Friday, March 11, 2011

Interesting News

Mood: 3, feel much better today than I have the past few days.

Meds: 3 pm

Sleep: 5 or so hours. Meh.

Other: Still haven't gotten paid, but it's supposedly coming on Monday. Supposedly. *Eyeroll* Our company is merging with another one, and I'm a little apprehensive. I think our payscale is going to go up, and affiliates are going to start being paid weekly again, but I'm still worried that some asshat is going to come in and make us change up everything we do. I hope it's a change for the better, not a change for the worse. Our boss is promising us that everything will be fine, but I dunno. I guess we'll find out.

I'm gonna go hang out with Fangbunny now. That was really all I had to share.

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