called on the roll
He'll meet me with two long-stemmed glasses
Make a toast to me coming home

'Cause I heard Jesus, he drank wine
And I bet we'd get along just fine
He could calm the storm and heal the blind
And I bet he'd understand
Understand a heart like mine
Oh, yes, he would

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Not Much To Say

Mood: 2

Meds: 12:30 pm

Sleep: 5 hours maybe?

Food: Beef stew, a grilled cheese on wheat, Diet Dr. Pepper, and vanilla yogurt for lunch. Cashews, an orange, a whole-wheat bagel with cream cheese, and a Powerade Zero for a snack. The leftover Powerade, oven-fried chicken fingers (dipped in an egg/buttermilk mixture, then battered with whole-wheat cracker crumbs and spices), squash, green beans, and leftover brown rice for supper.

Exercise: None. The weather's been too bad for it.

Other: I wrote something for someone special. That's how I spent the whole day. It's bedtime now. :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Mood: 2

Meds: 12:30 pm

Sleep: 7 hours last night, plus an hour or so nap this evening

Food: A ham on wheat sandwich (with cheddar, lettuce, tomato, pickles, mayo, and spicy mustard) from Subway, sweet potato chips, Diet Dr. Pepper, and a vanilla yogurt for lunch. A chunk of cheese, some cashews, a Granny Smith apple, a Powerade Zero, and a couple of sugar free cookies for a snack. I haven't had supper because I'm not really hungry. I think I may have an orange and a bowl of Special K or something before bed.

Exercise: I walked 2 miles today. I was going to do my yoga DVD tonight, but I'm just about to pass out face-first onto the keyboard as it is.

Other: I'm *thisclose* to fitting back into a size 20 again. Yes, I realize a size 20 is still enormous, but when you consider that I have 24s hanging up in my closet, it's progress.

I wanted to write a blog about some other things, relationship-wise, that are on my mind, but I don't think I can come up with anything coherent right now. The only thing I can formulate in my mind is this: For someone who has trouble with monogamy (and I REALLY have trouble with it), I have no problem with poly-fidelty, which is a neat word that describes being exclusive with more than one person. It's like monogamy with multiple people. I have various theories as to the whys and wherefores, but I think the biggest reason is that no one person in the world can give me the kind of attention I need. It takes 2, 3, 4 people to handle that. Once I've got that, though, I'm good. I'm not one of those people who just HAS to keep seeking out other people for the hell of it. I'm too old for that shit.

Also, I was kinda expecting backlash for my last blog. I'm glad I didn't get it. I didn't talk much to the person who might've gotten who/what I was talking about today, though. We shall see.

Ok. Bedtime.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Distance Between Love And Hate

Mood: 0

Meds: 12 pm

Sleep: I got about 7 or so last night/this morning, and then this afternoon, I promptly laid down and took a 3 hour nap, LOL.

Food: I didn't feel like fixing anything today, so I was bad for lunch. I went to Sonic. I got it together a little better for dinner. I had the rest of the leftover meatloaf, some leftover brown rice, and the rest of the leftover green beans. Also, more Powerade Zero and two sugar-free chocolate chip cookies. I plan to stay on the wagon for the rest of the week.

Exercise: None yet. My yoga DVD came today, though, and as soon as I finish this, I'm going to go do a section from it.

Other: Felt like shit most of the day, but after I was finally able to choke down some food, I felt better. I'm alternating between popping Advil and Tylenol. I know that's not good, but at least I can eat, drink, and work. Not that work has been very productive, but still. Going to my parents' this coming weekend for Easter, so I'm going to have to do all I can before Friday.

Ok, today's blog is about the distance between love and hate. Turns out there's not much of a distance between them at all, at least for this little bunny. Nobody believes me when I say this, though. It's always, "But, Bunny, how can you hate someone you say you love?" Or vice-versa.

It's easy, folks. People look at love and hate as if they lie on two different ends of the same spectrum. The more you hate someone, the less you supposedly love them, and vice-versa. Hell, people say the same thing about the supposed bipolar "spectrum." The more manic you are, the less depressed you are. Except that's completely not true because there are mixed episodes, which are HELL ON EARTH, but that's another story. I propose that love and hate lie along two different axes instead of the same one.

How most people think of love and hate:

How it seems to me that love and hate really are:

(Forgive the lack of red in the word "love" on the graph. Gimp was acting, well, gimpy and not letting me change the text color.)

Newton's Third Law of Motion says as much: "For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction." That's true enough for me. I tend to love and hate in proportionate amounts. I'm not sure that I'd say love and hate are "opposite" reactions, though. To me, they seem to go hand-in-hand.

I'm sure it's not healthy. I'm sure it's probably "bad" in some intrinsic way. But I really don't care. That's how it is. If you get enough of me that I fall in love with you, I'm probably going to hate you for it. Suck it up and deal with it.

There's a reason for posting this other than justifying my own actions, though. You see, I tend to love people who break my heart. Yes, "people," because I have a problem with monogamy. Every time they break my heart, I hate them a little more. It may not be healthy, but, by God, it never gets boring, either.

The flip side of this is that if I don't love someone, I don't hate them, either. It's INDIFFERENCE that's the opposite of love. Not hate. Indifference. In order for me to hate, I have to love and love intensely, else you're not worth my time. That's indifference.

I hesitate to give real examples here. Even here, I still don't want to reveal too much of myself. Which, if you think about it, is really silly. How is this supposed to help me with my true feelings if I won't even talk about them?


There's someone I love very much. This person has hurt me more than anyone in the whole world ever has. This person has caused me more pain and loss and grief than probably everybody else in the world combined. I gave my love, albeit warily and fearfully, but I gave it. And I had it thrown back in my face more times than I can count. No matter what I did, it was never enough. In some ways, I believe this person took/takes a perverse, sociopathic pleasure in my pain. But I suppose I could be wrong about that.

If you ask anyone--me included--about how I feel about this person, everyone will tell you I hate this person. Passionately. As in, wishing a fiery death upon this person. And, yes, all that's true. But you haven't forgotten the other side of the coin so quickly, have you?

Part of the reason for the hatred is self-hatred. Why do I still care what this person thinks of me? It's been made abundantly clear that this person wants nothing to do with me. I am an abomination before the Lord in this person's eyes.

But the biggest reason is, I hate this person because I still love them. I hate this person for making me love them. And I most especially hate that this person is completely indifferent to me, despite the fact that my heart still bleeds from the injury. Just because I've stuffed it back in the closet, hoping that no one can see, doesn't mean that the blood's not still leaking out around the cracks.

The tell-tale heart, indeed.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Good Weekend :)

Mood: 5

Meds: 12 pm

Sleep: 7-8 hours

Other: Again, no food or exercise section because I blew it all to hell. Getting back on the wagon tomorrow. My throat is a lot better. It still hurts, but I've been popping 4 Advil every 4-6 hours, and that pretty much keeps the swelling down. Only problem is 12-16 Advil a day is not easy on the wallet (or the stomach, either, I would imagine). If I'm still having to pop them like this come next weekend, I'm going to go to the doctor, since I'm going to my parents' for Easter weekend, anyhow.

