Mood: I'm going to devise a new way to measure this. I don't feel like the numerical system covers it.
Meds: 4 pm
Sleep: 10 hours
Other: After 3 days of trying, Fangbunny and I finally got my hair to be the color I wanted it to be. I'm now ash blonde with ash brown streaks. It'll be really cute once my hair grows out some more.
Today is Fangbunny's birthday. I'm sad that her gift (which I ordered from Amazon) hasn't come yet. It makes me feel like an asshole not to have a present to give to people on their birthdays. I also feel bad that I don't have the money to take her anywhere. I would've had the money, but a charge from DECEMBER just came out of my account YESTERDAY. So that didn't work out, either. I feel like a shitty friend. :(
Fangbunny just hasn't had a good day. The two people who she arguably cares about most in the world have both completely ignored her. It makes me want to hurt them. Goddamn, would it kill someone to take two minutes of their day to wish her a happy birthday? But God forbid we do something that's not completely self-centered, yes?
I hate people.
Speaking of hating people, the two most important people in MY life won't have anything to do with me, either. He won't speak to me at all, and Kitty doesn't do a lot better.
On the other hand, I've realized I've been spending too much time complaining and not enough time trying to fix things. There are several reasons for this, none of which are really excuses. The brief psychotic episode last week didn't help much. (See what happens when crazy people are deprived of sleep for extended periods of time?)
I feel like I started off well with this whole fixing my life bit, but I've sorta gone back to some of the same old habits. The coping mechanisms are very ingrained, and some of the shit that keeps happening to me makes it very trying to change things. So I think I need to work on that.
I've decided that the week I spend in New York is going to be a time when I do my best not to think of all the shit going on, all the drama, and all the bullshit in my head. I want to return with a clearer head and a better perspective. I'm tired of living with things as they are, so my plan is to change them.
Things will be talked out with quite a few different people. I will persist until things are better or until I end up with restraining orders against me. Whichever comes first. Mostly because I'm tired of being sad, broken-hearted bunny.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
The Light At The End Of The Tunnel Is Not, In Fact, An Approaching Train
Mood: 5 :)
Meds: 2:30 pm
Sleep: 6 hours
Other: My loan was approved! Thank God. The only problem is, I won't be able to get the money until I get back from New York because my Daddy won't be home to pick it up until Friday, and I'm leaving out on Saturday. Oh, well. At least I know it's coming. This means a lot of my worries are going to be taken care of, YAYAYAYAYAY!
I'm getting caught up on a lot of work things. Now that I'm getting that money coming in, I'm going to be able to do a lot more work stuff and gain more autonomy. Maybe I will end up being a millionaire in 5 years?
The other good thing is that Fangbunny's music blog is getting a ton of hits today. She's blown the fuck up, and it was totally by accident. We were up late last night, and she found out a piece of juicy news and wrote a quick post about it. Apparently, she was the first (and for several hours, the only) blogger or news outlet to cover it, and so she got a shit ton of hits for it. She's being re-Tweeted left and right, and she's been picked up by Tumblr, LikeZebra, etc.
I'm living with a minor Internet celebrity. At least for the moment. Think I'll start calling her Perez. ;)
So there's much happiness in this house today. Yay!
Meds: 2:30 pm
Sleep: 6 hours
Other: My loan was approved! Thank God. The only problem is, I won't be able to get the money until I get back from New York because my Daddy won't be home to pick it up until Friday, and I'm leaving out on Saturday. Oh, well. At least I know it's coming. This means a lot of my worries are going to be taken care of, YAYAYAYAYAY!
I'm getting caught up on a lot of work things. Now that I'm getting that money coming in, I'm going to be able to do a lot more work stuff and gain more autonomy. Maybe I will end up being a millionaire in 5 years?
The other good thing is that Fangbunny's music blog is getting a ton of hits today. She's blown the fuck up, and it was totally by accident. We were up late last night, and she found out a piece of juicy news and wrote a quick post about it. Apparently, she was the first (and for several hours, the only) blogger or news outlet to cover it, and so she got a shit ton of hits for it. She's being re-Tweeted left and right, and she's been picked up by Tumblr, LikeZebra, etc.
I'm living with a minor Internet celebrity. At least for the moment. Think I'll start calling her Perez. ;)
So there's much happiness in this house today. Yay!
He's The Devil In Disguise, A Snake With Blue Eyes....
Mood: ?
Meds: 5 pm
Sleep: 12 glorious drugged hours
Other: Yes, it is 6 am. I forgot to blog until now. Work, work, work.
Fangbunny and I have been discussing sex and relationships tonight. Apparently, we both suck ass at it. She posted a blog about it on her personal blog, so I'm going to post a very, very short one about the same thing before I fall into bed.
I suck at relationships. Mostly because I've never had a functional one. NEVER. I don't just mean romantic relationships, either. My friends, my family, my everything. I never learned how to be anything BUT dysfunctional, and I fear that at this point in my life, I never will.
There's only been one man in the entire world that I ever cared enough for to try to change that. But it seems our relationship was more dysfunctional than all the others I've had in my life put together. I'm willing to accept my part of the blame in that, but I've also matured enough to know that I'm not the only one who had a hand in it.
You see, the person I'm talking about is a person I often refer to as Sir Asshat. I love this man more than life itself. But he, apparently, hates me. I've offered more than one olive branch, only to have it ignored completely because I suppose I've done something so horrible that I don't deserve to have my offering of peace acknowledged, much less accepted.
Yet, still I miss him, and still I love him. I can go long periods of time without consciously thinking about him, but the bastard pops up in my dreams. This whole situation (or lack thereof) is certainly not helping my relative state of mind, either.
On one hand, I want to say that it'll be a cold day in hell before I ever initiate any sort of conversation with him ever again after all the shit he's pulled. On the other hand, I really miss him. I know he reads this blog, or at least I guess he still does. I don't know if it's because he still loves me (assuming he ever did) or because I've turned into some kind of freakish sideshow for him. You know, kind of his own personal Jersey Shore--a trainwreck so bad you can't bring yourself to look away.
I'm not posting this in hopes that he'll see it, mind you. I'm posting this for me. I need to get this off my chest. It needs to be on paper instead of constantly floating around in my head.
My heart, while it's been ripped out, shredded to pieces, stomped on, and lit on fire, still belongs to this fucking asshole, and I sincerely hope he misses me, too, instead of getting off on my misery.
Ok. Bedtime. I hope I don't hate myself in the morning for this post. Night, all.
Meds: 5 pm
Sleep: 12 glorious drugged hours
Other: Yes, it is 6 am. I forgot to blog until now. Work, work, work.
Fangbunny and I have been discussing sex and relationships tonight. Apparently, we both suck ass at it. She posted a blog about it on her personal blog, so I'm going to post a very, very short one about the same thing before I fall into bed.
I suck at relationships. Mostly because I've never had a functional one. NEVER. I don't just mean romantic relationships, either. My friends, my family, my everything. I never learned how to be anything BUT dysfunctional, and I fear that at this point in my life, I never will.
There's only been one man in the entire world that I ever cared enough for to try to change that. But it seems our relationship was more dysfunctional than all the others I've had in my life put together. I'm willing to accept my part of the blame in that, but I've also matured enough to know that I'm not the only one who had a hand in it.
You see, the person I'm talking about is a person I often refer to as Sir Asshat. I love this man more than life itself. But he, apparently, hates me. I've offered more than one olive branch, only to have it ignored completely because I suppose I've done something so horrible that I don't deserve to have my offering of peace acknowledged, much less accepted.
Yet, still I miss him, and still I love him. I can go long periods of time without consciously thinking about him, but the bastard pops up in my dreams. This whole situation (or lack thereof) is certainly not helping my relative state of mind, either.
On one hand, I want to say that it'll be a cold day in hell before I ever initiate any sort of conversation with him ever again after all the shit he's pulled. On the other hand, I really miss him. I know he reads this blog, or at least I guess he still does. I don't know if it's because he still loves me (assuming he ever did) or because I've turned into some kind of freakish sideshow for him. You know, kind of his own personal Jersey Shore--a trainwreck so bad you can't bring yourself to look away.
I'm not posting this in hopes that he'll see it, mind you. I'm posting this for me. I need to get this off my chest. It needs to be on paper instead of constantly floating around in my head.
My heart, while it's been ripped out, shredded to pieces, stomped on, and lit on fire, still belongs to this fucking asshole, and I sincerely hope he misses me, too, instead of getting off on my misery.
Ok. Bedtime. I hope I don't hate myself in the morning for this post. Night, all.
Monday, March 28, 2011
I Posted This And Forgot To Title It...So Here's The Title
Mood: I'm not an accurate judge anymore
Meds: 3 pm
Sleep: 7 hours?
Other: The cable guy didn't show up. :( And they're dragging their feet on my loan. :'( Maybe soon.
I just realized April is going to be the busiest month ever. Fangbunny and I are leaving for New York on Saturday (4-2) and won't be back 'til the following Monday (4-11). The next weekend, I think Kitty's gonna come hang out. The weekend after that is Easter, which I have to go to my parents' house for. And the weekend after that is the CRAWFISH BOIL!!!!!! Cee-Lo. Nelly. Much happiness. :D
I want to angst more about being crazy, but I'm trying not to think about it. So, instead, in honor of Cee-Lo's impending appearance at the Crawfish Boil and my own level of batshittery, I leave you with this.
Meds: 3 pm
Sleep: 7 hours?
Other: The cable guy didn't show up. :( And they're dragging their feet on my loan. :'( Maybe soon.
I just realized April is going to be the busiest month ever. Fangbunny and I are leaving for New York on Saturday (4-2) and won't be back 'til the following Monday (4-11). The next weekend, I think Kitty's gonna come hang out. The weekend after that is Easter, which I have to go to my parents' house for. And the weekend after that is the CRAWFISH BOIL!!!!!! Cee-Lo. Nelly. Much happiness. :D
I want to angst more about being crazy, but I'm trying not to think about it. So, instead, in honor of Cee-Lo's impending appearance at the Crawfish Boil and my own level of batshittery, I leave you with this.
This Blows
Mood: 0
Meds: 2 pm
Sleep: 7ish hours?
Other: Been doing a lot of thinking. I desperately need to go back to the doctor. I don't know if I've cycled into another ugly manic or mixed state or if I've just discovered that I have paranoid ideation outside of mood episodes. I'm hoping with all my heart and soul that it's the former and not the latter, not that that's much better.
I may go back to the doctor before I go to New York. I haven't decided yet. I need to go, but I'd intended to wait it out until I have to go back for more prescriptions in May. I don't know if I can make it that long, though. It's pretty apparent that what I'm taking isn't getting it.
*Sigh* I dunno know what to do. I can't even judge my own mood states anymore, which makes me think I might be in one. I'm so drained of energy, and I feel so blah, but I'm also irritable and paranoid as fuck. So yay. More motherfucking psychosis. I'm sick of it.
More accurately, I'm sick of not being able to control it. I'm 27 years old. I shouldn't have to sit up all night until the sun comes up because I'm convinced I'm going to be murdered horribly in my bed the instant I close my eyes. I'm afraid someone is lurking in the shadows, ready to kill me. I'm afraid of dying in a gruesome and terrifying way. (For the record, when I'm not like this, I'm not afraid of death.) I'm scared that when I die, God is going to cast me into the horrid Hell of every Baptist preacher's wet dream where I'm going to be tortured for all eternity. In fact, I'm convinced that the devil himself is going to come and escort my soul to the cell of unspeakable horrors that he's got waiting for me.
Yeah. It's insane. I hate myself for having these ridiculous thoughts. I'm ashamed that I can't control them. Most people have no idea what it's like to have to wrestle with your own mind. It's incredibly humiliating to have to deal with. I feel like a goddamn child who's afraid of monsters under the bed. I SHOULD KNOW BETTER.
But here's the differentiating factor here. I KNOW the delusions are delusions. The rational part of my mind KNOWS there's no way this is reality. But there's that devil whispering in my ear, "But it might be," and I can't stop the fear.
The delusions aren't real. But the fear is. And I don't know what to do. :(
God help me, I'm tired of being crazy.
Meds: 2 pm
Sleep: 7ish hours?
Other: Been doing a lot of thinking. I desperately need to go back to the doctor. I don't know if I've cycled into another ugly manic or mixed state or if I've just discovered that I have paranoid ideation outside of mood episodes. I'm hoping with all my heart and soul that it's the former and not the latter, not that that's much better.
I may go back to the doctor before I go to New York. I haven't decided yet. I need to go, but I'd intended to wait it out until I have to go back for more prescriptions in May. I don't know if I can make it that long, though. It's pretty apparent that what I'm taking isn't getting it.
*Sigh* I dunno know what to do. I can't even judge my own mood states anymore, which makes me think I might be in one. I'm so drained of energy, and I feel so blah, but I'm also irritable and paranoid as fuck. So yay. More motherfucking psychosis. I'm sick of it.
More accurately, I'm sick of not being able to control it. I'm 27 years old. I shouldn't have to sit up all night until the sun comes up because I'm convinced I'm going to be murdered horribly in my bed the instant I close my eyes. I'm afraid someone is lurking in the shadows, ready to kill me. I'm afraid of dying in a gruesome and terrifying way. (For the record, when I'm not like this, I'm not afraid of death.) I'm scared that when I die, God is going to cast me into the horrid Hell of every Baptist preacher's wet dream where I'm going to be tortured for all eternity. In fact, I'm convinced that the devil himself is going to come and escort my soul to the cell of unspeakable horrors that he's got waiting for me.
