Sunday, March 20, 2011

Super Moon

Mood: 0...better than yesterday

Meds: 6 pm?

Sleep: 12 hours

Other: It's been an incredibly weird day. I will elaborate in a moment.

Ok, so this whole super-moon thing? Totally making my day nuts. I slept really late--as in until 6 pm--because I couldn't sleep this morning. So then I got up and went to shower while Fangbunny was in the kitchen drying clothes. After I got out of the tub and was drying off, the power went out. No noise, no warning, no nothing. Just boom: one second we have power, and one second we don't.

There was no one else home in our building, so we couldn't decide if it we'd somehow tripped a breaker or if power was out to the whole building. I poked around the house in the semi-dark to try to find a breaker box inside, but there was nothing. The dryer smelled like it was overheated, though, so I squeezed back behind the washer to unplug it, so that it wouldn't, like, blow up or whatever when the power came back on.

Then, Fangbunny and I went traipsing around outside, trying to find the main breaker to the house. Once we found it, I flipped it, and nothing happened. So we decided power must be out to the whole building. We went back inside, and Fangbunny tried to pull up the power company's website on her phone, so we could get the number and call. Of course, it wouldn't load properly. Luckily, though, Kitty and I had been texting a few minutes earlier, so I asked her if she could help. She got online for us and filed an outage notice thing. (Thank you, Kitty!)

We decided we'd go eat, in hopes that the power would be back on when we got home. Someone from the power company called me and told me that they didn't have an outage showing in their system, so it must be something at the apartment. So when we got back home and there was still no power (nor any neighbors at home to ask what was up), I went back around to play with the breaker again.

I figured out that the breaker box was so old that there was a piece of metal that interfered with pushing the breaker over as far as it was supposed to go. So after basically dismantling the breaker box, I was able to get it pushed over far enough to turn the power back on, then put the box together and go back in the house.

But the saga doesn't end there.

Fangbunny and I decided we should probably plug the dryer back up to check and see if it was still working. Her arms were too short to reach the plug, so I of the freakishly long arms wedged myself between the washer and the back wall, pushed past the window, and bent over to plug the dryer in. Whereupon, I heard, "CRACK!"

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I BROKE THE WINDOW WITH MY ASS.

I was almost afraid to get my ass *back* out of the window because I didn't want to cut myself. Can you imagine going to the ER and explaining that you needed stitches in the laceration in your ass because you BROKE A WINDOW WITH IT?

But, luckily, I extracted my ass without any ill effects. I still haven't figured out how I'm going to explain what I did yet. I fully expect to have to pay for it, though. :|

And then the things Fangbunny and I had to deal with tonight at work....Jesus Christ. When they say people go batshit with the full moon, they're right. And when it's a super-moon? All kinds of shit happens. The lunatics come out in full force, and a crazy bitch puts her ass through a window.

I heard this song (which I <3) on Last.FM earlier and decided it perfectly summed up this evening/tonight.

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