I had such a good weekend that I dread getting back to "normal" tomorrow. MEH. I actually worked a little for one company tonight and wrote a ton of blogs, but tomorrow means cleaning the kitchen, cooking, and working for all the places I work. Can I have a rewind button, please?

Still working slowly on getting some things put back together. I'm going to try to post a productive blog still eventually. I haven't forgotten about it, I swear. I do think, however, that I'm going to finish my snack here and hit the sleep meds for tonight. I'd like to be able to sleep all the way through the night for once.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Finally, A Good Day

Mood: 3--would be higher if I weren't so sleepy

Meds: 12:30 pm? Something like that

Sleep: 7 or 8 hours

Other: Not mentioning food or exercise today because I blew my diet all to hell. I knew I would today, though, because Kitty and I spent the day hanging out. I'll probably fuck it up tomorrow morning, too, but tomorrow night, I'm back on the wagon. The exercise wagon as well, now that I seem to feel better (*knock on wood*) and have inserts for my shoes.

Kitty got here a few minutes til noon. She woke me up, and then we hung out for a little while. When we got hungry, I got up and showered, and then we went to eat at the Chinese buffet. We went to the Exchange out by the interstate and hit Hobby Lobby, Dress Barn, Ross, and Lane Bryant. Then, we went to Walmart and Cato. Kitty got a couple shirts and a pair of jeans at Cato, and I got a pair of jeans.

Once we got back, it was time to get ready to go out. I haven't been "out" in forever. (Note: "Out" to me means you make plans in advance, take the time to put on something nice, wear makeup, do your hair, then go out and do whatever it is. You look nice and make it an occasion, rather than just running out for pizza in pajamas or whatever.) We saw a 6:50 showing of Hop, which was really cute, and then we ended up at Red Lobster for dinner. After that, we came home, changed clothes, and drove around for awhile, out down Speedway to see the dumbasses, and then came home. Then, we basically just talked until she got sleepy. She's in bed asleep now, and I'm gonna be headed that way myself soon.

Anyway, it was just kind of nice to get out and about. I wish I had the time/money/inclination to do it more often. Too bad I don't.

I hope the rest of the week is as good as the weekend has been. :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Night-Night, World

Mood: All over the place today

Meds: 1 pm

Sleep: Very fragmented, I'm not sure

Other: Not even bothering with the food and exercise portion today. I blew my diet all to hell trying to find something I could eat with my throat swollen 3/4ths of the way shut. And forget exercising. I can hardly move. If I don't feel better by morning, I'm going to suck it up and go to one of those after-hours urgent care places that charge a zillion dollars. I don't care anymore.

Sick bunny is sick. :(

Kitty is coming tomorrow. She was going to come this afternoon, but there have been tornado watches and so forth all around, and it's just been shitty weather. The plan was to get something to eat tomorrow evening and go see Hop, but I don't know that I'll be able to eat anything tomorrow evening. I suppose I can just sit and watch her eat.

Headed to bed early. I managed enough soup and warm, salty water (gargled), menthol cough drops, and ibuprofen to get enough of the swelling in my throat down to be tolerable. So I'm going to go to bed before it gets uncomfortable again.

Also, does anyone have any suggestions for books about how to improve one's relationships, repair intimacy, learn to fix shit, etc.? I'm looking for a good one, but I don't particularly just want to throw my money away.


I have pretty much come to the conclusion that I will be on the outside looking in for the rest of my life.

Thoughts From A Feverish Mind

I feel like hell. I should be sleeping. But what am I doing? Posting from my Kindle, which takes roughly nineteen light-years to do.

After such a serious post earlier, all I can think of now is this: I really, really want one of those big, floppy, soft, squishy, lovable stuffed bunnies to sleep with. It stands to reason, after all, since I am a bunny and Easter is my favorite holiday.

Maybe I or someone can find me one on sale after Easter.

Ok, now that I have expressed my random desire for a large stuffed rabbit, I'm going to bed now.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Mood: -2

Meds: 12 pm

Sleep: 5 hours?

Food: Tried to have beef stew and salad for lunch, but I put too much salad dressing on the salad, and that made it icky. The stew wasn't really what I wanted, either. I ate the pickle and the yogurt and drank the diet Dr. Pepper and threw the rest out. Had a meat loaf sandwich on wheat, sweet potato chips, and leftover English peas from yesterday for supper. (Yes, I know, sounds terrible.) There was also Powerade Zero and a bowl of Special K.

Exercise: Feeling too shitty to exercise.

Other: I feel like hell. That's about all I can say.

My throat hurts SO fucking bad. It's not even the inside of my throat with that "sore" feeling. It's the fact that all the lymph nodes in my neck are swollen, and every time I swallow and engage them, they hurt. I can't get enough to drink. I barely made it to Wal-Mart and back today. It feels like my throat is swelling shut. I was going to work tonight, but I think I'm actually going to go to bed.

I was going to write something insightful tonight, but I don't know that I can. I'm going to try, and if it makes no sense, I'll try to clarify later.

Ok. Intimacy. The title of this post. Through a good deal of introspection, I've realized that this is kind of a touchy subject for me. Intimacy is something I want--need--badly. (And I mean it in the full scope of the term, not as a euphemism for sex.) But I'm scared to death of it, I guess because I've never really had it before.

There is a quote by Sylvia Plath that, I suppose provides a nice summation of the whole problem: "I have never found anybody who could stand to accept the daily demonstrative love I feel in me, and give back as good as I give."

Fuck. I'm too tired to give this subject the attention it deserves, especially with my not-brother texting me. Suffice it to say that I need that kind of closeness with someone--someones--but I have never been able to achieve it. I'm only capable of superficial interaction, or else, I am only capable of attracting people who are only capable of superficial interaction. Probably a little of both. And I end up sad and lonely because in the final analysis of all my relationships, they are sadly lacking in what I need.

I want to be able experience the sort of emotional closeness I have never had before in my life. I don't want to keep depriving myself of that. I don't want to die sad and lonely. I've tried to find other people with which to achieve this, and they bore me. So I guess the only option is to try to change existing relationships.

I don't know if I can do it. I don't know how. I feel like I have accepted superficial relationships for so long that that's what everyone expects of me. I don't know that they'd be willing to try to take steps to remedy the problem or if they even think there's a problem at all. And even if they do want to change things, I'm not sure I know how.

This may be one of those things that a.) needs to be discussed between other(s) and me, and b.) needs to be brought up in therapy.

I guess what I want is enough intimacy, trust, and overall emotional closeness that I feel safe enough to love without fear.

Day Three Of Sugar Detox: No Dead Bodies Yet

Mood: 4 :)

Meds: 1 pm

Sleep: 7 hours

Food: Finishing my snack for the night as I write this. I had leftover stir fry and brown rice for lunch with another key lime yogurt and some sugar-free strawberry wafers and diet Dr. Pepper. Dinner was a lemon-pepper chicken breast (OMG, <3 lemon-pepper chicken), the rest of the boiled squash that was leftover from yesterday, mashed sweet potatoes (had never tried this until today, and I liked them), and English peas and Powerade Zero. Had vanilla ice cream for dessert with sugar-free chocolate syrup. The ice cream wasn't no-sugar-added, but premium vanilla ice cream doesn't have much in the way of added sugars (it's mostly milk sugar), and I didn't eat a whole lot, anyhow. Snack is more Powerade, baby carrots, two cubes of Colby cheese, a Granny Smith apple, and a whole wheat bagel with cream cheese.

