Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Light At The End Of The Tunnel Is Not, In Fact, An Approaching Train

Mood: 5 :)

Meds: 2:30 pm

Sleep: 6 hours

Other: My loan was approved! Thank God. The only problem is, I won't be able to get the money until I get back from New York because my Daddy won't be home to pick it up until Friday, and I'm leaving out on Saturday. Oh, well. At least I know it's coming. This means a lot of my worries are going to be taken care of, YAYAYAYAYAY!

I'm getting caught up on a lot of work things. Now that I'm getting that money coming in, I'm going to be able to do a lot more work stuff and gain more autonomy. Maybe I will end up being a millionaire in 5 years?

The other good thing is that Fangbunny's music blog is getting a ton of hits today. She's blown the fuck up, and it was totally by accident. We were up late last night, and she found out a piece of juicy news and wrote a quick post about it. Apparently, she was the first (and for several hours, the only) blogger or news outlet to cover it, and so she got a shit ton of hits for it. She's being re-Tweeted left and right, and she's been picked up by Tumblr, LikeZebra, etc.

I'm living with a minor Internet celebrity. At least for the moment. Think I'll start calling her Perez. ;)

So there's much happiness in this house today. Yay!

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