Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Profoundly Not Profound

Mood: -2

Meds: 6 pm

Sleep: 4 hours

Other: Ugh. Just...ugh.

I was going to try write something profound tonight, but I am both hungry and exhausted, so I'm going to speed right through this. I'll save the profundity for when my brain is more functional.

Why am I so tired, you might ask? Well, to make a long story short, you know how I wrote about the breaker being tripped on Saturday? It happened again yesterday. Unfortunately, this time, once I flipped it, it didn't come back on. The breaker switch was flaming hot, and the damn thing shocked me when I touched it.

This was roughly 5:30 pm. At around 7, after I'd talked to the power company and after I'd realized the power wasn't going to come back on, I started trying to call the chauvinistic, shitheaded, dumbfuck, useless, worthless, incompetent sack of shit property manager. Fangbunny and I alternated back and forth between calling him, both of us leaving him voicemails, trying to get someone to come out before it got too late, so we could work.

No such luck. The dumb sonofabitch didn't return our calls until 8 this morning. And he didn't even bother checking his voicemail. He asked Fangbunny who she was and what she wanted!

I hate that bastard. I hate him with a passion. I detest having to deal with him because he's a sexist pig and fuckwad to boot. I've never met anyone I'd like to firebomb more. It took her forever to explain what the problem was because he kept interrupting and even longer for him to realize it wasn't just dumb women not knowing what to do.

When he finally figured out that the fucking breaker switch wasn't just tripped but burned out and in need of an electrician to replace it, he said he'd send someone and then hung up on her!

Around 11:30, the electrician comes moseying up. He fucked around outside at the box for awhile, then came back and told us that he'd have to go get a part. Now, keep in mind, I'd only slept maybe 2 hours, and Fangbunny less than that. So we waited. And waited. And waited.

He came back around 2 and fixed it. It's been working fine ever since. *Knock on wood* But we sat in this goddamn house for TWENTY-ONE MOTHERFUCKING HOURS because that ignorant bastard of a property manager couldn't be bothered to get off his lazy, dumb ass and check his fucking phone and return our calls. Which, you know, he fucking GETS PAID TO DO. We couldn't sleep because it was too hot in here. We missed potential income by not being able to log in. And, worst of all, the whole freezer and refrigerator full of food? Ruined.

Like I've fucking got the money to go replace that shit.

I know I need to go and insist that something be deducted from my rent because of how much this fucked me up. But I do not want to deal with that bastard. I want him to die a slow, horrible, fiery death. I don't know what I'm going to do about it. I'm afraid that if I go over there and he cops an attitude with me that I might have a nuclear meltdown, rip his dick off, and beat him to death with it.

Have I mentioned that sleep deprivation, especially when combined with dumbfuckery of the worst kind, makes me homicidal? Because it does.

I managed to get a 2 hour nap after the electrician left, but I still had to get up and work. I am SO tired and SO irritated about the whole thing. I've also heard nothing but my mother complaining about what an asshole HER mother is for the last several days. I've always told her that's what the old bat is like; I don't know why she's suddenly complaining about it now. Oh, and I've got to go spend this weekend at my parents' house.

This is going to be one shitty fucking week.

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