Exercise: I was so far behind today that I didn't get any "formal" exercise. (I know, bad Bunny.) I did some other stuff, though. I cooked again (made a pot of beef stew out of the leftover stew meat for lunch), and I did some organizing of clothes. That's going to have to suffice for exercise today.

I have a good bit of shit to do tomorrow. First up is a fucking work meeting via conference call. Do. Not. Want. I'm going to try to go, but if I absolutely don't feel like it, I'm blowing it off. I've got some errands to run and so forth, and then hopefully, I can exercise before work. I'm going to try to get some insoles for my shoes while I'm out to make walking easier on my poor, abused footsies.

I ordered a restorative yoga DVD on Amazon earlier. This is mostly in hopes that it'll help my neck and back, rather than for exercise purposes. I've heard that it's good for stuff like that. I couldn't find a good link to explain exactly what restorative yoga does, but it supposedly is not hard "exercise-y" yoga. It's to help you get everything back into alignment and to help you relax, both of which I need.

I was told today that I seem better. Yes, my life is still a complicated tangle of bullshit, drama, and more bullshit, but I'm trying to work it out. I'm doing my best to take active steps to fix it--meds, therapy, and now diet and exercise and relaxation stuff. I still feel like a mess inside, but it was nice to have someone tell me I seem better.

I know I haven't written about anything worth a shit lately, but, honestly, this sickness, whatever it is, has got me whipped. I'm going to try to get back on track with my workbook tomorrow if I can get it together. I know I've been neglecting that.

Ok, kiddies. I'm pretty sure I'm about to pass out, so I'm going to lay down. Hopefully, I'll have something a little more productive in the blog tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Life...Don't Talk To *Me* About Life

Mood: 2ish

Meds: 12 pm

Sleep: 7 hours (gotta work on this)

Other: I'm adding two new categories to this to try to keep myself on track. Today, I'm putting them below "Other" because I wanted to point out that I was putting them up, but every day after that, they'll be above it. We're going to have "Food" and "Exercise." Let's see if this helps.

Food: For lunch (I don't do breakfast, usually), I had a meatloaf sandwich on wheat, sweet potato fries with a little ketchup, a sugar-free key lime yogurt, and Diet Dr. Pepper. For dinner, I had meatloaf, brown rice, boiled squash, green beans, a couple of slices of tomato, a couple of baby carrots, and what Powerade Zero was left after I got back from walking. For a snack, I had two cubes of colby cheese, a Granny Smith apple, and four sugar-free cookies. I'm going to have another snack here in a minute before I go to bed, which I expect will consist of more cheese, more carrots, probably some cashews, and possibly yogurt or a small bowl of Special K and more Powerade.

Exercise: Walked a mile and a half today. Would've gone farther, but I was having some serious foot problems.

Speaking of foot problems, that's the whole reason for my attempts at weight loss. For awhile, I just figured, "Hell, I'm going to be fat, anyway, might as well enjoy it." Then, I started having foot pain. Heel pain to be exact. At first, I thought it was just from my tendency to wear ballet flats wherever I go no matter what during colder months. (I do flip-flops when it's warm, but they offer a little more support because I wear Yellow Box flip-flops. They're kind of expensive, but really comfortable, and my mother has a knack for finding cute ones half off.)

But then, when I was shopping with my mother Saturday and complaining about it, she asked me where it hurt. I happened to be trying some shoes on at the time, so I held my foot up and pointed. She asked me a couple of questions and then told me it sounded like the beginnings of what she had (has?): Plantar fasciitis.

To be honest, that scared the shit out of me. I'm not even 30 years old yet! I don't want to have to have goddamn foot surgery just to be ambulatory. And, for God's sake, I've got that pain in both fucking feet! Not just no, but hell no.

I asked Mother if the doctor told her that losing weight would help it, and she said yes. (Not that it mattered in her case. She was never that big, anyway, and hers had gotten so bad that they had to do surgery on it.)

Now, you have to keep this in mind. My mother is not yet 60. She's already had foot surgery, arthroscopic knee surgery, two knee replacements, surgery to fix tendinitis in her wrist, and various surgeries to fix the leaking varicose veins in her legs. (Apparently, shitty joints run in our family.)

Then, there's me. I'm 27 years old. I have a bad shoulder, a bum knee, two really bad ankles, a fucked up hip from morphea profunda (AKA, deep morphea; AKA, a form of localized scleroderma; AKA "What the fuck is this ugly thing on my leg, and why is it eating my hip joint?"), what appears to be fucking tennis elbow, and now the foot thing. This does not bode well for me.

I don't want to have had multiple surgeries or, even worse, be in a wheelchair before I'm 35. I'm far too vain, and wheelchairs rarely match anything in one's wardrobe.

So I decided that I needed to do something about it. I'm tired of aching all over like a goddamn fibromyalgia patient, and I'm tired of not being able to sit still for any length of time because everything from the hips down revolts. I don't know if losing weight will help any of this shit, but it sure as hell can't hurt it.

I also think that it'll help me with my mood and my outlook. I know that a regular schedule with regular meals and exercise helps the crazy. I know that I haven't been doing it. So even though I've been doing *medical* things to help with the crazy, I feel like I'm still not taking full responsibility until I start doing shit like this. So, yeah, two birds with one stone.

Now if I can just start sleeping worth a damn without drugs again, I'll be in good shape.

Also...I have to say this to someone who I know reads me. Thank you for not giving up on me. I thought you had, but I'm really glad to know you haven't. It makes me feel less hopeless.

Ok, folks. It's snack time and then bedtime. I'm tired, and I started today, which means I'm even MORE achy than usual, particularly in my fucked up hip. :(

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mood: 2

Meds: 1 pm

Sleep: 5 1/2 hours

Other: I think my Wellbutrin finally kicked in. Yes, it's tipped me over into a hypomania-type thing, but it's a good and productive one instead of an ugly and scary one. I'm sure the Lamictal will wrestle it back down before and, if not, I'll up the dose a little. For now, I'm enjoying doing things that are worthwhile.

Unfortunately, I'm still sick. The lymph nodes under my jaw have swollen again, and it hurts to swallow or look down. Methinks I may have mono. It would make sense--sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, loss of appetite (I couldn't even finish a Lean Pocket at lunch!), exhaustion. I went to the grocery store today and thought I'd die before I made it back home. I had to rest for a minute after I brought them inside before I could put them up. Now, I know I'm fat and out of shape, but I don't normally have problems doing normal, everyday things like that. This shit is kicking my ass.

If it *is* mono, I have no idea where the hell I got it from. Well, not unless someone is coming in my room at night and secretly kissing me. Which is pretty much the only way anyone gets to kiss me. Ugh. Kissing. No.

Either way, it hurts to swallow. :(

The bad news is, if it is mono, I'm going to feel like shit for awhile. I've been sick for a week now. I've got at least that much longer to go if that is what's wrong. Fingers crossed that it's not.