Yeah. It's insane. I hate myself for having these ridiculous thoughts. I'm ashamed that I can't control them. Most people have no idea what it's like to have to wrestle with your own mind. It's incredibly humiliating to have to deal with. I feel like a goddamn child who's afraid of monsters under the bed. I SHOULD KNOW BETTER.
But here's the differentiating factor here. I KNOW the delusions are delusions. The rational part of my mind KNOWS there's no way this is reality. But there's that devil whispering in my ear, "But it might be," and I can't stop the fear.
The delusions aren't real. But the fear is. And I don't know what to do. :(
God help me, I'm tired of being crazy.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
The Light At The End Of The Tunnel...Maybe
Mood: 2
Meds: 10 am
Sleep: 2 hours last night and 2 hours mid-day today. Ugh.
Other: I think there's finally a light at the end of the tunnel. Daddy is going to go and borrow the money for me to pay off my credit cards and hopefully have a little left over for with the agreement that I'll pay back the loan, of course. There's pretty much no way that the payments can be more than what I'm making on the cards now, so that's a load off my shoulders. Hopefully, there will be enough to pay taxes, pay what little I've got left in collections, pay the university what I owe them, and maybe, maybe take a class in the summer.
Fangbunny and I have come to an agreement about work and such. She's going to take calls and work on her music blog and her novel, and I'm going to market. We'll both log in more, I think, and make more money in the long run. I'm so obsessive about search engine wizardry, anyhow. I'm one of those weirdos who gets off on being the best. I realize I'm an egomaniac, but being an egomaniac gives me the drive to succeed, simply because failure is NOT an option for me.
I've changed a lot of the business plan, too. I am going to be SO busy, but it's SO going to pay off. Fangbunny wants to get her novel written, and I want to finish my master's within the year. This is what's going to keep us motivated.
Well, that and the fact that I'm batshit. That's motivation in and of itself sometimes.
The only other thing I have to add right now is that I'm tired of having to stifle my own thoughts and feelings for other people's convenience. I've done it for years. I'm sick of it. I'm tired of having to keep my mouth shut to keep from making other people uncomfortable. I'm sorry that me calling you [general you] out on being a total and complete fucking asshole hurts your feelings, but I'm tired of you hurting me by acting like a total and complete fucking asshole. Why are other people's feelings more important than mine?
Questions to ponder on.
Meds: 10 am
Sleep: 2 hours last night and 2 hours mid-day today. Ugh.
Other: I think there's finally a light at the end of the tunnel. Daddy is going to go and borrow the money for me to pay off my credit cards and hopefully have a little left over for with the agreement that I'll pay back the loan, of course. There's pretty much no way that the payments can be more than what I'm making on the cards now, so that's a load off my shoulders. Hopefully, there will be enough to pay taxes, pay what little I've got left in collections, pay the university what I owe them, and maybe, maybe take a class in the summer.
Fangbunny and I have come to an agreement about work and such. She's going to take calls and work on her music blog and her novel, and I'm going to market. We'll both log in more, I think, and make more money in the long run. I'm so obsessive about search engine wizardry, anyhow. I'm one of those weirdos who gets off on being the best. I realize I'm an egomaniac, but being an egomaniac gives me the drive to succeed, simply because failure is NOT an option for me.
I've changed a lot of the business plan, too. I am going to be SO busy, but it's SO going to pay off. Fangbunny wants to get her novel written, and I want to finish my master's within the year. This is what's going to keep us motivated.
Well, that and the fact that I'm batshit. That's motivation in and of itself sometimes.
The only other thing I have to add right now is that I'm tired of having to stifle my own thoughts and feelings for other people's convenience. I've done it for years. I'm sick of it. I'm tired of having to keep my mouth shut to keep from making other people uncomfortable. I'm sorry that me calling you [general you] out on being a total and complete fucking asshole hurts your feelings, but I'm tired of you hurting me by acting like a total and complete fucking asshole. Why are other people's feelings more important than mine?
Questions to ponder on.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Maybe Not So Bad
Mood: 1
Meds: 2 pm
Sleep: 6 hours
Other: Been having intermittent Internet problems. The technicians came out today--which is why I got less sleep than usual--and checked on it. Apparently, whoever wired it originally put it in wrong, which means the whole thing's going to have to be redone. Naturally. *Eyeroll* They didn't have time to do it today, but they're gonna send someone out next week. Which means *another* day of dealing with it. But whatever, at least they believed there was something wrong with it, which is more than I can say for the first guy who came out and looked at it a few months ago, and they're gonna fix it. So I can't complain too much.
I'm at my parents' house right now with my mother. Daddy hasn't gotten home yet. I'm actually sleeping in the basement bedroom tonight. (Yes, this officially makes me some creepy person posting to the Internet from her parents' basement, LOL.) It's way cooler down here. And dark. Maybe I can actually get some sleep down here tonight, so I won't be in such a shitty mood this weekend.
Also...New York in 8 days. :)
I have a lot of work to do tonight, so I'm not going to post anything other than that quick update. Maybe I'll get a bunch of shit done tonight, so I can post something more substantial tomorrow. I'm picking up my meds tomorrow; prescriptions need refilling. Hopefully, this weekend won't be as bad as I first feared.
Meds: 2 pm
Sleep: 6 hours
Other: Been having intermittent Internet problems. The technicians came out today--which is why I got less sleep than usual--and checked on it. Apparently, whoever wired it originally put it in wrong, which means the whole thing's going to have to be redone. Naturally. *Eyeroll* They didn't have time to do it today, but they're gonna send someone out next week. Which means *another* day of dealing with it. But whatever, at least they believed there was something wrong with it, which is more than I can say for the first guy who came out and looked at it a few months ago, and they're gonna fix it. So I can't complain too much.
I'm at my parents' house right now with my mother. Daddy hasn't gotten home yet. I'm actually sleeping in the basement bedroom tonight. (Yes, this officially makes me some creepy person posting to the Internet from her parents' basement, LOL.) It's way cooler down here. And dark. Maybe I can actually get some sleep down here tonight, so I won't be in such a shitty mood this weekend.
Also...New York in 8 days. :)
I have a lot of work to do tonight, so I'm not going to post anything other than that quick update. Maybe I'll get a bunch of shit done tonight, so I can post something more substantial tomorrow. I'm picking up my meds tomorrow; prescriptions need refilling. Hopefully, this weekend won't be as bad as I first feared.
The Big Bunny And The Baby Bunny
Mood: -2
Meds: 5:30 pm
Sleep: 12 hours
Other: Same shit, different day. That's the easiest way of putting it.
Found this on my message board today and was amused.
Oh, if only it were really that simple.
Today's blog is something that's been rolling around in my head for awhile now. I'm hoping it might shed some light on a few things that go on in my brain and in my life.
What we have here is a tale of two bunnies.
First, we have a big bunny...a rabbit, if you will. The big bunny is me, or, if you prefer, the outward manifestation of myself and the sum of my experiences, blah, blah, blah.
And then, we have a baby bunny. The little bunny lives inside the big bunny, but is usually hiding where it can't be seen.
The little bunny is fragile, and the big bunny has taken it upon herself to protect the little bunny at all costs.
Ok, enough with the bunny analogies. I'm a fat, mentally ill 27-year-old who's got a little girl inside. And I'm not talking about my "inner child" or whatever New Age bullshit that pop psychologists spout. I mean, there is a part of my personality that is a little girl.
This little girl isn't a set age. She's usually anywhere from the ages of 3 to 7. The more stressful my life gets, the younger and clingier she becomes.
The big girl is me. I have always protected the little one inside at all costs. It's the reason I become so vicious when I've been hurt. A lifetime of hurts from people who take advantage of me constantly have helped to build up an elaborate defense mechanism to protect the little girl from the pain of being constantly surrounded by assholes.
It's rare that the little girl ever comes out. Mostly because it's rare that the big girl ever steps back far enough from her to let her poke her head out into the light of day. When she does, she is sweet and innocent and in need of the unconditional love she's never gotten from anyone in her entire life.
This, of course, makes her incredibly vulnerable to being hurt. And even when the big girl hides her behind tall, thick concrete walls with razor wire set in the top, sniper towers all around, and Great Danes with AIDS patrolling the outer perimeter, the evil of the world still manages to sneak through. Every mean, hateful, selfish, hurtful thing that someone does to the big girl, the little girl feels it.
That's why the big girl is so rabid about keeping people away. She does her best to fight them off, to attack viciously when someone's wounded her, to protect the little girl from more harm. The little girl needs to be protected, and the big girl knows that nobody else in the world will do it.
She hates herself for letting the little girl get hurt. The few times she's stepped back and let someone close to the little girl, that person has completely devastated the little one. So the big girl does everything in her power to keep it from happening again, including pushing away the ones she loves most because of the damage they've done to the little girl.
I am a profoundly fucked up individual. I don't think I can emphasize that enough.
Meds: 5:30 pm
Sleep: 12 hours
Other: Same shit, different day. That's the easiest way of putting it.
Found this on my message board today and was amused.
Oh, if only it were really that simple.
Today's blog is something that's been rolling around in my head for awhile now. I'm hoping it might shed some light on a few things that go on in my brain and in my life.
What we have here is a tale of two bunnies.
First, we have a big bunny...a rabbit, if you will. The big bunny is me, or, if you prefer, the outward manifestation of myself and the sum of my experiences, blah, blah, blah.
And then, we have a baby bunny. The little bunny lives inside the big bunny, but is usually hiding where it can't be seen.
The little bunny is fragile, and the big bunny has taken it upon herself to protect the little bunny at all costs.
Ok, enough with the bunny analogies. I'm a fat, mentally ill 27-year-old who's got a little girl inside. And I'm not talking about my "inner child" or whatever New Age bullshit that pop psychologists spout. I mean, there is a part of my personality that is a little girl.
This little girl isn't a set age. She's usually anywhere from the ages of 3 to 7. The more stressful my life gets, the younger and clingier she becomes.
The big girl is me. I have always protected the little one inside at all costs. It's the reason I become so vicious when I've been hurt. A lifetime of hurts from people who take advantage of me constantly have helped to build up an elaborate defense mechanism to protect the little girl from the pain of being constantly surrounded by assholes.
It's rare that the little girl ever comes out. Mostly because it's rare that the big girl ever steps back far enough from her to let her poke her head out into the light of day. When she does, she is sweet and innocent and in need of the unconditional love she's never gotten from anyone in her entire life.
This, of course, makes her incredibly vulnerable to being hurt. And even when the big girl hides her behind tall, thick concrete walls with razor wire set in the top, sniper towers all around, and Great Danes with AIDS patrolling the outer perimeter, the evil of the world still manages to sneak through. Every mean, hateful, selfish, hurtful thing that someone does to the big girl, the little girl feels it.
That's why the big girl is so rabid about keeping people away. She does her best to fight them off, to attack viciously when someone's wounded her, to protect the little girl from more harm. The little girl needs to be protected, and the big girl knows that nobody else in the world will do it.
She hates herself for letting the little girl get hurt. The few times she's stepped back and let someone close to the little girl, that person has completely devastated the little one. So the big girl does everything in her power to keep it from happening again, including pushing away the ones she loves most because of the damage they've done to the little girl.
I am a profoundly fucked up individual. I don't think I can emphasize that enough.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Willpower...I not haz it.
As you probably already know if you've been following this blog, I'm trying desperately to control some of my shittier behavior. By this, I mean lashing out at people, drinking to make myself feel better, and fucking random dudes as a way to validate myself. I'm not succeeding so well with the first one--though in my defense, I'm lashing out more at people who deserve it and less at people who do not. But I am doing better with the other two.
Only thing is, I'm exhausting myself by trying. Fighting the urge to give in to my two favorite coping mechanisms, alcohol and sex, is wearing me the fuck out. And for what? In the grand scheme of things, nobody gives a shit if I fuck every man who looks my way and chug liquor like it's going out of style.
I'm the only one who I'll hurt by doing this. I won't hurt another soul. I don't drive when I drink, and I don't fight, and I don't make myself someone else's responsibility. I generally just giggle a lot, talk loudly, and finally fall asleep once I get still. And as for the fucking, well, I don't have any venereal diseases to give anyone, and I try to be up front about the fact that I'm using men for sex. So I don't see the problem there, either.
And if I I'm used to it. It's a constant state of being for me, and at the very least, these behaviors offer a temporary escape mechanism from the pain.
If I'm honest, the desire to get shitfaced has pretty much subsided. It usually does. That's one reason it's easier to ignore. If a new tragedy pops up, it'll come back, but as long as the drama stays at a dull roar, I can control it.
But the desire to fuck random strangers? Stronger than it's been in years. I don't need to give in, but I'm probably going to. I'll be posting Craigslist ads before the week is out. I can't stand this fucking solitary, isolated existence anymore, and if the only fucking way I can get attention is, well, fucking, then I guess I'll do it.
My relationship with sex is so fucked up. It's an addiction of sorts. Not in the strictest sense of the term, but it is something I always come back to to help me cope.
