Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Something More Light-Hearted

Mood: 1...still meh, just not as tragically meh.

Meds: 4 pm

Sleep: Only about 6. I should've gotten more, I know, but I've been going to bed later and later, especially with the time change, so in order to keep from staying up all morning and sleeping from mid-afternoon to midnight, I set an alarm for 6ish hours after I went to bed. Hopefully, I'll be tired enough around 3 or 4 to go back to normal sleep.

Other: I'm owed $1100+ in back pay. The company that bought my company out is supposed to be honoring this, and there's a meeting on Thursday to discuss how it's going to be doled out. I hope I get it soon. It'd be nice to pay all the bills and whatnot in advance for once and maybe have a little to either save or put toward taxes. I think Kitty and I worked out a problem we've been having due to a misunderstanding. Presumably, Sir Asshat has a broken arm and/or has gone mute because there's still been nothing from him. Aside from that, it's pretty much business as usual here at the hacienda.

In honor of the Ides of March, I present to you the list of dictators (or tyrants), living or dead, I would fuck (in their lifetimes, that is--I'm not digging up corpses). This is a list that Fangbunny and I have been working on for quite some time. Apparently, we both have a thing for dangerous, powerful men who are quite likely to rip our heads off after fucking us, like a goddamn praying mantis. Having a bit of crazy about the eyes is apparently a good thing if you want to get either of us in bed.

Without further ado, the list.

Dictators/Tyrants I Would Fuck

Vladimir Putin: The man who started this entire list. Sure, he's balding, but he has a fantastic body (often seen shirtless), and he's batshit in that incredibly hot way. (Only certain types of batshit are attractive.) He rides horses, likes animals, and would most likely eat your soul for breakfast after doing horrible, horrible things to you in bed. *Swoon*

Julius Caesar: For obvious reasons--I feel as if he would understand things. *Ahem* Whether or not he was actually a dictator or tyrant could be debated, but I'm including him on the list, anyhow.

Caesar Augustus: First man to make himself emperor of Rome. Anybody who's got balls that big is worth nailing in my book.

Mark Antony: Obvious reasons again. The man was loyal to his friends, and he was a serious badass otherwise. What's not to love here?

Caligula: I'd do it just to prove I could get out of it alive. Also, he was kinda hot.

Félix Houphouët-Boigny: This is where my soft side comes in. This guy made himself dictator because his country sucked so bad, and he was apparently the only one in the whole damn nation that was smart enough to fix it. He wasn't repressive, and he basically just used his power to make his country not suck anymore, and the only reason he's even considered a dictator is that he didn't really trust anyone else not to screw up the good things he'd done.

Alexander The Great: An ambitious, restless, violent, impulsive, calculating megalomaniac. Also? Boy sex.

Pedro Santana: Looks oddly like someone I *have* fucked before. Also, the character traits are similar. "After he drove the Haitian army out of the country in the Dominican War of Independence, he almost immediately moved to eliminate the very Independentists that fought alongside him" Et tu, Pedro?

Benito Mussolini: Here shows my shallow side. He was horrible, crazy, and a Fascist, but DAMN he was hot when he was young.

Nero: This is kind of a special case here. I mean, I'd say I'd fuck Nero, but the truth is, I pretty much already have. The modern equivalent, anyway. You know...useless, ineffectual, bitchy. A man who puts those closest to him on the chopping block to save his own ass. Oh, and who buries his head in the sand and fiddles while the entirety of his Empire burns down around his ears. I'd say that about sums it up, wouldn't you?

I'm sure there are more, but I'm tired of writing descriptions. Viva la hot, crazy men!

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