I decided I'd take advantage of the lack of appetite and try to go on sugar detox. Not *complete* sugar detox, but mostly. The problem with my metabolism and the way I store fat, etc. is that pretty much the only way I can lose weight is to cut out all white food--sugar, white flour, potatoes, corn, etc. I'm a carb addict from way back, so you can imagine how hellish this is. I thought that maybe since I'm not really that hungry, anyway, I won't go stark raving mad with my desire for a doughnut or something. Then, maybe by the time my appetite comes back, I'll have pretty well detoxed.

I went to the grocery store today and bought some food for this purpose. I already had a good bit of meat here, and I prefer brown rice to white rice, wheat pasta and bread to white pasta and bread, and so forth, so mostly, I just needed snacks, some non-meat protein sources, more produce, and some artificially sweetened drinks.

I spent way more money than I should've, but I oughta be set for awhile as far as food goes. I decided that since it was storming pretty badly, I'd cook instead of work tonight. That way, I'd have several things to choose from when I *do* work for the rest of the week. I'm most tempted to eat badly when I'm hungry RIGHT THEN and either don't have time or don't want to take time to fix something. So I figured if it's already ready, and all I need to do is pop it in the microwave, I should be able to do it, yes?

I fixed beef stir-fry for tonight. I bought a package of stew meat, since stir fry meat is stupid expensive, and it's basically the same damn thing. I halved the package (and will probably make something else out of what's left), put some rice on to boil, cooked the meat, cooked the veggies (the kind with the sugar snap peas and squash--yum), and poured stir-fry sauce all over the whole thing. It wasn't bad at all, and there's enough left over for another meal. While today's meal was cooking, I put on a pan of meatloaf for tomorrow (or some other time later in the week). Mmm, meatloaf.

I also made a rice pudding with brown rice and stevia. Haha! See? No white food! I was actually really impressed with the stevia, to be honest. I used to use Splenda for baking the last time I went off white food. It kinda sucked because it wouldn't disperse properly, and you'd get one really sweet bite and then one that was hardly sweet at all. The stevia mixed much better. So even though it's more expensive than God Himself should allow, if it'll let me bake, I'll be happy. :)

In addition to the cooking, I also chopped up a sweet potato into strips to make oven-fried sweet potatoes. They'd be gross and mushy if I fixed them and put them in the refrigerator, so I just got them ready to cook. Basically, I just have to pull them out, toss them on a cookie sheet, spray them with cooking spray, salt them, and bake them. I have a chicken breast marinating in lemon-pepper marinade, too. That's an easy fix as well. Just pop it in something and stick it in the oven.

I should've done more, but I'm about whipped tonight. Whatever this sickness is--mono or otherwise--it totally has "fatigue" right up there at the top of the list of symptoms.

Besides all this, I got a friend back today. <3 Redemption song?

I've been sittin' here
Tryin' to find myself
I get behind myself
I need to rewind myself
Lookin' for the payback
Listenin' for the playback
They say that every man bleeds just like me

And I feel like number one
And yet I'm last in line
I watch my youngest son
And it helps to pass the time
I take too many pills
It helps to ease the pain
I made a couple dollar bills
But still I feel the same

Everybody knows my name
They say it way out loud
A lot of folks fuck with me
It's hard to hang out in crowds
I guess that's the price you pay
To be some big-shot like I am
Outstretched hands and one-night stands
Still I can't find love

And when your walls come tumblin' down
I will always be around

And when your walls come tumblin' down
I will always be around

People don't know
'Bout the things I say and do
They don't understand
About the shit that I've been through

It's been so long since I've been home
I've been gone
I've been gone for way too long

>Maybe I forgot
All the things I miss
Oh, somehow I know
There's more to life than this
I said it too many times
And I still stand firm
You get what you put in
And people get what they deserve

Still I ain't seen mine
No, I ain't seen mine
I've been givin'
I just ain't been gettin'
I've been walkin' that there line
So I think I'll keep a-walkin'
With my head held high

I keep movin' on
And only God knows why

Only God
Only God
Only God knows why
Only God knows why, why, why
Only God knows why
Take me to the river
Won't you take me to the river

Oh, Kid Rock. You play right into my white trash fetish, yes, you do. But, no, seriously. People don't know about the things I say and do because they *don't* understand what's happened in my life and even what goes on in my head now. And as much as I might not want to sometimes, the only real choice is to just keep walking. Nolite te bastardes carborundorum and all that.

I'm going to go collapse into bed now. Night.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

In Praise Of The Crazy Rabbit

It's actually been a fairly productive day so far. I worked for 3 hours, blogged, polished my toenails, and then logged out to go get a sandwich because I'd been craving a ham and turkey sub from Subway for awhile. I just finished eating and am going to log back in in a few. But I thought that maybe I should focus on some of the things that I have to congratulate myself for, rather than my multitude of failings. It's been far too long since I did that, and I think it'll help me feel better.

1.) I am med-compliant.

I am not one of those "Oh, I don't need my meds anymore" assholes. I scare myself enough *with* meds sometimes. I can only imagine how bad I'd be *without* them. Supposedly, people with bipolar are notorious for not being med-compliant. I am not--and will never be--one of those people.

2.) I went to therapy.

Yes, it was just one visit, but it was a step in the right direction. I also liked this therapist enough to make an appointment to go back and to try some of her suggestions in my life. Ok, I had a crisis immediately thereafter, but the two things aren't related. Now that I'm on less shaky ground, I'm going back to trying to do what she suggested.

3.) I am trying to make work a bigger priority.

With work comes money. With money comes fewer worries. This is kind of important. I've already made a lot more in the past 3 1/2 months than I'd made this time last year. The fact that I'm getting paid on time and correctly now helps a lot, too.

4.) I am cleaning up some of the messes I've made.

Figuratively speaking. Literally, my house is still an enormous mess. But, for example, I now owe $80 to my credit card companies instead of the $13,000 I owed last month. (The $80 is just part of the interest they're going to charge me for next month, but I'm going to pay all that off, too, and be done with it.) Yes, I still have to pay the loan back, but the payments are cheaper, and I'll have it paid off in full in 5 years.

5.) I am still alive.

This probably the most important of all. Despite the many times I wanted to let the world go on without me, I saw it through to the other side, and I'm still here.

6.) I am still planning on righting some other wrongs.

Taking responsibility. I'm doin' it.

Everybody Loves You When You're Easy; Everybody Hates When You're A Bore

Mood: -3

Meds: 2:30 pm or so

Sleep: 11 hours

Other: Had a breakdown last night. I'm surprised Kitty didn't murder me. I finally slept like a normal person, so I feel some better. A lot of what I said last night still rings true, though. I could write more, but I want today to be better, so I'm not going to dwell.

The song for the moment:

Unravel me
A distant cord
On the outside is forgotten
A constant need
To get along

And the animal awakes
And all I feel is black and white

The road is long
The memory slides
To the whole of my undoing
Put aside
I put away

I push it back to get through each day
And all I feel is black and white
And I'm wound up small and tight
And I don't know who I am

Everybody loves you when you're easy
Everybody hates when you're a bore
Everyone is waiting for your entrance
So don't disappoint them

Unravel me
Untie this cord
The very center of our union
Is caving in

I can't endure
I am the archive of our failure

And all I feel is black and white
And I'm wound up small and tight
And I don't know who I am

Everybody loves you when you're easy
Everybody hates when you're a bore
Everyone is waiting for your entrance
So don't disappoint them

Everybody loves you when you're easy
So don't disappoint them
Don't disappoint them....