It's also not an "OMG, me so horny!" kind of thing, either. It's a twisted compulsion that I keep coming back to because I apparently have a thing for hurting myself over and over and over.
And really? I don't care anymore. Let me go ahead and self-destruct. I'm going mad again, anyway, so it's really just a matter of time. I just need some sort of release from the chains that I keep myself tangled up in, and the one with the key curses my very name.
So random dudes to make me forget about the chains it is. Given the sea of tears I've cried over all the bullshit life has thrown at me in 27 years, what's another few drops?
Maybe I'll feel stronger in the morning.
As you probably already know if you've been following this blog, I'm trying desperately to control some of my shittier behavior. By this, I mean lashing out at people, drinking to make myself feel better, and fucking random dudes as a way to validate myself. I'm not succeeding so well with the first one--though in my defense, I'm lashing out more at people who deserve it and less at people who do not. But I am doing better with the other two.
Only thing is, I'm exhausting myself by trying. Fighting the urge to give in to my two favorite coping mechanisms, alcohol and sex, is wearing me the fuck out. And for what? In the grand scheme of things, nobody gives a shit if I fuck every man who looks my way and chug liquor like it's going out of style.
I'm the only one who I'll hurt by doing this. I won't hurt another soul. I don't drive when I drink, and I don't fight, and I don't make myself someone else's responsibility. I generally just giggle a lot, talk loudly, and finally fall asleep once I get still. And as for the fucking, well, I don't have any venereal diseases to give anyone, and I try to be up front about the fact that I'm using men for sex. So I don't see the problem there, either.
And if I I'm used to it. It's a constant state of being for me, and at the very least, these behaviors offer a temporary escape mechanism from the pain.
If I'm honest, the desire to get shitfaced has pretty much subsided. It usually does. That's one reason it's easier to ignore. If a new tragedy pops up, it'll come back, but as long as the drama stays at a dull roar, I can control it.
But the desire to fuck random strangers? Stronger than it's been in years. I don't need to give in, but I'm probably going to. I'll be posting Craigslist ads before the week is out. I can't stand this fucking solitary, isolated existence anymore, and if the only fucking way I can get attention is, well, fucking, then I guess I'll do it.
My relationship with sex is so fucked up. It's an addiction of sorts. Not in the strictest sense of the term, but it is something I always come back to to help me cope.
It's also not an "OMG, me so horny!" kind of thing, either. It's a twisted compulsion that I keep coming back to because I apparently have a thing for hurting myself over and over and over.
And really? I don't care anymore. Let me go ahead and self-destruct. I'm going mad again, anyway, so it's really just a matter of time. I just need some sort of release from the chains that I keep myself tangled up in, and the one with the key curses my very name.
So random dudes to make me forget about the chains it is. Given the sea of tears I've cried over all the bullshit life has thrown at me in 27 years, what's another few drops?
Maybe I'll feel stronger in the morning.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Mood: I don't even know anymore. The scale doesn't accurately reflect what's going on. Suffice it to say, I feel like shit.
Meds: 1:30 pm
Sleep: 7-8 hours
Other: Pretty sure I'm going batshit again. It's getting to be a battle to get myself to do anything. Part of me thinks that if I could just sleep an entire day away, I'd have to feel better. My sleep has been so fucked up ever since the time changed, and now I don't know if I'll ever get it back again. I'm dreading going to my parents' house this weekend. Actually, to be honest, I'm dreading pretty much everything. Life in general, I suppose. Kitty's not really saying a lot to me again, and he still hasn't said *anything*. I feel like I'm being punished by him for something horrible I've done, but I don't know what it is or what can be done to rectify it. Hell, I don't know. Maybe I do deserve it.
I was going to write an actual post today, but I'm suddenly very sleepy and feel like I need to get up and do something before I doze off. Maybe I'll write more later.
Meds: 1:30 pm
Sleep: 7-8 hours
Other: Pretty sure I'm going batshit again. It's getting to be a battle to get myself to do anything. Part of me thinks that if I could just sleep an entire day away, I'd have to feel better. My sleep has been so fucked up ever since the time changed, and now I don't know if I'll ever get it back again. I'm dreading going to my parents' house this weekend. Actually, to be honest, I'm dreading pretty much everything. Life in general, I suppose. Kitty's not really saying a lot to me again, and he still hasn't said *anything*. I feel like I'm being punished by him for something horrible I've done, but I don't know what it is or what can be done to rectify it. Hell, I don't know. Maybe I do deserve it.
I was going to write an actual post today, but I'm suddenly very sleepy and feel like I need to get up and do something before I doze off. Maybe I'll write more later.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Current Issues
Mood: 0...meh again.
Meds: 4 pm-ish
Sleep: A very fragmented 7 or so hours
Other: Everything's pretty much all fucked up, but that's nothing unusual, yes?
I'm having some problems currently, and they're kind of bothering me.
You see, the way the diagnostic criteria for bipolar is written, psychotic episodes concur with mood episodes. This is how doctors distinguish between bipolar with psychotic features and the other psychotic disorders (schizophrenia, etc.). In other words, if you've got psychotic features (hallucinations, delusions, thought disorder, etc.) outside of manic or depressive episodes, you're something other than bipolar.
I'm a little worried because the paranoia is creeping back in. Skulking is probably the better word for it. It sneaks around and comes in the back door when I'm not looking, and then it seizes me in the dead of night, and I have no idea where it came from. Like, when we didn't have power last night, I couldn't go to sleep until it was light outside because every time I turned out the battery-powered lantern, it felt like something was creeping in closer and closer to my bed.
Yes, I am batshit. Why do you ask?
There are plenty of other examples, too, but I won't waste time talking about them. Let's just suffice it to say that the old paranoia is insinuating itself back in, albeit not as severely as before (at the moment, anyway).
I am completely aware of how irrational and ridiculous this is. I am also completely incapable of stopping it.
See, I don't think I've got a bout of mania or depression coming on. Doesn't *feel* like it, anyway. And that's what's worrying me. What if I'm crazier than previously imagined? I mean, I'm not at a completely "normal" place in my life, and the paranoia does seem to be transient and stress-related, but what does that mean?
On the other hand, I'm not entirely sure I'm capable of assessing my mood state correctly. I could be in the beginnings of a manic phase. I don't know. I don't have the racing thoughts and whatnot, but I'm starting to feel compelled to do the random sex thing again, and my rage is getting worse. Again.
So I don't know if I'm crazier than I thought or if these are just signs of me melting under the unrelenting stress or if I'm just not medicated heavily enough or correctly to take care of all the manic shit.
I guess we'll see soon enough. :|
Meds: 4 pm-ish
Sleep: A very fragmented 7 or so hours
Other: Everything's pretty much all fucked up, but that's nothing unusual, yes?
I'm having some problems currently, and they're kind of bothering me.
You see, the way the diagnostic criteria for bipolar is written, psychotic episodes concur with mood episodes. This is how doctors distinguish between bipolar with psychotic features and the other psychotic disorders (schizophrenia, etc.). In other words, if you've got psychotic features (hallucinations, delusions, thought disorder, etc.) outside of manic or depressive episodes, you're something other than bipolar.
I'm a little worried because the paranoia is creeping back in. Skulking is probably the better word for it. It sneaks around and comes in the back door when I'm not looking, and then it seizes me in the dead of night, and I have no idea where it came from. Like, when we didn't have power last night, I couldn't go to sleep until it was light outside because every time I turned out the battery-powered lantern, it felt like something was creeping in closer and closer to my bed.
Yes, I am batshit. Why do you ask?
There are plenty of other examples, too, but I won't waste time talking about them. Let's just suffice it to say that the old paranoia is insinuating itself back in, albeit not as severely as before (at the moment, anyway).
I am completely aware of how irrational and ridiculous this is. I am also completely incapable of stopping it.
See, I don't think I've got a bout of mania or depression coming on. Doesn't *feel* like it, anyway. And that's what's worrying me. What if I'm crazier than previously imagined? I mean, I'm not at a completely "normal" place in my life, and the paranoia does seem to be transient and stress-related, but what does that mean?
On the other hand, I'm not entirely sure I'm capable of assessing my mood state correctly. I could be in the beginnings of a manic phase. I don't know. I don't have the racing thoughts and whatnot, but I'm starting to feel compelled to do the random sex thing again, and my rage is getting worse. Again.
So I don't know if I'm crazier than I thought or if these are just signs of me melting under the unrelenting stress or if I'm just not medicated heavily enough or correctly to take care of all the manic shit.
I guess we'll see soon enough. :|
Profoundly Not Profound
Mood: -2
Meds: 6 pm
Sleep: 4 hours
Other: Ugh. Just...ugh.
I was going to try write something profound tonight, but I am both hungry and exhausted, so I'm going to speed right through this. I'll save the profundity for when my brain is more functional.
Why am I so tired, you might ask? Well, to make a long story short, you know how I wrote about the breaker being tripped on Saturday? It happened again yesterday. Unfortunately, this time, once I flipped it, it didn't come back on. The breaker switch was flaming hot, and the damn thing shocked me when I touched it.
This was roughly 5:30 pm. At around 7, after I'd talked to the power company and after I'd realized the power wasn't going to come back on, I started trying to call the chauvinistic, shitheaded, dumbfuck, useless, worthless, incompetent sack of shit property manager. Fangbunny and I alternated back and forth between calling him, both of us leaving him voicemails, trying to get someone to come out before it got too late, so we could work.
No such luck. The dumb sonofabitch didn't return our calls until 8 this morning. And he didn't even bother checking his voicemail. He asked Fangbunny who she was and what she wanted!
I hate that bastard. I hate him with a passion. I detest having to deal with him because he's a sexist pig and fuckwad to boot. I've never met anyone I'd like to firebomb more. It took her forever to explain what the problem was because he kept interrupting and even longer for him to realize it wasn't just dumb women not knowing what to do.
When he finally figured out that the fucking breaker switch wasn't just tripped but burned out and in need of an electrician to replace it, he said he'd send someone and then hung up on her!
Around 11:30, the electrician comes moseying up. He fucked around outside at the box for awhile, then came back and told us that he'd have to go get a part. Now, keep in mind, I'd only slept maybe 2 hours, and Fangbunny less than that. So we waited. And waited. And waited.
He came back around 2 and fixed it. It's been working fine ever since. *Knock on wood* But we sat in this goddamn house for TWENTY-ONE MOTHERFUCKING HOURS because that ignorant bastard of a property manager couldn't be bothered to get off his lazy, dumb ass and check his fucking phone and return our calls. Which, you know, he fucking GETS PAID TO DO. We couldn't sleep because it was too hot in here. We missed potential income by not being able to log in. And, worst of all, the whole freezer and refrigerator full of food? Ruined.
Like I've fucking got the money to go replace that shit.
I know I need to go and insist that something be deducted from my rent because of how much this fucked me up. But I do not want to deal with that bastard. I want him to die a slow, horrible, fiery death. I don't know what I'm going to do about it. I'm afraid that if I go over there and he cops an attitude with me that I might have a nuclear meltdown, rip his dick off, and beat him to death with it.
Have I mentioned that sleep deprivation, especially when combined with dumbfuckery of the worst kind, makes me homicidal? Because it does.
I managed to get a 2 hour nap after the electrician left, but I still had to get up and work. I am SO tired and SO irritated about the whole thing. I've also heard nothing but my mother complaining about what an asshole HER mother is for the last several days. I've always told her that's what the old bat is like; I don't know why she's suddenly complaining about it now. Oh, and I've got to go spend this weekend at my parents' house.
This is going to be one shitty fucking week.
Meds: 6 pm
Sleep: 4 hours
Other: Ugh. Just...ugh.
I was going to try write something profound tonight, but I am both hungry and exhausted, so I'm going to speed right through this. I'll save the profundity for when my brain is more functional.
Why am I so tired, you might ask? Well, to make a long story short, you know how I wrote about the breaker being tripped on Saturday? It happened again yesterday. Unfortunately, this time, once I flipped it, it didn't come back on. The breaker switch was flaming hot, and the damn thing shocked me when I touched it.
This was roughly 5:30 pm. At around 7, after I'd talked to the power company and after I'd realized the power wasn't going to come back on, I started trying to call the chauvinistic, shitheaded, dumbfuck, useless, worthless, incompetent sack of shit property manager. Fangbunny and I alternated back and forth between calling him, both of us leaving him voicemails, trying to get someone to come out before it got too late, so we could work.
No such luck. The dumb sonofabitch didn't return our calls until 8 this morning. And he didn't even bother checking his voicemail. He asked Fangbunny who she was and what she wanted!
I hate that bastard. I hate him with a passion. I detest having to deal with him because he's a sexist pig and fuckwad to boot. I've never met anyone I'd like to firebomb more. It took her forever to explain what the problem was because he kept interrupting and even longer for him to realize it wasn't just dumb women not knowing what to do.
When he finally figured out that the fucking breaker switch wasn't just tripped but burned out and in need of an electrician to replace it, he said he'd send someone and then hung up on her!
Around 11:30, the electrician comes moseying up. He fucked around outside at the box for awhile, then came back and told us that he'd have to go get a part. Now, keep in mind, I'd only slept maybe 2 hours, and Fangbunny less than that. So we waited. And waited. And waited.
He came back around 2 and fixed it. It's been working fine ever since. *Knock on wood* But we sat in this goddamn house for TWENTY-ONE MOTHERFUCKING HOURS because that ignorant bastard of a property manager couldn't be bothered to get off his lazy, dumb ass and check his fucking phone and return our calls. Which, you know, he fucking GETS PAID TO DO. We couldn't sleep because it was too hot in here. We missed potential income by not being able to log in. And, worst of all, the whole freezer and refrigerator full of food? Ruined.
Like I've fucking got the money to go replace that shit.
I know I need to go and insist that something be deducted from my rent because of how much this fucked me up. But I do not want to deal with that bastard. I want him to die a slow, horrible, fiery death. I don't know what I'm going to do about it. I'm afraid that if I go over there and he cops an attitude with me that I might have a nuclear meltdown, rip his dick off, and beat him to death with it.
Have I mentioned that sleep deprivation, especially when combined with dumbfuckery of the worst kind, makes me homicidal? Because it does.
I managed to get a 2 hour nap after the electrician left, but I still had to get up and work. I am SO tired and SO irritated about the whole thing. I've also heard nothing but my mother complaining about what an asshole HER mother is for the last several days. I've always told her that's what the old bat is like; I don't know why she's suddenly complaining about it now. Oh, and I've got to go spend this weekend at my parents' house.
This is going to be one shitty fucking week.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Getting This Over With
Mood: eh, 1
Meds: 3 pm
Sleep: 8-9 hours
Other: I haven't been up very long, so there's not much "other" to mention. I'm still trying to figure out how to tell the people at the rental office about the window. And I splashed shower gel in my eye while I was taking a bath. It's still fucking stinging. The Kitty situation appears to be stable. I suppose the situation with him is still stable, if you consider "still not talking to me" = "stable."
I may write a longer blog tonight. Then again, I might not. I just wanted to make sure I got something down because I almost forgot yesterday.
Meds: 3 pm
Sleep: 8-9 hours
Other: I haven't been up very long, so there's not much "other" to mention. I'm still trying to figure out how to tell the people at the rental office about the window. And I splashed shower gel in my eye while I was taking a bath. It's still fucking stinging. The Kitty situation appears to be stable. I suppose the situation with him is still stable, if you consider "still not talking to me" = "stable."
I may write a longer blog tonight. Then again, I might not. I just wanted to make sure I got something down because I almost forgot yesterday.
Super Moon
Mood: 0...better than yesterday
Meds: 6 pm?
Sleep: 12 hours
Other: It's been an incredibly weird day. I will elaborate in a moment.
Ok, so this whole super-moon thing? Totally making my day nuts. I slept really late--as in until 6 pm--because I couldn't sleep this morning. So then I got up and went to shower while Fangbunny was in the kitchen drying clothes. After I got out of the tub and was drying off, the power went out. No noise, no warning, no nothing. Just boom: one second we have power, and one second we don't.
There was no one else home in our building, so we couldn't decide if it we'd somehow tripped a breaker or if power was out to the whole building. I poked around the house in the semi-dark to try to find a breaker box inside, but there was nothing. The dryer smelled like it was overheated, though, so I squeezed back behind the washer to unplug it, so that it wouldn't, like, blow up or whatever when the power came back on.
Then, Fangbunny and I went traipsing around outside, trying to find the main breaker to the house. Once we found it, I flipped it, and nothing happened. So we decided power must be out to the whole building. We went back inside, and Fangbunny tried to pull up the power company's website on her phone, so we could get the number and call. Of course, it wouldn't load properly. Luckily, though, Kitty and I had been texting a few minutes earlier, so I asked her if she could help. She got online for us and filed an outage notice thing. (Thank you, Kitty!)
We decided we'd go eat, in hopes that the power would be back on when we got home. Someone from the power company called me and told me that they didn't have an outage showing in their system, so it must be something at the apartment. So when we got back home and there was still no power (nor any neighbors at home to ask what was up), I went back around to play with the breaker again.
I figured out that the breaker box was so old that there was a piece of metal that interfered with pushing the breaker over as far as it was supposed to go. So after basically dismantling the breaker box, I was able to get it pushed over far enough to turn the power back on, then put the box together and go back in the house.
But the saga doesn't end there.
Fangbunny and I decided we should probably plug the dryer back up to check and see if it was still working. Her arms were too short to reach the plug, so I of the freakishly long arms wedged myself between the washer and the back wall, pushed past the window, and bent over to plug the dryer in. Whereupon, I heard, "CRACK!"
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I BROKE THE WINDOW WITH MY ASS.
I was almost afraid to get my ass *back* out of the window because I didn't want to cut myself. Can you imagine going to the ER and explaining that you needed stitches in the laceration in your ass because you BROKE A WINDOW WITH IT?
But, luckily, I extracted my ass without any ill effects. I still haven't figured out how I'm going to explain what I did yet. I fully expect to have to pay for it, though. :|
And then the things Fangbunny and I had to deal with tonight at work....Jesus Christ. When they say people go batshit with the full moon, they're right. And when it's a super-moon? All kinds of shit happens. The lunatics come out in full force, and a crazy bitch puts her ass through a window.
I heard this song (which I <3) on Last.FM earlier and decided it perfectly summed up this evening/tonight.
Meds: 6 pm?
Sleep: 12 hours
Other: It's been an incredibly weird day. I will elaborate in a moment.
Ok, so this whole super-moon thing? Totally making my day nuts. I slept really late--as in until 6 pm--because I couldn't sleep this morning. So then I got up and went to shower while Fangbunny was in the kitchen drying clothes. After I got out of the tub and was drying off, the power went out. No noise, no warning, no nothing. Just boom: one second we have power, and one second we don't.
There was no one else home in our building, so we couldn't decide if it we'd somehow tripped a breaker or if power was out to the whole building. I poked around the house in the semi-dark to try to find a breaker box inside, but there was nothing. The dryer smelled like it was overheated, though, so I squeezed back behind the washer to unplug it, so that it wouldn't, like, blow up or whatever when the power came back on.
Then, Fangbunny and I went traipsing around outside, trying to find the main breaker to the house. Once we found it, I flipped it, and nothing happened. So we decided power must be out to the whole building. We went back inside, and Fangbunny tried to pull up the power company's website on her phone, so we could get the number and call. Of course, it wouldn't load properly. Luckily, though, Kitty and I had been texting a few minutes earlier, so I asked her if she could help. She got online for us and filed an outage notice thing. (Thank you, Kitty!)
We decided we'd go eat, in hopes that the power would be back on when we got home. Someone from the power company called me and told me that they didn't have an outage showing in their system, so it must be something at the apartment. So when we got back home and there was still no power (nor any neighbors at home to ask what was up), I went back around to play with the breaker again.
I figured out that the breaker box was so old that there was a piece of metal that interfered with pushing the breaker over as far as it was supposed to go. So after basically dismantling the breaker box, I was able to get it pushed over far enough to turn the power back on, then put the box together and go back in the house.
But the saga doesn't end there.
Fangbunny and I decided we should probably plug the dryer back up to check and see if it was still working. Her arms were too short to reach the plug, so I of the freakishly long arms wedged myself between the washer and the back wall, pushed past the window, and bent over to plug the dryer in. Whereupon, I heard, "CRACK!"
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I BROKE THE WINDOW WITH MY ASS.
I was almost afraid to get my ass *back* out of the window because I didn't want to cut myself. Can you imagine going to the ER and explaining that you needed stitches in the laceration in your ass because you BROKE A WINDOW WITH IT?
But, luckily, I extracted my ass without any ill effects. I still haven't figured out how I'm going to explain what I did yet. I fully expect to have to pay for it, though. :|
And then the things Fangbunny and I had to deal with tonight at work....Jesus Christ. When they say people go batshit with the full moon, they're right. And when it's a super-moon? All kinds of shit happens. The lunatics come out in full force, and a crazy bitch puts her ass through a window.
I heard this song (which I <3) on Last.FM earlier and decided it perfectly summed up this evening/tonight.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
The early hours of March 19, 2011:
Five years ago today, my life changed forever.
I guess it's creepy that I still remember the date, but I always remember the dates of life-changing events.
I met a man--one who took only one kiss to captivate me and throw me onto a roller-coaster ride of epic proportions from which I still haven't been able to extricate myself. I knew from the very first time that he kissed me, I was in trouble.
I think I fell in love with him in that very instant.
It shook my belief in everything I'd ever known. In one instant, the course of my life was irrevocably changed forever. Nothing was ever the same again.
For a little while--a very, very brief while--I believed for the first and only time in my life that I was good enough. I thought my luck had finally changed, that I'd met the man I'd spend the entirety of my life with. I'd found the one I'd been destined for from the start, the one with whom I shared an empathic connection, the one who could match me in passion, not just for sex, but for life only equal.
But, in life, there are winners, and there are losers. You'd think after years of being thwarted at every turn, beaten down, chewed up and spit out, and kicked in the teeth, I'd have gotten the message that I'm one of the losers. But no.
But I get it now.
I'm not good enough. I never was. I never will be.
He might be able to walk away without a word, but I'm still here clinging to the delusion that I of his love. And I reckon I always will be.
Five years ago today, my life changed forever.
I guess it's creepy that I still remember the date, but I always remember the dates of life-changing events.
I met a man--one who took only one kiss to captivate me and throw me onto a roller-coaster ride of epic proportions from which I still haven't been able to extricate myself. I knew from the very first time that he kissed me, I was in trouble.
I think I fell in love with him in that very instant.
It shook my belief in everything I'd ever known. In one instant, the course of my life was irrevocably changed forever. Nothing was ever the same again.
For a little while--a very, very brief while--I believed for the first and only time in my life that I was good enough. I thought my luck had finally changed, that I'd met the man I'd spend the entirety of my life with. I'd found the one I'd been destined for from the start, the one with whom I shared an empathic connection, the one who could match me in passion, not just for sex, but for life only equal.
But, in life, there are winners, and there are losers. You'd think after years of being thwarted at every turn, beaten down, chewed up and spit out, and kicked in the teeth, I'd have gotten the message that I'm one of the losers. But no.
But I get it now.
I'm not good enough. I never was. I never will be.
He might be able to walk away without a word, but I'm still here clinging to the delusion that I of his love. And I reckon I always will be.
Obligatory Post
Mood: -4...can't sink much lower than this while still on the meds, I'm afraid
Meds: 4 pm
Sleep: Anywhere between 8 and 10 hours. Your guess is as good as mine.
Other: You know how I said yesterday I was tired of feeling like I'd break any minute? I think I finally have. I don't have the energy to talk about it. This is just an obligatory post. I'm going to write another in a minute, now that it's after midnight and it dawned on me what day it is.
Meds: 4 pm
Sleep: Anywhere between 8 and 10 hours. Your guess is as good as mine.
Other: You know how I said yesterday I was tired of feeling like I'd break any minute? I think I finally have. I don't have the energy to talk about it. This is just an obligatory post. I'm going to write another in a minute, now that it's after midnight and it dawned on me what day it is.
Friday, March 18, 2011
I Ride The Wrong Road Just As Fast As I Can....
I don't know why, but I feel so alone.
I know that the stress I'm under isn't helping the matter, though I'm sure it does help keep me distracted at the very least. I'm tired of feeling like I'm going to break at any minute. I have some of the best friends in the world, but it's just not enough.
Nobody understands. I don't mean that in this emo "feel sorry for me" sort of way. It's a statement of fact.
There's a huge chunk of my heart missing. All the psychiatric medication in the world can't fix that.
Also? Emotional masochist. I'm so fucked.
I don't know why I love women
That love to do me wrong
I don't know why my life sounds like
A heart-broke country song
I ain't really happy
Unless the sky starts drivin' rain
Maybe I just get off on the pain
My whole life I've been pickin' fights
There ain't no way to win
There's a hundred scars and should've-run-aways
Now tattooed on my skin
There's a side of me that just won't stop
Dancin' in the flame
Maybe I just get off on the pain
'Cause I love the long shots
And the left-out lost causes
Hangin' out in the back of the pack
With the dark horses
I ride the wrong road just as fast as I can
God knows, there's no one else to blame
Sometimes, I think I get off on the pain
I wake up every mornin'
A thousand miles from home
Prayin' for forgiveness
For this achin' in my bones
It would be so easy
To find a better way
Oh, but I know I'll never change
'Cause I love the long shots
And the left-out lost causes
Hangin' out in the back of the pack
With the dark horses
And I ride the wrong road just as fast as I can
God knows, there's no one else to blame
Sometimes, I think I get off on the pain
'Cause I love the long shots
And the left-out lost causes
Hangin' out in the back of the pack
With the dark horses
And I ride the wrong road just as fast as I can
God knows, there's no one else to blame
I know I'm the only one to blame
Sometimes, I think I get off on the pain
Get off on the pain
I'll probably regret having posted this in the morning.
I know that the stress I'm under isn't helping the matter, though I'm sure it does help keep me distracted at the very least. I'm tired of feeling like I'm going to break at any minute. I have some of the best friends in the world, but it's just not enough.
Nobody understands. I don't mean that in this emo "feel sorry for me" sort of way. It's a statement of fact.
There's a huge chunk of my heart missing. All the psychiatric medication in the world can't fix that.
Also? Emotional masochist. I'm so fucked.