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Look At My Melodrama; My Melodrama Is Amazing

Mood: Has fluctuated so many times today that I don't know what to call it

Meds: Finally, at 5:30 pm or so

Sleep: 9 hours

Other: Mother brought me my meds today. I still feel like whale shit at the bottom of the ocean because I've been off the Wellbutrin so long. I was honestly afraid to do much of anything without the Lamictal. No, I don't have seizures, but, yes, it IS a concern if you abruptly stop an anticonvulsant. I didn't go anywhere yesterday because I was scared I'd have a fucking seizure going down the road or something.

While Mother was here, she bought me some new clothes and a new pair of shoes. She dropped about $200 on it. I feel TERRIBLE for her doing it, but she flat-out insisted. It made me feel better for awhile, but I'm back to feeling like whale shit at the bottom of the ocean again. Not telling her that, of course, because I don't want her to think I don't appreciate it because I do. I really, really do.

She's as batshit as I am or more so. She's put me through hell for years, tying me in knots, giving me what amounts to emotional abuse (though I hate to call it that because I feel like it trivializes what REAL abuse victims have been through), teaching me nothing but dysfunction in personal relationships. She's neurotic, tyrannical at times, and probably more fucked up than I'll ever be.

But, on the other hand, if I'm going to lay some of the blame at her feet for me being the way I am, it'd be hypocritical of me not to lay the blame at the feet of her own mother for her being the way she is. My grandmother is the Queen Narcissist, the narcissist to end all narcissists, and the rest of us peons just have to jump through her hoops because the world revolves around her, and the only thing that matters is her own personal comfort and amusement and DAMN what it costs anyone else, financially, physically, emotionally, or psychologically.

I am incredibly ambivalent about my mother because, despite her faults--and they are considerable--she would still give me (and pretty much anyone else in the world) the shirt off her back. Just don't cross her. Ever. I think to some degree, as she's aged, she's realized some of the damage she did to me when I was younger, and she's tried to rectify it. She's a pain in the ass sometimes, but I think she wants to fix it before it comes home to roost.

We aren't a "talk about our feelings" family, my mother, my daddy, and I. It weirds me out when I hear other people talking to their parents on the phone and saying, "I love you" before they hang up. That's so strange and foreign to me. I'd have no idea how to react to that. We're dysfunctional. We all give until there's nothing to give, get upset with one another or with others because we feel unappreciated, play the martyr card, not speak to each other for hours...days...weeks, or, alternatively, fly into incomprehensible rages, and then give the silent treatment for weeks after we can rage no more.

Read about the Drama Triangle. Seriously. Read. I'll wait.

This is the legacy with which I have been left. I don't know how to deal with people any other way. (In case you're curious, I'm the starting gate rescuer.)

BUT, despite all that, despite the fact that we don't ever talk about our feelings, I know who came and rescued me from bumfuck South Carolina last weekend. I know who I called in the middle of the night every time I've found out that yet another man I was in love with decided to go marry someone else. I know who has given me money when I wasn't sure how I was going to live. I know who gave me a vehicle when my car broke down. I know who knew I felt like utter shit today and took me out to do what I used to do for myself but am no longer in a position to do because it's what got me in all the trouble with the credit cards in the first fucking place--buy shit until the pain eases.

We are not demonstrative emotionally. But we are demonstrative in other ways. And, believe me, I don't forget.

I've been dangerously close to doing something horrible the last few weeks. If you don't believe me, go back and read my blogs. You can probably tell when I ceased being stable just by the writing style. The things that have been going through my mind--I haven't even scratched the surface of them in this blog. I am too ashamed to talk about it.

I feel like I don't really have friends. The few I had don't want anything to do with me anymore. I damn sure don't have demonstrative love from someone(s) that I never got from my parents. I don't do anything but sit in the house, day in and day out, isolated from the world. I feel like I will always be giving more than I receive in return, no matter what, and will be made out to be the villain in the situation regardless. This will be my life forever. I feel like the only reason anyone would give a fuck about my dying would be that they'd be put out at the inconvenience of having to show up at my funeral.

I've seriously considered suicide twice in my life: once during that ugly mixed episode in the fall and now. This is not dramatics or theatrics or a desperate bid for attention. It's not a "that'll show THEM" thing. This is not a ploy for sympathy or a shirking of responsibility. This is truly a "my life is never going to get any better, and the world will truly be better off without me" thing.

The only thing--ONLY--that has stopped me is knowing that it'd kill my mother and father. They'd think it was their fault. I can't live, even in death, with putting them through that. They've given their whole lives for me. I can't do that do them.

I still feel pretty close to the edge, honestly. The therapy appointment helped, and that was why I made it. I think that now that I have the meds again (despite the fact that they were only kinda helping before) will keep the floor under my feet. If nothing else, I've made up my mind to at least see it through to the other side. I have that much self-control, I know.

I just hope there's something worth waiting for on the other fucking side. I do not want my whole life to be this way.

I Don't Wanna Be Sick Anymore :(

Mood: -2

Meds: I don't have any.

Sleep: I have no idea. I woke up from crazy-ass dreams every 15-20 minutes from 2 am until 12 pm.

Other: My bag still isn't here. Fucking assholes. I had to call in refills on my prescriptions today, and I'm going to have to meet my mother somewhere tomorrow to get them from her. This is an enormous pain in the ass, and I'm really tired of fucking with it. Just give me my shit back already, dammit.

I woke up still sick again this morning. I was doing better, but today I feel worse. I have no idea what this shit is. My throat is sore; my ears are full; my lymph nodes are swollen; my body aches; my intestines are revolting. But I'm not really coughing (no more than usual, anyway) or sneezing, and I've managed to avoid much nasal congestion thus far. Ugh.

I don't really care what it is. I just want it gone.

I'm drugging myself to sleep tonight. I've already spent 2 nights waking up every few minutes. Not again tonight.

I am SO tired, and it's only a few minutes after 1 am. Apparently, the sickness is catching up with me or something. I think I'm going to eat something, drug myself, read until I'm falling asleep, and call it a night. Let's hope that a.) I feel better tomorrow, and b.) my bag shows up. Please, God. Please.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Mood: 2...would probably be higher, but I'm about dead on my feet

Meds: 12:30 pm, 75 mg. of Lamictal was all I had left

Sleep: Very fitful and very fragmented. I laid in bed for a long time, but how much of it was sleep and how much was tossing and turning is anyone's guess.

Other: Went to the therapy appointment today. (More on that in a minute.) My bag is supposed to be here tomorrow. I sincerely hope it will be because I've got to get these damn medications. Still kind of sick-ish, but I'm better. I haven't been eating much, but I don't know if that's because of being sick or something else. Figured out a fairly simple way to get over the fear of being alone in a dark house. I always close and lock my bedroom door before I go to bed, of course, and I've been leaving the light in the not-really-a-room, not-really-a-hall thing on the last couple of nights. It doesn't make it too bright to sleep, since the light just comes in through the cracks between my door and the door frame and the floor. Oddly enough, not feeling like I'm in total pitch-black darkness has quelled a lot of the paranoia at night. Weird, huh? I don't know why I wasn't smart enough to think of it sooner.