I don't know why I love women
That love to do me wrong
I don't know why my life sounds like
A heart-broke country song
I ain't really happy
Unless the sky starts drivin' rain
Maybe I just get off on the pain
My whole life I've been pickin' fights
There ain't no way to win
There's a hundred scars and should've-run-aways
Now tattooed on my skin
There's a side of me that just won't stop
Dancin' in the flame
Maybe I just get off on the pain
'Cause I love the long shots
And the left-out lost causes
Hangin' out in the back of the pack
With the dark horses
I ride the wrong road just as fast as I can
God knows, there's no one else to blame
Sometimes, I think I get off on the pain
I wake up every mornin'
A thousand miles from home
Prayin' for forgiveness
For this achin' in my bones
It would be so easy
To find a better way
Oh, but I know I'll never change
'Cause I love the long shots
And the left-out lost causes
Hangin' out in the back of the pack
With the dark horses
And I ride the wrong road just as fast as I can
God knows, there's no one else to blame
Sometimes, I think I get off on the pain
'Cause I love the long shots
And the left-out lost causes
Hangin' out in the back of the pack
With the dark horses
And I ride the wrong road just as fast as I can
God knows, there's no one else to blame
I know I'm the only one to blame
Sometimes, I think I get off on the pain
Get off on the pain
I'll probably regret having posted this in the morning.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Stabby Stabby Stab Stab
Mood: 2
Meds: 3:30 pm
Sleep: 8 hours
Other: Kind of slept through the meeting. Oops. From what I can tell, though, from there's drama. Not looking forward to hearing about that.
Ok, I just got told what happened. I really am going to have to end these people and all that they love. *Headdesk*
I really have nothing else to say right now. Too much work drama to deal with. Maybe I'll post something later.
Meds: 3:30 pm
Sleep: 8 hours
Other: Kind of slept through the meeting. Oops. From what I can tell, though, from there's drama. Not looking forward to hearing about that.
Ok, I just got told what happened. I really am going to have to end these people and all that they love. *Headdesk*
I really have nothing else to say right now. Too much work drama to deal with. Maybe I'll post something later.
Most Boring Post Ever
Mood: 2
Meds: 4:30 pm
Sleep: 8 hours
Other: Wrote a short story today. Fangbunny and I decided to write a short story each. She's not finished with hers, and mine ended up more a vignette than a short story. So I don't know how well you could say we did with that. I need to take my ass to bed, since I'm going to do my best to catch the 1 pm conference call with the new management. I guarantee I'll be pissed off when it's over.
On that note, I'm out. Sorry for not being more entertaining.
Meds: 4:30 pm
Sleep: 8 hours
Other: Wrote a short story today. Fangbunny and I decided to write a short story each. She's not finished with hers, and mine ended up more a vignette than a short story. So I don't know how well you could say we did with that. I need to take my ass to bed, since I'm going to do my best to catch the 1 pm conference call with the new management. I guarantee I'll be pissed off when it's over.
On that note, I'm out. Sorry for not being more entertaining.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Shit My Roommate Says
Ok, I thought I should post another rather amusing thing that Fangbunny and I came up with last night. I'm thinking seriously of starting a blog called "Shit My Roommate Says" because some of the things that come out of her mouth are *hilarious*. But, anyway, this is actually a post that might, you know, help someone, particularly when dealing with crazy people. It's just funny instead of whiny.
Four Ways *Not* To Apologize
1.) The "I'm only doing this to shut you up" apology: Also known as the "K, sorry" approach. One of the most obnoxious apologies out there. It's not a REAL apology. It's just that the person's tired of listening to you bitch and has decided that saying they're sorry will make you stop. If you question this person about what it is they're sorry *for*, they won't be able to tell you. I mean, unless it's the fact that they're sorry you haven't shut up yet.
2.) The worthless apology: This is sort of a continuation of #1. This is where the person says they're sorry in the most dismissive way possible ("I'm only doing this to shut you up") and then promptly goes back to doing whatever it was that pissed you off in the first place, thus rendering the apology completely useless. Being repentant and making restitution means NOTHING to these people.
3.) The "your problem, not mine" apology: Also known as the "Well, I'm sorry you feel that way" apology. This is the bitchiest of all the apologies. It is also a careful avoidance of actually taking any responsibility and admitting any wrongdoing. It's amazing how people who specialize in this apology try to appear as if they're contrite while steadily blaming you for their acting like an asshole.
4.) The avoidance apology: Also known as the "How 'bout them Yankees?" approach. This person will go to any lengths necessary to completely avoid making any reference whatsoever to his/her wrongdoing. He or she acts like nothing has happened, in hopes that you've forgotten not only *why* you're pissed off at him/her, but also that you were ever angry in the first place.
SPECIAL BONUS: The "proposition" apology: Gentlemen, "Let's have sex" is not an apology. I know you may think that your penis is the magical cure to every problem in the Universe, but you're sadly mistaken. If, in fact, you are able to get a woman who's angry at you into bed, the best you can hope for is hate sex, after which she'll still be mad you, and the worst-case scenario is....Well, just ask John Wayne Bobbit.
Four Ways *Not* To Apologize
1.) The "I'm only doing this to shut you up" apology: Also known as the "K, sorry" approach. One of the most obnoxious apologies out there. It's not a REAL apology. It's just that the person's tired of listening to you bitch and has decided that saying they're sorry will make you stop. If you question this person about what it is they're sorry *for*, they won't be able to tell you. I mean, unless it's the fact that they're sorry you haven't shut up yet.
2.) The worthless apology: This is sort of a continuation of #1. This is where the person says they're sorry in the most dismissive way possible ("I'm only doing this to shut you up") and then promptly goes back to doing whatever it was that pissed you off in the first place, thus rendering the apology completely useless. Being repentant and making restitution means NOTHING to these people.
3.) The "your problem, not mine" apology: Also known as the "Well, I'm sorry you feel that way" apology. This is the bitchiest of all the apologies. It is also a careful avoidance of actually taking any responsibility and admitting any wrongdoing. It's amazing how people who specialize in this apology try to appear as if they're contrite while steadily blaming you for their acting like an asshole.
4.) The avoidance apology: Also known as the "How 'bout them Yankees?" approach. This person will go to any lengths necessary to completely avoid making any reference whatsoever to his/her wrongdoing. He or she acts like nothing has happened, in hopes that you've forgotten not only *why* you're pissed off at him/her, but also that you were ever angry in the first place.
SPECIAL BONUS: The "proposition" apology: Gentlemen, "Let's have sex" is not an apology. I know you may think that your penis is the magical cure to every problem in the Universe, but you're sadly mistaken. If, in fact, you are able to get a woman who's angry at you into bed, the best you can hope for is hate sex, after which she'll still be mad you, and the worst-case scenario is....Well, just ask John Wayne Bobbit.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Something More Light-Hearted
Mood: 1...still meh, just not as tragically meh.
Meds: 4 pm
Sleep: Only about 6. I should've gotten more, I know, but I've been going to bed later and later, especially with the time change, so in order to keep from staying up all morning and sleeping from mid-afternoon to midnight, I set an alarm for 6ish hours after I went to bed. Hopefully, I'll be tired enough around 3 or 4 to go back to normal sleep.
Other: I'm owed $1100+ in back pay. The company that bought my company out is supposed to be honoring this, and there's a meeting on Thursday to discuss how it's going to be doled out. I hope I get it soon. It'd be nice to pay all the bills and whatnot in advance for once and maybe have a little to either save or put toward taxes. I think Kitty and I worked out a problem we've been having due to a misunderstanding. Presumably, Sir Asshat has a broken arm and/or has gone mute because there's still been nothing from him. Aside from that, it's pretty much business as usual here at the hacienda.
In honor of the Ides of March, I present to you the list of dictators (or tyrants), living or dead, I would fuck (in their lifetimes, that is--I'm not digging up corpses). This is a list that Fangbunny and I have been working on for quite some time. Apparently, we both have a thing for dangerous, powerful men who are quite likely to rip our heads off after fucking us, like a goddamn praying mantis. Having a bit of crazy about the eyes is apparently a good thing if you want to get either of us in bed.
Without further ado, the list.
Dictators/Tyrants I Would Fuck
Vladimir Putin: The man who started this entire list. Sure, he's balding, but he has a fantastic body (often seen shirtless), and he's batshit in that incredibly hot way. (Only certain types of batshit are attractive.) He rides horses, likes animals, and would most likely eat your soul for breakfast after doing horrible, horrible things to you in bed. *Swoon*
Julius Caesar: For obvious reasons--I feel as if he would understand things. *Ahem* Whether or not he was actually a dictator or tyrant could be debated, but I'm including him on the list, anyhow.
Caesar Augustus: First man to make himself emperor of Rome. Anybody who's got balls that big is worth nailing in my book.
Mark Antony: Obvious reasons again. The man was loyal to his friends, and he was a serious badass otherwise. What's not to love here?
Caligula: I'd do it just to prove I could get out of it alive. Also, he was kinda hot.
Félix Houphouët-Boigny: This is where my soft side comes in. This guy made himself dictator because his country sucked so bad, and he was apparently the only one in the whole damn nation that was smart enough to fix it. He wasn't repressive, and he basically just used his power to make his country not suck anymore, and the only reason he's even considered a dictator is that he didn't really trust anyone else not to screw up the good things he'd done.
Alexander The Great: An ambitious, restless, violent, impulsive, calculating megalomaniac. Also? Boy sex.
Pedro Santana: Looks oddly like someone I *have* fucked before. Also, the character traits are similar. "After he drove the Haitian army out of the country in the Dominican War of Independence, he almost immediately moved to eliminate the very Independentists that fought alongside him" Et tu, Pedro?
Benito Mussolini: Here shows my shallow side. He was horrible, crazy, and a Fascist, but DAMN he was hot when he was young.
Nero: This is kind of a special case here. I mean, I'd say I'd fuck Nero, but the truth is, I pretty much already have. The modern equivalent, anyway. You know...useless, ineffectual, bitchy. A man who puts those closest to him on the chopping block to save his own ass. Oh, and who buries his head in the sand and fiddles while the entirety of his Empire burns down around his ears. I'd say that about sums it up, wouldn't you?
I'm sure there are more, but I'm tired of writing descriptions. Viva la hot, crazy men!
Meds: 4 pm
Sleep: Only about 6. I should've gotten more, I know, but I've been going to bed later and later, especially with the time change, so in order to keep from staying up all morning and sleeping from mid-afternoon to midnight, I set an alarm for 6ish hours after I went to bed. Hopefully, I'll be tired enough around 3 or 4 to go back to normal sleep.
Other: I'm owed $1100+ in back pay. The company that bought my company out is supposed to be honoring this, and there's a meeting on Thursday to discuss how it's going to be doled out. I hope I get it soon. It'd be nice to pay all the bills and whatnot in advance for once and maybe have a little to either save or put toward taxes. I think Kitty and I worked out a problem we've been having due to a misunderstanding. Presumably, Sir Asshat has a broken arm and/or has gone mute because there's still been nothing from him. Aside from that, it's pretty much business as usual here at the hacienda.
In honor of the Ides of March, I present to you the list of dictators (or tyrants), living or dead, I would fuck (in their lifetimes, that is--I'm not digging up corpses). This is a list that Fangbunny and I have been working on for quite some time. Apparently, we both have a thing for dangerous, powerful men who are quite likely to rip our heads off after fucking us, like a goddamn praying mantis. Having a bit of crazy about the eyes is apparently a good thing if you want to get either of us in bed.
Without further ado, the list.
Dictators/Tyrants I Would Fuck
Vladimir Putin: The man who started this entire list. Sure, he's balding, but he has a fantastic body (often seen shirtless), and he's batshit in that incredibly hot way. (Only certain types of batshit are attractive.) He rides horses, likes animals, and would most likely eat your soul for breakfast after doing horrible, horrible things to you in bed. *Swoon*
Julius Caesar: For obvious reasons--I feel as if he would understand things. *Ahem* Whether or not he was actually a dictator or tyrant could be debated, but I'm including him on the list, anyhow.
Caesar Augustus: First man to make himself emperor of Rome. Anybody who's got balls that big is worth nailing in my book.
Mark Antony: Obvious reasons again. The man was loyal to his friends, and he was a serious badass otherwise. What's not to love here?
Caligula: I'd do it just to prove I could get out of it alive. Also, he was kinda hot.
Félix Houphouët-Boigny: This is where my soft side comes in. This guy made himself dictator because his country sucked so bad, and he was apparently the only one in the whole damn nation that was smart enough to fix it. He wasn't repressive, and he basically just used his power to make his country not suck anymore, and the only reason he's even considered a dictator is that he didn't really trust anyone else not to screw up the good things he'd done.
Alexander The Great: An ambitious, restless, violent, impulsive, calculating megalomaniac. Also? Boy sex.
Pedro Santana: Looks oddly like someone I *have* fucked before. Also, the character traits are similar. "After he drove the Haitian army out of the country in the Dominican War of Independence, he almost immediately moved to eliminate the very Independentists that fought alongside him" Et tu, Pedro?
Benito Mussolini: Here shows my shallow side. He was horrible, crazy, and a Fascist, but DAMN he was hot when he was young.
Nero: This is kind of a special case here. I mean, I'd say I'd fuck Nero, but the truth is, I pretty much already have. The modern equivalent, anyway. You know...useless, ineffectual, bitchy. A man who puts those closest to him on the chopping block to save his own ass. Oh, and who buries his head in the sand and fiddles while the entirety of his Empire burns down around his ears. I'd say that about sums it up, wouldn't you?
I'm sure there are more, but I'm tired of writing descriptions. Viva la hot, crazy men!
Fuck You, Psy Vamp! Fuck You
Mood: -2
Meds: 5 pm
Sleep: I don't remember now.
Other: I was going to write a good blog post for today. But I just got off a 40-minute call with a fucking psychic vampire, and all my motivation is gone. I'm so exhausted that I'm going to bed very soon.
The only things I have to share today are these:
1.) Fangbunny introduced me to Last.FM. It's my new best friend! I was SO tired of my own music, but streaming radio stations sucks. So this is pretty amazing. Yes, I realize I'm probably behind the times with discovering this, but whatever. If you're a real-life friend, feel free to go to and add me as a friend. Just go to "Community" and search for my normal screen name/Yahoo username in the "Search People" box. You can see my music library, too, so you can see just how schizoid my musical taste is, LOL.
2.) I bought a $1 Disney Princess whiteboard today at Target. It's reversible, and it's got my 3 favorite Princesses together on one side with none of the other, lamer Princesses in the picture with them: Belle (Beauty and the Beast), Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty. Yes, I will be putting my to-do list on this. :)
3.) Be prepared for a cute blog post tomorrow. I hope I can get it done before after midnight, unlike I've been doing with most of 'em lately.
Meds: 5 pm
Sleep: I don't remember now.
Other: I was going to write a good blog post for today. But I just got off a 40-minute call with a fucking psychic vampire, and all my motivation is gone. I'm so exhausted that I'm going to bed very soon.
The only things I have to share today are these:
1.) Fangbunny introduced me to Last.FM. It's my new best friend! I was SO tired of my own music, but streaming radio stations sucks. So this is pretty amazing. Yes, I realize I'm probably behind the times with discovering this, but whatever. If you're a real-life friend, feel free to go to and add me as a friend. Just go to "Community" and search for my normal screen name/Yahoo username in the "Search People" box. You can see my music library, too, so you can see just how schizoid my musical taste is, LOL.
2.) I bought a $1 Disney Princess whiteboard today at Target. It's reversible, and it's got my 3 favorite Princesses together on one side with none of the other, lamer Princesses in the picture with them: Belle (Beauty and the Beast), Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty. Yes, I will be putting my to-do list on this. :)
3.) Be prepared for a cute blog post tomorrow. I hope I can get it done before after midnight, unlike I've been doing with most of 'em lately.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Exercise 4
Mood: 0, we're back to meh again.
Meds: 4 pm
Sleep: A fitful 9 hours
Other: Despite the fact that people think I'm a horrible, cold, unfeeling person, I've felt quite a bit of horror and sympathy for the people in Japan. How much more shit can one country handle all at once? Earthquakes, tsunamis, and now the looming threat of nuclear meltdown at one of the power plants? Good Lord.
Also, I'm realizing I've been dwelling on the shitty things again. I fall prey to that from time to time, and even though it helps in some ways to get it off my chest, I guess it's not very productive in the end. However, I do want to clarify one thing: In my sex post from a couple of days ago, I think I may have accidentally insinuated that I fuck men in hopes that they will love me. This is completely untrue. I don't want the random men I fuck to love me. I've loved two men in my life; they're the only ones I've ever wanted love in return from. The rest of them I really don't are about. I've separated sex and love so far apart in my mind that they're basically two different poles at this point. I fuck men because I know it's all I ever get. I do it to drown out my emotional needs with physical ones. It's a poor substitute for what I really need, but I've come to accept that it's all I'll ever get, at least as long as I'm still profoundly fucked up.
I've got to do something to blow off some of the stress. I have perma-knots in both my shoulders now. I feel like I've done well by not giving in to my self-destructive urges to drink, fight, or fuck, but the problem is, I haven't found anything to replace those behaviors with. I need something that allows me a release without resorting to things that make me feel like shit after the fact. I feel like I'm adding to my own stress by fighting the urge to do those things, but I have no idea how to reduce stress by finding a better outlet.
So today, I've decided to do another exercise from my workbook because I've been neglecting doing these things and because I believe it will benefit me. Today's exercise is about identifying emotions, their triggers, and the behaviors that go along with them. It's drawn up in a chart in the book, but I don't feel up to recreating it at the moment, so I'm just going to do it in list form. The book lists several emotions: anger, happiness, sadness, anxiety, love, and shame/guilt. I think that hits most of the important ones, so I'll just use those.
Let us begin.
Triggers: Being hurt. Anger is rarely my first-line emotion, unless someone is threatening a person or thing that's important to me. But that's different than the sort of anger I'm talking about here. This anger is rage, and it's a defense mechanism against being hurt. When people do hurtful, thoughtless, inconsiderate things, the soft, sensitive part of me that I've hidden away inside bleeds. But, again, from having lived in an invalidating environment my whole life, I've learned that telling someone they've hurt you is just an invitation for that person to attack. Most people feed off other people's weakness, particularly when their own behavior is called into question. So I turn the hurt into rage instead. It doesn't solve the problem, but it pushes the hurt away, so that the other person can't hurt me any more deeply than he/she already has. It's a way to turn the tables, to try to make the other person hurt as much as I do because if he/she has hurt me, then he/she obviously doesn't care about the way I feel, so I guess in some twisted way, I think that person deserves my wrath. I dunno. None of this is conscious choice. I don't sit down and decide I'm going to unleash holy hell on anyone who crosses me. It just happens. It's an ingrained behavior that's going to take a lot of time to break.
Bodily Reactions: The joints in my fingers ache from the strain of holding myself back, so I don't physically hurt anyone. My whole body feels hot, inside and out. I can feel my heart pounding all over. As it progresses, I start wheezing from my asthma because the adrenaline rush has no outlet, so my body turns on itself.
When I'm dangerously close to snapping and hitting that point where I black out from rage and don't remember what I do--a place I desperately try to never go into because I fully believe if I ever laid hands on a person when I'm that angry, I could kill him/her bare-handed and never remember doing it later--, I start to shake uncontrollably. (Also, for all those who say I don't take responsibility for my actions, the very fact that I have never crossed the line into laying hands on someone--and thus allowing certain people who have really angered me to still be breathing--is a testament to the responsibility that I take.) Most people underestimate just how brutal I could be.
Thoughts: "Someone is going to pay for this." When I get really angry, I start having images of hurting the person(s) I'm mad at in brutal, brutal ways. This is when I force myself to walk away. The last time someone made me really mad, I had to leave the room because I was having thoughts of grabbing a bitch by her hair, slamming her head against the wall 'til her brains leaked out, and then throwing her body in the fireplace. It was time for me to remove myself from the situation because I have no desire to spend the rest of my life in prison, thank you very much.
Urges: I want the person involved to hurt like I'm hurting. I want to scream and plant people's faces through plate glass. I want people to be afraid of fucking with me again because they don't know when I'll snap. I feel like it's the only way to keep them from hurting me again.
Behaviors: I clam up at first, trying to control my words. When I can't control my words anymore, I scream things. They may or may not make sense. Then, when I become deadly calm, I have to walk away, otherwise the urge to rain holy hell down on everyone might overwhelm me.
Consequences: Everyone hates me. Nobody wants to be around me. The worst part, though is the guilt I feel. It's not guilt for saying what I said or doing what I did. It's guilt for not feeling guilty about saying what I said or doing what I did. I don't feel bad for doing those things. I feel bad for hurting people with my words and/or actions, but I don't feel bad about doing them because it's what I felt at the time, and you can't really apologize for your feelings. And I feel guilty for that because I feel as if I should be more remorseful, but I'm not. And the cycle of hurt and of hating myself continues.
Triggers: It doesn't take much to make me happy. A kind word, a touch, a small gift, a day spent in the company of people I care about, and, most of all, quality time with people I care about, where we do something we all like and we focus all our attention on one another. Good food, good laughs, a walk outside in the spring. There are so many things. I don't think I could list them all here.
Bodily Reactions: I've been told my eyes turn a clearer shade of blue. All the tension leaves my body. My voice is lighter. I forget for awhile how I'm plagued with aches and pains and whatnot. I become more affectionate, less inhibited, a little silly. I can talk animatedly, passionately about a subject, and I've heard I can completely light up a room when I'm "on." Don't know how true that is, but I feel at the top of my game, anyway.
Thoughts: "If only this could last forever." I do my best to savor every second of it because I know that truly happy times are fleeting. I wonder why it can't always be like this. I imagine what it'd be like if I *could* always be that happy, and that makes me even happier. I can continue to glow for days afterwards on that thought alone.
Urges: To crawl inside the people who are making me happy and know them completely, inside out. Not in the creepy way, but just in the "What makes you tick?" sort of way. I want to see what makes them happy, so I can make them feel as good as I do. If it's a platonic thing, I want to just talk and talk and talk the whole night through about something we're passionate about to keep the energy up. If it's a romantic thing, I want to snuggle close and talk and talk and talk the whole night through about something we're passionate about to keep the energy up.
Behaviors: I smile and ask a lot of questions. Within the context of romantic relationships, I get very cuddly. I joke and tease and laugh. I want to go do silly things together, so we can just keep on being happy forever. I talk about intellectual things to exercise parts of my brain that are rarely exercised.
Consequences: I'm often so intense that I confuse/annoy/scare people off. For those who can handle it, they find me an interesting conversationalist, even if I do come across as a little weird. My personality is oddly magnetic when I feel at ease.
Triggers: Feeling lonely. Being left out. Being forgotten. People saying or doing something hurtful. The aftermath of being angry. Knowing someone else around me is hurting.
Bodily Reactions: I curl in bed to hide from the world. I cry. I tremble and rock back and forth like an autistic child. But I NEVER do these things where anyone can see them.
Thoughts: "Why does this always happen to me?" I try to push the thoughts of despair out of my mind, but they keep coming back over and over and over again.
Urges: I want to escape in any way possible. Drinking, fucking, whatever. I just want to get away from how horrible I feel.
Behaviors: I'll either just lie around and cry, or I'll indulge in escape behaviors like the ones I listed in the "Urges" section. I don't work. I also become really clingy.
Consequences: When I'm too upset/sad to work, it makes it hard to pay the bills. Withdrawing from the world makes my friends think I don't want anything to do with them. Being clingy makes people annoyed.
Triggers: Not knowing what's going to happen next. The unknown. Being forced into situations where I don't know how to react or how other people will react to me. No, I'm not a control freak, not at all.
Bodily Reactions: The same pain in my finger joints that I get when I'm angry. That's without question an adrenal reaction. A more generalized anxiety reaction that's not specific to one thing like a confrontation or an unfamiliar social situation includes a lack of sleep and an inability to sleep (or stay asleep) and/or concentrate.
Thoughts: "Oh, God, what am I going to do?" I run through scenarios over and over in my mind, turning them inside out and trying to prepare for any eventuality. I overanalyze everything in hopes that I can prevent a worst-case scenario by heading it off at the pass. I vacillate, hoping to figure out what the best thing to do is.
Urges: I want to indulge in escape behaviors, as usual. Drinking, fucking, etc. I sometimes give in and sometimes don't.
Behaviors: I ruminate. I fidget. I'm more irritable and snappish than usual. I can be clingy if I need reassurance.
Consequences: I drive people nuts, and they want to kill me. Hell, I want to kill me after awhile.
Triggers: There really aren't "triggers" for this, are there? You either love someone, or you don't.
Bodily Reactions: Similar to the reactions for happiness. Sometimes, I cry, but it's a happy sort of crying. (Yes, I'm getting lazy, but I've been working on this thing for two days, so cut me a break.)
Thoughts: "I love you." Much like happiness, I wonder why moments that make me feel so good have to be so fleeting. I try to hold onto them for as long as I can.
Urges: To run away and join the circus and/or rodeo with this person? I don't think there are any real urges associated with love for me.
Behaviors: I get snuggly, but it's different from fear/anxiety or sadness induced clinginess. I'm affectionate and giggly and light-hearted.
Consequences: I dunno. I generally don't get loved back, that's for sure.
Triggers: When I do something I feel I shouldn't have done or don't do something I feel I should've done. Or when someone makes me feel bad about doing or not doing something.
Bodily Reactions: I have no idea.
Thoughts: "Here we go again." I also berate myself for being a dumbass.
Urges: I want to avoid the person(s) or thing(s) that have made me feel guilty. Also, the aforementioned desire for escape behaviors.
Behaviors: I usually do give in to the urge to avoid the person/thing/situation that's made me feel bad. A lot of times, if someone is trying to guilt me into doing something, I end up doing it whether I think it's a good idea or not to make the shitty feelings stop. This is one way I end up fucking men I never wanted to fuck. It's easier to just give in than to stand my ground.
Consequences: I end up feeling even more shame and guilt for giving into something I didn't want to give into. This particular emotion is the one that's most likely to turn into a vicious cycle.
Ok, I'm finished. The point of this exercise is to have something to consult when I'm not really sure how I feel about something. I know I fell off about midway, but there's so much going on right now that this wasn't my top priority.