Ok, therapy appointment. It wasn't nearly as bad as I'd feared. In fact, it went a lot better than I ever would've expected. The worst part of the whole experience was finding the damn parking lot, LOL. I had to circle the block 2 1/2 times to figure out how to squeeze up the little alleyway to park around back. But whatever, I made it. And early, too!

Anyway, it wasn't a doctor's office. It was one of those old converted homes on the east side of town that people have made into offices. Super cute.

I filled out my paperwork and didn't have to wait long. She took me back and was very nice. I was nervous, of course, but she told me that was to be expected. She was completely not what I expected. I figured I'd end up with another horrid, useless bitch like the one I tried several years ago. As a matter of fact, she looked oddly like my high school chemistry/physics teacher. (Yes, Virginia, I DID manage to stumble my way through both chemistry and physics. God knows how, but I did.) Luckily, she was sensible and not a total flake like that woman was. She was also very nice, and it helped put me at ease without any obvious "look at me, building rapport!" bullshit.

I like when people do their jobs so well that it appears effortless.

Anyway, I only barely scratched the surface of my problems, but the woman only had an hour with me. :p If I were going to talk about EVERYTHING on the first day, we'd probably still be there.

Mostly, we discussed some specific, concrete situations. She told me that I might find it helpful to make a sort of schedule to stick to as far as work and non-work life is concerned, since those two things overlap considerably with the whole work at home thing. I think it's a really good idea, personally, and plan on working on that soon. We also agreed that I need to learn to set healthy boundaries because if I don't, people will continue to take advantage of that because they CAN. She said that people with people-pleaser personalities like me have a lot of problems with that, but that she wants to help me. She didn't even get exasperated with me when I told her the problems I was having in that department like the other dumb bitch.

She gave me some ideas on how to handle certain situations in my life in light of doing better about setting boundaries. That helped considerably. See, I already knew without her telling me that I need to set better boundaries. But she helped me figure out some fairly painless ways as far as HOW to do it. That helped immensely, honestly. The last bitch would tell me what to do, but she had nothing in the way of practical ways to implement these suggestions.

We also talked about how I sort of feel isolated, what with almost all my friends no longer living here and my working at home and rarely ever going anywhere. She gave me several options that I might want to try out. Apparently, there's a countywide writers' group that meets in town. I had no idea, LOL. I'm going to look into that. She also suggested I try something related to horses, too, since I told her I liked them. I found a webpage for the center in the next county that uses horses for physical therapy for physically and mentally disabled people. They need volunteers, so I may give that one a go, too. I used to show there, so I know where it is. *Shrug*

She also gave me a CD of relaxation techniques to go through when I start to have a meltdown. The fact that I rarely go anywhere other than home helps me here. If I'm about to flip the fuck out, I'll be right here to listen to it. She said she does these exercises herself and that they do help. We shall see. I think I may actually try them here in a few minutes to see if I can get relaxed and sleep well tonight without having to drug myself.

I was impressed enough to make another appointment for next month. I may try to see her more often than monthly later, but I need to make sure I can afford it first. It's $95 a session, after all. That's the only drawback. :|

One thing I liked is that even though she basically told me things I already knew I needed to do, she gave me useful and helpful advice as far as how to go about doing those things. I mean, I literally told her that I had NO IDEA how to meet people when I'm not in school anymore and work at home. Hence, the writing club and the horse thing suggestions. I guess it's something I should've thought of on my own, but I guess it never occurred to me. Also, the plans as far as receiving fair treatment from others were nice. I liked that she made it as easy for me as possible and helped me realize that I don't have to be a bitch in order to demand what I need from people. I just have to be firm. If they don't want to hear me, that's their problem. Works for me.

But you know what the best part was? She gave me hope. Yes, I realize that sounds ridiculous. But she gave me hope that maybe I'm not as fucked up as I was afraid I was. Or, even if I am, that I'm still not beyond help. Maybe I've just been deprived of sensible people for so long that I desperately needed someone sensible to talk to. I dunno.

I feel like I can do this now. It's going to be hard, of course. But someone has faith in me, someone who's not telling me they have faith in me, all the while trying to trip me up. But, yeah. I have hope for the first time in a long, long time, and it's nice. That alone was worth every dime of the $95.

Also, I posted a little blurb on the message board that I post on (for kinky people) about how I went to the therapist today, and it went really well. I said that it made me feel hopeful that I wasn't beyond help, like I feared. I went back to the board a little while ago, and I had a nice private message from someone I rarely talk to. (It's not that I dislike him; we just don't really interact much because I don't interact with much of anyone from there anymore.) His message basically said that there was no way I was beyond help because I am too awesome and that he wished me luck and patience in achieving my goals.

I thought it was awfully nice, especially coming from someone I don't really talk to from there. So I suppose that even if the people in my REAL life don't give a shit if I succeed or fail, it's nice knowing that there are "strangers," so to speak, out there pulling for me.

On that note, I am going to bed. Night, all.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Mood: -3

Meds: Lamictal around 12 pm. No Wellbutrin.

Sleep: 9 hours

Other: Bag is supposedly in transit now. It's supposed to be here on Friday. I really hope so, considering I run out of Lamictal tomorrow. Still sick. Better, but decidedly not well. The dude I was talking to that I was so "meh" about is kind of a prick. I don't think I'll be talking to him anymore. Men have gotten to where they bore the shit out of me. They're stupid, and they present no challenge anymore. Maybe I'll just start hiring male prostitutes when I need them and not deal with men the rest of the time.

Therapy appointment is tomorrow at 3. I'm terrified. I know I need to do this, but I REALLY don't want to. The receptionist called me today to confirm my appointment, and she was like, "What are you needing help with?" I told her I have bipolar, and she was like, "Well, do you need coping skills or what?" Not a good start, I don't think. I really didn't like the insinuation there. Also, it's none of her business.

I'm afraid this will end disastrously. And it probably will. Stay tuned, I guess. I'll blog about it when I get home.

This is a huge sacrifice for me, and I'm not looking forward to it at all. I also have some other shit I need to take care of once this appointment is over with, and I do plan on handling it in whatever way possible. You can count on that.

Yes, it plays. It just doesn't show up the runtime 'til you click the play button.

I Am Still Livin' With Your Ghost

Mood: -3

Meds: Lamictal at 4:30 pm; don't have Wellbutrin

Sleep: 12 hours

Other: I'm sick. I've got a cold or something. My throat hurts. My ears are full of crap. I ache all over. This sucks.

I desperately want someone to take care of me. I need someone to sit on the side of my bed with me and rub my neck because it hurts to hold my head up. I want to cling to a stuffed animal with one arm and wrap the other arm and the rest of my body around the person who's sitting in bed with me. I want to be talked to and petted and maybe given soup or something. Or a heating pad. I can't find mine.

But I know none of this is going to happen, and I'm going to have to tough it out like I always have to. Doesn't make it suck any less, though.

I'm realizing that I'm desperate need of human contact. I haven't been held or petted or touched in any way more than a perfunctory one in, what? Five months or longer? I need attention. :(

It's weird that I'm feeling this way because I am not, by nature, an affectionate person. I read somewhere once that some of the higher-functioning people with autism wear long sleeves everywhere they go to keep from being so jarred from other people touching them. I'd totally do something like that myself if I weren't convinced I'd sweat myself to death.