Expect a long entry about what IS going, work-wise, in a day or two.
Meds: 4 pm
Sleep: A fitful 9 hours
Other: Despite the fact that people think I'm a horrible, cold, unfeeling person, I've felt quite a bit of horror and sympathy for the people in Japan. How much more shit can one country handle all at once? Earthquakes, tsunamis, and now the looming threat of nuclear meltdown at one of the power plants? Good Lord.
Also, I'm realizing I've been dwelling on the shitty things again. I fall prey to that from time to time, and even though it helps in some ways to get it off my chest, I guess it's not very productive in the end. However, I do want to clarify one thing: In my sex post from a couple of days ago, I think I may have accidentally insinuated that I fuck men in hopes that they will love me. This is completely untrue. I don't want the random men I fuck to love me. I've loved two men in my life; they're the only ones I've ever wanted love in return from. The rest of them I really don't are about. I've separated sex and love so far apart in my mind that they're basically two different poles at this point. I fuck men because I know it's all I ever get. I do it to drown out my emotional needs with physical ones. It's a poor substitute for what I really need, but I've come to accept that it's all I'll ever get, at least as long as I'm still profoundly fucked up.
I've got to do something to blow off some of the stress. I have perma-knots in both my shoulders now. I feel like I've done well by not giving in to my self-destructive urges to drink, fight, or fuck, but the problem is, I haven't found anything to replace those behaviors with. I need something that allows me a release without resorting to things that make me feel like shit after the fact. I feel like I'm adding to my own stress by fighting the urge to do those things, but I have no idea how to reduce stress by finding a better outlet.
So today, I've decided to do another exercise from my workbook because I've been neglecting doing these things and because I believe it will benefit me. Today's exercise is about identifying emotions, their triggers, and the behaviors that go along with them. It's drawn up in a chart in the book, but I don't feel up to recreating it at the moment, so I'm just going to do it in list form. The book lists several emotions: anger, happiness, sadness, anxiety, love, and shame/guilt. I think that hits most of the important ones, so I'll just use those.
Let us begin.
Triggers: Being hurt. Anger is rarely my first-line emotion, unless someone is threatening a person or thing that's important to me. But that's different than the sort of anger I'm talking about here. This anger is rage, and it's a defense mechanism against being hurt. When people do hurtful, thoughtless, inconsiderate things, the soft, sensitive part of me that I've hidden away inside bleeds. But, again, from having lived in an invalidating environment my whole life, I've learned that telling someone they've hurt you is just an invitation for that person to attack. Most people feed off other people's weakness, particularly when their own behavior is called into question. So I turn the hurt into rage instead. It doesn't solve the problem, but it pushes the hurt away, so that the other person can't hurt me any more deeply than he/she already has. It's a way to turn the tables, to try to make the other person hurt as much as I do because if he/she has hurt me, then he/she obviously doesn't care about the way I feel, so I guess in some twisted way, I think that person deserves my wrath. I dunno. None of this is conscious choice. I don't sit down and decide I'm going to unleash holy hell on anyone who crosses me. It just happens. It's an ingrained behavior that's going to take a lot of time to break.
Bodily Reactions: The joints in my fingers ache from the strain of holding myself back, so I don't physically hurt anyone. My whole body feels hot, inside and out. I can feel my heart pounding all over. As it progresses, I start wheezing from my asthma because the adrenaline rush has no outlet, so my body turns on itself.
When I'm dangerously close to snapping and hitting that point where I black out from rage and don't remember what I do--a place I desperately try to never go into because I fully believe if I ever laid hands on a person when I'm that angry, I could kill him/her bare-handed and never remember doing it later--, I start to shake uncontrollably. (Also, for all those who say I don't take responsibility for my actions, the very fact that I have never crossed the line into laying hands on someone--and thus allowing certain people who have really angered me to still be breathing--is a testament to the responsibility that I take.) Most people underestimate just how brutal I could be.
Thoughts: "Someone is going to pay for this." When I get really angry, I start having images of hurting the person(s) I'm mad at in brutal, brutal ways. This is when I force myself to walk away. The last time someone made me really mad, I had to leave the room because I was having thoughts of grabbing a bitch by her hair, slamming her head against the wall 'til her brains leaked out, and then throwing her body in the fireplace. It was time for me to remove myself from the situation because I have no desire to spend the rest of my life in prison, thank you very much.
Urges: I want the person involved to hurt like I'm hurting. I want to scream and plant people's faces through plate glass. I want people to be afraid of fucking with me again because they don't know when I'll snap. I feel like it's the only way to keep them from hurting me again.
Behaviors: I clam up at first, trying to control my words. When I can't control my words anymore, I scream things. They may or may not make sense. Then, when I become deadly calm, I have to walk away, otherwise the urge to rain holy hell down on everyone might overwhelm me.
Consequences: Everyone hates me. Nobody wants to be around me. The worst part, though is the guilt I feel. It's not guilt for saying what I said or doing what I did. It's guilt for not feeling guilty about saying what I said or doing what I did. I don't feel bad for doing those things. I feel bad for hurting people with my words and/or actions, but I don't feel bad about doing them because it's what I felt at the time, and you can't really apologize for your feelings. And I feel guilty for that because I feel as if I should be more remorseful, but I'm not. And the cycle of hurt and of hating myself continues.
Triggers: It doesn't take much to make me happy. A kind word, a touch, a small gift, a day spent in the company of people I care about, and, most of all, quality time with people I care about, where we do something we all like and we focus all our attention on one another. Good food, good laughs, a walk outside in the spring. There are so many things. I don't think I could list them all here.
Bodily Reactions: I've been told my eyes turn a clearer shade of blue. All the tension leaves my body. My voice is lighter. I forget for awhile how I'm plagued with aches and pains and whatnot. I become more affectionate, less inhibited, a little silly. I can talk animatedly, passionately about a subject, and I've heard I can completely light up a room when I'm "on." Don't know how true that is, but I feel at the top of my game, anyway.
Thoughts: "If only this could last forever." I do my best to savor every second of it because I know that truly happy times are fleeting. I wonder why it can't always be like this. I imagine what it'd be like if I *could* always be that happy, and that makes me even happier. I can continue to glow for days afterwards on that thought alone.
Urges: To crawl inside the people who are making me happy and know them completely, inside out. Not in the creepy way, but just in the "What makes you tick?" sort of way. I want to see what makes them happy, so I can make them feel as good as I do. If it's a platonic thing, I want to just talk and talk and talk the whole night through about something we're passionate about to keep the energy up. If it's a romantic thing, I want to snuggle close and talk and talk and talk the whole night through about something we're passionate about to keep the energy up.
Behaviors: I smile and ask a lot of questions. Within the context of romantic relationships, I get very cuddly. I joke and tease and laugh. I want to go do silly things together, so we can just keep on being happy forever. I talk about intellectual things to exercise parts of my brain that are rarely exercised.
Consequences: I'm often so intense that I confuse/annoy/scare people off. For those who can handle it, they find me an interesting conversationalist, even if I do come across as a little weird. My personality is oddly magnetic when I feel at ease.
Triggers: Feeling lonely. Being left out. Being forgotten. People saying or doing something hurtful. The aftermath of being angry. Knowing someone else around me is hurting.
Bodily Reactions: I curl in bed to hide from the world. I cry. I tremble and rock back and forth like an autistic child. But I NEVER do these things where anyone can see them.
Thoughts: "Why does this always happen to me?" I try to push the thoughts of despair out of my mind, but they keep coming back over and over and over again.
Urges: I want to escape in any way possible. Drinking, fucking, whatever. I just want to get away from how horrible I feel.
Behaviors: I'll either just lie around and cry, or I'll indulge in escape behaviors like the ones I listed in the "Urges" section. I don't work. I also become really clingy.
Consequences: When I'm too upset/sad to work, it makes it hard to pay the bills. Withdrawing from the world makes my friends think I don't want anything to do with them. Being clingy makes people annoyed.
Triggers: Not knowing what's going to happen next. The unknown. Being forced into situations where I don't know how to react or how other people will react to me. No, I'm not a control freak, not at all.
Bodily Reactions: The same pain in my finger joints that I get when I'm angry. That's without question an adrenal reaction. A more generalized anxiety reaction that's not specific to one thing like a confrontation or an unfamiliar social situation includes a lack of sleep and an inability to sleep (or stay asleep) and/or concentrate.
Thoughts: "Oh, God, what am I going to do?" I run through scenarios over and over in my mind, turning them inside out and trying to prepare for any eventuality. I overanalyze everything in hopes that I can prevent a worst-case scenario by heading it off at the pass. I vacillate, hoping to figure out what the best thing to do is.
Urges: I want to indulge in escape behaviors, as usual. Drinking, fucking, etc. I sometimes give in and sometimes don't.
Behaviors: I ruminate. I fidget. I'm more irritable and snappish than usual. I can be clingy if I need reassurance.
Consequences: I drive people nuts, and they want to kill me. Hell, I want to kill me after awhile.
Triggers: There really aren't "triggers" for this, are there? You either love someone, or you don't.
Bodily Reactions: Similar to the reactions for happiness. Sometimes, I cry, but it's a happy sort of crying. (Yes, I'm getting lazy, but I've been working on this thing for two days, so cut me a break.)
Thoughts: "I love you." Much like happiness, I wonder why moments that make me feel so good have to be so fleeting. I try to hold onto them for as long as I can.
Urges: To run away and join the circus and/or rodeo with this person? I don't think there are any real urges associated with love for me.
Behaviors: I get snuggly, but it's different from fear/anxiety or sadness induced clinginess. I'm affectionate and giggly and light-hearted.
Consequences: I dunno. I generally don't get loved back, that's for sure.
Triggers: When I do something I feel I shouldn't have done or don't do something I feel I should've done. Or when someone makes me feel bad about doing or not doing something.
Bodily Reactions: I have no idea.
Thoughts: "Here we go again." I also berate myself for being a dumbass.
Urges: I want to avoid the person(s) or thing(s) that have made me feel guilty. Also, the aforementioned desire for escape behaviors.
Behaviors: I usually do give in to the urge to avoid the person/thing/situation that's made me feel bad. A lot of times, if someone is trying to guilt me into doing something, I end up doing it whether I think it's a good idea or not to make the shitty feelings stop. This is one way I end up fucking men I never wanted to fuck. It's easier to just give in than to stand my ground.
Consequences: I end up feeling even more shame and guilt for giving into something I didn't want to give into. This particular emotion is the one that's most likely to turn into a vicious cycle.
Ok, I'm finished. The point of this exercise is to have something to consult when I'm not really sure how I feel about something. I know I fell off about midway, but there's so much going on right now that this wasn't my top priority.
Expect a long entry about what IS going, work-wise, in a day or two.
Mood: Like...5. There's so much going on right now.
Meds: 4 pm.
Sleep: 9 hours.
Other: I had a long post going that was an exercise from my workbook. But there's been mutiny within the ranks at work, and I've been playing Dr. Freud to everyone all night. Why they decided to confide in me, I'll never know, but at least I know what's going on. I had to abandon the exercise until a calmer time, though. Hopefully tomorrow.
Meds: 4 pm.
Sleep: 9 hours.
Other: I had a long post going that was an exercise from my workbook. But there's been mutiny within the ranks at work, and I've been playing Dr. Freud to everyone all night. Why they decided to confide in me, I'll never know, but at least I know what's going on. I had to abandon the exercise until a calmer time, though. Hopefully tomorrow.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Interesting News
Mood: 3, feel much better today than I have the past few days.
Meds: 3 pm
Sleep: 5 or so hours. Meh.
Other: Still haven't gotten paid, but it's supposedly coming on Monday. Supposedly. *Eyeroll* Our company is merging with another one, and I'm a little apprehensive. I think our payscale is going to go up, and affiliates are going to start being paid weekly again, but I'm still worried that some asshat is going to come in and make us change up everything we do. I hope it's a change for the better, not a change for the worse. Our boss is promising us that everything will be fine, but I dunno. I guess we'll find out.
I'm gonna go hang out with Fangbunny now. That was really all I had to share.
Meds: 3 pm
Sleep: 5 or so hours. Meh.
Other: Still haven't gotten paid, but it's supposedly coming on Monday. Supposedly. *Eyeroll* Our company is merging with another one, and I'm a little apprehensive. I think our payscale is going to go up, and affiliates are going to start being paid weekly again, but I'm still worried that some asshat is going to come in and make us change up everything we do. I hope it's a change for the better, not a change for the worse. Our boss is promising us that everything will be fine, but I dunno. I guess we'll find out.
I'm gonna go hang out with Fangbunny now. That was really all I had to share.
Sex, Part Deux
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Thursday, March 10, 2011
I Was Going To Write A Real Post And Then...Meh
Mood: 0...very meh.
Meds: 1:30 pm
Sleep: 8 hours and then a couple hours' nap this afternoon because I didn't sleep well at all last night.
Other: I haven't done shit all day. Well, I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher and helped Fangbunny cook. That's been it. No work, nothing. I'm back to that very disconnected feeling, and I don't care for it. Also, Jane Eyre is coming out this weekend, but the release is so limited that it's apparently never going to come here. I'm really irritated about this. Fangbunny said she'd take me to see it in New York if necessary, though. Best roommate ever!