But on the other hand, I do need attention, and that includes physical touch. I think the very fact that I shun "normal" physical contact (shaking hands, hugging, etc.) means I actually need more touch on an intimate level because I don't get it from regular human interaction.

Guess I'm fucked on that front, though.

In other news, I talked to a guy last night. I'm sort of "meh" about it, but I can't decide if that's my own personal hangup or the fact that he just doesn't seem to be too quick on the uptake about certain things. I didn't talk to him today, and I honestly haven't decided if I want to initiate contact with him again or not. Especially since he made some comment about how quiet I was. Not exactly the way to endear yourself to me, dumbass. Especially since I was trying a lot harder than I normally try to be friendly and talkative.

God, I hate people.

They're supposedly coming to fix my cable tomorrow. Supposedly. I've got to hang around all day waiting for that. Yay. :|

I've also gotta see if I can lay hands on my bag somehow or at least get it in transit. I have no Wellbutrin, and I've only got enough Lamictal for a full dose tomorrow and a 75 mg dose on Thursday. I guess if I can't find out something concrete about it tomorrow, I'll call my pharmacy and beg for a refill.

I've also been raging inwardly about being so fucked up lately. It's not fair, goddammit! I know we all have our crosses to bear, etc., etc., but I'd have liked something that was, you know...NOT THIS. I realize this is a very childish reaction, but sometimes it'd be nice to just be able to get away from everything that's going on. But you can't, really, when the majority of it exists in your head.

I'm really nervous about going to see this therapist. I'm not good at talking about things, even to my friends, so what the hell am I going to do when faced with a stranger? I lead a very unorthodox life in so many different ways, and I don't know how said therapist is going to handle that. I know they're supposed to be non-judgmental, but it doesn't always work that way. My friend K. tried to talk to a therapist she used to go to about her interest in S&M. The woman told her that all she needed to do was "have normal sex" and everything would "be all right."

I mean, I suppose I could leave out all the things that might raise eyebrows, but I wouldn't be getting much out of it then, would I? All these things are so inextricably intertwined that it's going to hard to solve my problems while steadfastly ignoring relevant details.

Though I think my real fear is that I'll be told I'm too crazy, my life is too messed up, and I'm beyond help. Not in so many words, of course. A professional would sugar-coat it. But I've truly believed that in my heart for so long that I don't know that I could bear getting it from someone else.

I've been trying to put into words the way I feel, but I can't. Everything comes out so clichéd that it seems to lose its power somehow.

I wish he were here. I wish I could put my head in his lap and cry about how bad I feel, how sick I am, how I wish things could be different, how I wish we weren't so dysfunctional, how I wish I could get rid of the self-hate and the him-hate festering inside me, how I wish he didn't hate me, either, how it seems to me that I'll feel this way for the rest of my life, and how, most of all, I wish I were worthy of his love just once.

I don't think anyone knows how hard it is to live with a ghost, especially one who haunts you, even in your dreams.

I am still livin' with your ghost
Lonely and dreamin' of the West (Gulf) Coast
I don't wanna be your downtime
I don't wanna be your stupid game

With my big black boots and an old suitcase
I do believe I'll find myself a new place
I don't wanna be the bad guy
I don't wanna do your sleepwalk dance anymore

I just wanna see some palm trees
Oh, we'll try to shake away this disease

We can live beside the ocean
Leave the fire behind
Swim out past the breakers
Watch the world die

We can live beside the ocean
Leave the fire behind
Swim out past the breakers
Watch the world die

I am still dreamin' of your face
Hungry and hollow for all the things you took away
I don't wanna be your good time
I don't wanna be your fall-back crutch anymore

Walk right out into a brand-new day
Insane and risin' in my own weird way
I don't wanna be the bad guy
I don't wanna do your sleepwalk dance anymore

I just wanna feel some sunshine
I just wanna find some place to be alone

We can live beside the ocean
Leave the fire behind
Swim out past the breakers
Watch the world die

We can live beside the ocean
Leave the fire behind
Swim out past the breakers
Watch the world die

We can live beside the ocean
Leave the fire behind
Swim out past the breakers
Watch the world die

We can live beside the ocean
Leave the fire behind
Swim out past the breakers
Watch the world die

Oh, yeah, watch the world die
Yeah, yeah, watch the world die
Oh, yeah, watch the world die
Yeah, watch the world die....

Monday, April 4, 2011

Changes, Changes

Mood: 3 or so

Meds: 2:30 pm-ish

Sleep: 4 hours

Other: I'm a little nervous, as I am now out of Wellbutrin because my bag is floating around somewhere between here and DC. I did some research, and since the half-life is decently long, and I'm only on the lowest dose they give, anyway, I should be ok for a day or so. I hope they'll find my fucking bag by then. If not, I'm calling the pharmacy and begging them to fill it again, even though they just filled it. If they won't do that, I may be fucked. :(

In other news, I got the money to pay my cards off. I paid the cards and the collection agency today. I've got a few other things to take care of, but I honestly can't explain how relieved I feel. Sure, I have to take up payments on the loans, and, yes, the payments are only about $50 less than payments on the cards, but the interest rate is half what it was on the cards, so they'll be paid off in 5 years instead of, like, 35.

I called around today and ended up making an appointment with a therapist for Thursday. I'm scared shitless at the thought of having to talk about all the shit that's wrong with me to someone I've never met before. Hell, I don't even talk about this shit to the people who are closest to me. I even find myself editing a lot of the thoughts I have when writing this blog because I'm afraid of what people will think. Yes, I know she's a therapist and has seen it all, but I don't want her to be like, "Hell, no, you're too crazy for me to handle." That's pretty much what the rest of the world has done. I want someone not to give up on me. :(

Also, remember how I said growing up in an invalidating environment fucks you up? Yeah, well, try this invalidation on for size.

I was talking to my mother today about my emergency medication situation. I told her that I was out of Wellbutrin and only had a few days of Lamictal left. She seemed worried about coming "cold turkey" off the Wellbutrin, but I told her that because I'm on the lowest dose they make already, it's not going to, like, fuck me up irreparably if I have to stop taking it. I might go batshit, but there shouldn't be any physical problems because the dosage is already so low.

However, I did tell her that abruptly stopping 100 mg of Lamictal might very well cause me to have seizures. (No, I've never had a seizure before in my life, but it can happen if you just suddenly stop taking an anti-convulsant.) That's when I got this line: "Well, I think you were misdiagnosed, anyway."

Yes, because you know so much more than a fucking doctor and someone who has a psych degree. Just because I've never revealed much of anything to you about what I have to contend with on a day-to-day basis does NOT mean there's nothing wrong with me. (See what I said earlier about not telling people about it because I don't want to freak them out.) She's even told me before that there's nothing wrong with me. I just "act" crazy to get people to "leave me alone."

*Sigh* I know it doesn't sound like much in the grand scheme of things, but this is what I've had to deal with all my life. ALL. MY. LIFE. I am never right. I never know anything. I can never say or do anything correctly. And don't give me that "She's just trying to cope with having a mentally ill daughter" bit. No. She's not. She thinks that whatever is wrong with me--and, believe me, she knows practically nothing about it--is a sign of my inherent personality flaws: laziness, irresponsibility, being "antisocial" because I "think I'm better than everyone else," general selfishness, etc.

I bought into that fucking thinking for a long time, too. I honestly thought it was my own moral ineptitude that caused all this shit, not an illness. And that's what kept me from seeking treatment for SO DAMN LONG because I thought the problem was a lack of self-discipline and that if I just tried harder, everything would be ok. Yeah, not so much.

To make a long story short, don't be an invalidating asshole. You really have NO IDEA what someone else is going through.

Now, I'm going to finish the handful of work stuff I need to do, then drug myself and try to sleep. I hope I won't have any more of that sleep paralysis bullshit.


This is just fucking great. I've gotten maybe two hours of sleep. Why am I awake now? Because I just had one of the most horrifying experiences of my life.

I am always a bit apprehensive at sleeping when I'm alone. You know, paranoia and all that. I managed to get past that enough to rest by falling asleep with the lamp on. At some point,I remember waking up and turning it off.

As I slept, I had the terrifying sensation of being jumped on from behind while I lay curled up in bed. I tried to move in my half-awake state, but I couldn't. For a few seconds, I was consumed with the terrible knowledge that someone was trying to kill me. I was even able to think to myself that this WOULD have to happen when Fangbunny is not here. I knew I wasn't getting any help from anybody; I was about to die.

Then, my body caught up with my brain, and I woke up to an empty room.

Of course, it was some sort of sleep paralysis mixed with a freaky hypnogogic hallucination. But it scared the FUCK out of me.

I took a sleep and dreaming course in college as a psych elective. I know that sleep paralysis is common,and that hypnogogic hallucinations (i.e., the sense that someone had just jumped on me from behind while I was still more or less asleep) aren't "hallucinations" in the typical sense of the word. They aren't manifestations of psychosis. It's what happens when your brain half-wakes before your body. You're still technically dreaming, but you're awakish. Your body is still in its state of temporary paralysis that everyone has while they are sleeping; you are just aware of it when you aren't supposed to be because of a misfire between your brain and your body.

Knowing the scientific explanation for it does NOT make it any less terrifying, however.

I have never had anything like that happen to me before, and I sincerly hope it never happens again.

Despite my struggles with paranoid ideation, I have never had any sort of hallucinatory experience. (Knock on wood.) Even though I know that what happened was technically a half-waking dream, it does not make me any more comfortable with my own (completely batshit) mind.

I hate to sound like a three-year-old, but I am now afraid to go back to sleep. I hate being scared, and I hate losing control. I don't watch horror movies or ride roller coasters for that very reason.

I don't want it to ever happen again, but I'm scared it will. I desperately need sleep, but I'm afraid to try it.

If I could only have two prayers granted by God for the rest of my life, the first would be to never have to be a hostage/slave/victim to my own mind ever again. The second would be to never hurt the people I love ever again.

Though honestly, I feel like the two are inextricably entwined sometimes. The various psychoses/disordered thought processes fuel my lashing out at people because they don't understand or because they are, wittingly or unwittingly, playing right into my deluded thoughts. Then, the guilt I feel for being an asshole leads to even more disordered thought, and it becomes a vicious cycle I haven't yet been able to break free of. Nightmares, delusions, and now this fucking sleep paralysis bullshit. The fear of falling asleep because I don't want to have any more of these things is just going to lead to more sleep deprivation, which is part of what causes thought disorder in the first damn place. Fuck me, this has got to stop. I can't live like this anymore.

This has gotten way too big for me to handle by myself. God help me.


My Daddy comes tomorrow to bring me my check for the money he borrowed for me to pay off my credit cards.

I'm going to take it to the bank and then wait to see how long it takes to deposit. After that? I pay off the cards, my taxes, and the stuff that's in collections.

And after that? I find a therapist. A REAL one. With a Ph.D. I don't know how I'll ever afford to keep up with the visits, but I've been lying to myself about being able to handle it alone. I can't. A quick look at this blog will tell you that. I started out well, but it quickly deteriorated into me bitching and/or crying about how much everything sucked.

I need a method of dealing with things when the shit hits the fan, which it does on a regular basis. I need to learn how to deal with people, how to set boundaries, how to handle problems without having a meltdown, and so forth.

I'm terrified of talking to someone I don't know about my problems. But I've been doing a damn shitty job of handling it myself, haven't I?

I feel like in the next few days, there will be lots of soul-searching and penance for my sins. For now, though, I just want to sleep. My nap earlier was only a couple of hours. And I'm exhausted.

As for all the other things that need saying, I think this poem by Sir Phillip Sidney (Sonnet I, Astrophel and Stella) sums THAT up rather nicely:

Loving in truth, and fain in verse my love to show
That she (dear She) might take some pleasure of my pain:
Pleasure might cause her read, reading might make her know,
Knowledge might pity win, and pity grace obtain;

I sought fit words to paint the blackest face of woe,
Studying inventions fine, her wits to entertain:
Oft turning others’ leaves, to see if thence would flow
Some fresh and fruitful showers upon my sun-burn’d brain.

But words came halting forth, wanting Invention’s stay,
Invention, Nature’s child, fled step-dame Study’s blows,
And others’ feet still seem’d but strangers in my way.
Thus, great with child to speak, and helpless in my throes,

Biting my truant pen, beating myself for spite--
“Fool,” said my Muse to me, “look in thy heart and write.”

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Or Not

Mood: Low. Incredibly low.

Meds: 1 pm

Sleep: 2 hours

Other: Oh, God. Where to start?

Basically, to make a long story short, I had leg cramps up to my waist, an asthma attack, and a migraine that made me sick on the bus yesterday. At a stop in Duncan, SC, I bailed, walked a block to the nearest hotel, got a room, and proceeded to alternately sleep and wake up to run to the bathroom until such time as my parents arrived. I just got home and got out of the shower.

I feel like shit, and not just because I'm sick. Fangbunny, I'm sure, hates me. I feel horrible about leaving her there, but I couldn't have made it. There's no way in hell. I intend to reimburse her aunt for my ticket. I hope she will forgive me for it. :(

I also hate that my parents had to get up in the middle of the night, drive to SC, and bring me back here. I feel awful for fucking up things for everyone. I'd wanted to just catch another bus back home, but when we stopped for a restroom break (which wasn't a bus station, but a truck stop), I knew I couldn't go any farther.

My parents aren't mad, though. Thank God.

I left my checked bag on the bus. I have no idea how I'll ever get it back. It's got my clothes, my toiletries, and, most importantly, my meds. I have enough for one more day here. After that, I don't know what I'll do. Hopefully, there's a way to reclaim unclaimed baggage and have it sent back here.

Right now, though, I honestly don't give a shit. I just want to lay down and sleep it all off. I'm sorry to everyone whose day/week/month/year/entire lives I've fucked up.

Good night.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

You Can All Go To Hell...I'm Going To New York

Mood: 4

Meds: 3:30 pm

Sleep: 7 hours

Other: Taking one second to post this because I realized I hadn't. Leaving for New York tomorrow around 3. Well, in 12 hours, actually. I don't know if I'll get to post tomorrow or not, but I'll post as soon as I can. Gotta go finish packing now. Adios.