I should probably write more, but I don't feel terribly inclined. I have a whole post on more of my sex issues that I want to write, but that's not going to happen until tomorrow afternoon. I'm going to find something with chocolate in it and then go to bed.
Meds: 1:30 pm
Sleep: 8 hours and then a couple hours' nap this afternoon because I didn't sleep well at all last night.
Other: I haven't done shit all day. Well, I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher and helped Fangbunny cook. That's been it. No work, nothing. I'm back to that very disconnected feeling, and I don't care for it. Also, Jane Eyre is coming out this weekend, but the release is so limited that it's apparently never going to come here. I'm really irritated about this. Fangbunny said she'd take me to see it in New York if necessary, though. Best roommate ever!
I should probably write more, but I don't feel terribly inclined. I have a whole post on more of my sex issues that I want to write, but that's not going to happen until tomorrow afternoon. I'm going to find something with chocolate in it and then go to bed.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Delusions Of Grandeur
Mood: A rather snarly 4--not happy, just snarly
Meds: 2:30 pm
Sleep: 10 hours
Other: Still have money coming in. My non-shitty boss approved my business plan. Fangbunny and I have come up with yet another money-making idea. So the work stuff is ok, but the rest of my life isn't. I shall elaborate.
****Disclaimer: Despite the title, I am NOT actually delusional. This is all a massive literary metaphor for my shitty life. Just sayin'.****
I am convinced I am in the midst of a huge production of Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. This might be interesting to a lit nerd (and a narcissist) like myself, if not for one thing. I am apparently playing the title role here.
If you haven't read this play in awhile--or ever--let's review here. Julius Caesar, tragic hero, a man much reviled by those who, you know, were jealous of him, among other things. We also have our Brutus, Caesar's closest friend and confidant. Then, of course, we've got Cassius, the one who spreads false rumors of Caesar's non-existent plans to take over Rome and make it his and his alone, with the intention of sowing discontent among the ranks. And, finally, we have Mark Antony, the coolest of all of Caesar's friends, who, in the end, is the only one to remain loyal.
Much transpires behind the curtain as Cassius whittles away at Brutus's loyalty to Caesar. The Roman Senators eventually turn on Caesar, though Rome, of course, still loves him. Mark Antony suspects that there's something fishy going on here, especially after Caesar tells him that he doesn't trust Cassius as far as he can throw him and sleeps with one eye open when old Cass is around.
Once the Senators, including Brutus, decide they're going to off poor Caesar, Cassius suggests that they go ahead and ice Mark Antony as well, since there's a good possibility that Mark Antony will open up a can of whoop-ass and foil the plot. Brutus rejects the idea, but the plot against Caesar marches onward.
The next day (the Ides of March), the conspirators create a diversion to keep Mark Antony away, and they all basically corner Caesar and stab him to death. Caesar bravely looks Brutus in the eye and says, "Et tu, Brute?" to him, which roughly translates to "You bastard, I know you're gonna stab me, so at least have the balls to plant the knife in my chest instead of my back." Brutus stabs him; Caesar dies.
The conspirators manage to convince Rome that Caesar was out to fuck them all over before Caesar's funeral, mostly because the Roman citizens are all kind of a bunch of dumbasses who just blindly accept the least challenging position. So at the funeral, the citizens of Rome are talking shit, and ol' Cassius is gloating at his victory. Brutus goes all emo on them and claims that he was only doing what was best for Rome, that his heart bleeds because he had to strike Caesar down, that he still loves Caesar, Caesar was his best friend who was supposed to dance at his wedding and all that bullshit, only Caesar went batshit, so Brutus just did what he had to do, you know? Rome nods its collective head and agrees that Caesar was a horrible tyrant who needed to be deposed.
Enter Mark Antony, stage left.
Mark Antony, smarmy bastard that he is, gives Caesar a eulogy in which he condemns the conspirators by being a really sarcastic asshole. Seriously. Check this shit out.
"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interrèd with their bones.
So let it be with Caesar. The noble Brutus
Hath told you Caesar was ambitious.
If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
And grievously hath Caesar answered it.
Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest--
For Brutus is an honorable man;
So are they all, all honorable men--
Come I to speak in Caesar's funeral.
He was my friend, faithful, and just to me.
But Brutus says he was ambitious,
And Brutus is an honorable man.
He hath brought many captives home to Rome
Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill.
Did this in Caesar seem ambitious?
When that the poor hath cried, Caesar hath wept.
Ambition should be made of sterner stuff.
Yet Brutus says he was ambitious,
And Brutus is an honorable man.
You all did see that on the Lupercal
I thrice presented him a kingly crown,
Which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition?
Yet Brutus says he was ambitious,
And, sure, he is an honorable man.
I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke,
But here I am to speak what I do know.
You all did love him once, not without cause.
What cause withholds you then to mourn for him?
O judgment! Thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason. Bear with me.
My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar,
And I must pause till it come back to me."
Anyway, it goes along in this vein for awhile, until Rome, fickle, fickle bastard that he is, turns on the conspirators, calling them traitors, and remembers his initial love for Caesar. Mark Antony incites a riot--cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war and all that--, and the Roman citizens run Brutus, Cassius, and the rest of crew out on a rail. The play ends, as do all Shakespeare's tragedies, with bodies scattered everywhere, including those of Brutus and Cassius.
Mark Antony, naturally, goes on to become a notorious badass and womanizer who later ends up nailing Cleopatra on the regular. Rome finally comes to its senses to see Cassius for the snake in the grass that he really is (was?). Everyone sees that Brutus was duped, and Caesar's name is cleared. It all works out well, except for that whole Caesar being murdered part.
In this particular production of the play, I can tell you that I'm Caesar, and Fangbunny's Mark Antony. As to the identities of Brutus, Cassius, and Rome...well, I'll leave that to the reader to decide.
Caesar, to Antony, on the subject of Cassius:
Very dangerous, indeed.
Meds: 2:30 pm
Sleep: 10 hours
Other: Still have money coming in. My non-shitty boss approved my business plan. Fangbunny and I have come up with yet another money-making idea. So the work stuff is ok, but the rest of my life isn't. I shall elaborate.
****Disclaimer: Despite the title, I am NOT actually delusional. This is all a massive literary metaphor for my shitty life. Just sayin'.****
I am convinced I am in the midst of a huge production of Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. This might be interesting to a lit nerd (and a narcissist) like myself, if not for one thing. I am apparently playing the title role here.
If you haven't read this play in awhile--or ever--let's review here. Julius Caesar, tragic hero, a man much reviled by those who, you know, were jealous of him, among other things. We also have our Brutus, Caesar's closest friend and confidant. Then, of course, we've got Cassius, the one who spreads false rumors of Caesar's non-existent plans to take over Rome and make it his and his alone, with the intention of sowing discontent among the ranks. And, finally, we have Mark Antony, the coolest of all of Caesar's friends, who, in the end, is the only one to remain loyal.
Much transpires behind the curtain as Cassius whittles away at Brutus's loyalty to Caesar. The Roman Senators eventually turn on Caesar, though Rome, of course, still loves him. Mark Antony suspects that there's something fishy going on here, especially after Caesar tells him that he doesn't trust Cassius as far as he can throw him and sleeps with one eye open when old Cass is around.
Once the Senators, including Brutus, decide they're going to off poor Caesar, Cassius suggests that they go ahead and ice Mark Antony as well, since there's a good possibility that Mark Antony will open up a can of whoop-ass and foil the plot. Brutus rejects the idea, but the plot against Caesar marches onward.
The next day (the Ides of March), the conspirators create a diversion to keep Mark Antony away, and they all basically corner Caesar and stab him to death. Caesar bravely looks Brutus in the eye and says, "Et tu, Brute?" to him, which roughly translates to "You bastard, I know you're gonna stab me, so at least have the balls to plant the knife in my chest instead of my back." Brutus stabs him; Caesar dies.
The conspirators manage to convince Rome that Caesar was out to fuck them all over before Caesar's funeral, mostly because the Roman citizens are all kind of a bunch of dumbasses who just blindly accept the least challenging position. So at the funeral, the citizens of Rome are talking shit, and ol' Cassius is gloating at his victory. Brutus goes all emo on them and claims that he was only doing what was best for Rome, that his heart bleeds because he had to strike Caesar down, that he still loves Caesar, Caesar was his best friend who was supposed to dance at his wedding and all that bullshit, only Caesar went batshit, so Brutus just did what he had to do, you know? Rome nods its collective head and agrees that Caesar was a horrible tyrant who needed to be deposed.
Enter Mark Antony, stage left.
Mark Antony, smarmy bastard that he is, gives Caesar a eulogy in which he condemns the conspirators by being a really sarcastic asshole. Seriously. Check this shit out.
"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interrèd with their bones.
So let it be with Caesar. The noble Brutus
Hath told you Caesar was ambitious.
If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
And grievously hath Caesar answered it.
Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest--
For Brutus is an honorable man;
So are they all, all honorable men--
Come I to speak in Caesar's funeral.
He was my friend, faithful, and just to me.
But Brutus says he was ambitious,
And Brutus is an honorable man.
He hath brought many captives home to Rome
Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill.
Did this in Caesar seem ambitious?
When that the poor hath cried, Caesar hath wept.
Ambition should be made of sterner stuff.
Yet Brutus says he was ambitious,
And Brutus is an honorable man.
You all did see that on the Lupercal
I thrice presented him a kingly crown,
Which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition?
Yet Brutus says he was ambitious,
And, sure, he is an honorable man.
I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke,
But here I am to speak what I do know.
You all did love him once, not without cause.
What cause withholds you then to mourn for him?
O judgment! Thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason. Bear with me.
My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar,
And I must pause till it come back to me."
Anyway, it goes along in this vein for awhile, until Rome, fickle, fickle bastard that he is, turns on the conspirators, calling them traitors, and remembers his initial love for Caesar. Mark Antony incites a riot--cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war and all that--, and the Roman citizens run Brutus, Cassius, and the rest of crew out on a rail. The play ends, as do all Shakespeare's tragedies, with bodies scattered everywhere, including those of Brutus and Cassius.
Mark Antony, naturally, goes on to become a notorious badass and womanizer who later ends up nailing Cleopatra on the regular. Rome finally comes to its senses to see Cassius for the snake in the grass that he really is (was?). Everyone sees that Brutus was duped, and Caesar's name is cleared. It all works out well, except for that whole Caesar being murdered part.
In this particular production of the play, I can tell you that I'm Caesar, and Fangbunny's Mark Antony. As to the identities of Brutus, Cassius, and Rome...well, I'll leave that to the reader to decide.
Caesar, to Antony, on the subject of Cassius:
Such men as he be never at heart's ease
Whiles they behold a greater than themselves,
And therefore are they very dangerous.
Very dangerous, indeed.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Just Another Day In...Well, Hell, If You Really Want To Know
Mood: 3, much better than yesterday
Meds: 12:45 pm or so
Sleep: Didn't sleep worth a damn, but I probably managed 7-8 hours in there
Other: Still really pissed about how I'm getting fucked on my paychecks now, but there's not a lot I can do about it. I thought through all the bills, and I think I can juggle long enough to pay them when that big check comes mid-April. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to pay taxes then, too. But I'll do something somehow.
In other news, I'm going to New York with Fangbunny. She ordered the tickets today. I'm really excited because I've never been up the East Coast, and I've always wanted to go to New York. So, yeah, going to be on Long Island for a week at the first of April. There will be at least one trip into Manhattan, too. Woo!
I guess the only other thing I have to add right now is that I'm going to have to go back to working 40-50+ hour weeks, and that's going to make me batshit. But what choice do I have? I'm waiting on my other boss (the one that DOESN'T suck) to get back in touch with me about a business venture; I hope to hear from her soon. I'm also seriously thinking about just going ahead and whoring myself out as a writer. I mean, I sort of moonlight at it, anyway, and I'm thinking about just jumping in headfirst.
I have so much on my plate, and I really suck at making decisions. But I guess I don't have much of a choice in the matter, do I? Pretty much the only one who can give any reasonable input at this point is Fangbunny, so I suppose she and I will talk over the relative merits of doing...whatever. It's both terrifying and kind of exhilarating, the thought of not being bound to a company or companies for the bulk of my money.
We shall see. Now I'm off to eat.
Meds: 12:45 pm or so
Sleep: Didn't sleep worth a damn, but I probably managed 7-8 hours in there
Other: Still really pissed about how I'm getting fucked on my paychecks now, but there's not a lot I can do about it. I thought through all the bills, and I think I can juggle long enough to pay them when that big check comes mid-April. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to pay taxes then, too. But I'll do something somehow.
In other news, I'm going to New York with Fangbunny. She ordered the tickets today. I'm really excited because I've never been up the East Coast, and I've always wanted to go to New York. So, yeah, going to be on Long Island for a week at the first of April. There will be at least one trip into Manhattan, too. Woo!
I guess the only other thing I have to add right now is that I'm going to have to go back to working 40-50+ hour weeks, and that's going to make me batshit. But what choice do I have? I'm waiting on my other boss (the one that DOESN'T suck) to get back in touch with me about a business venture; I hope to hear from her soon. I'm also seriously thinking about just going ahead and whoring myself out as a writer. I mean, I sort of moonlight at it, anyway, and I'm thinking about just jumping in headfirst.
I have so much on my plate, and I really suck at making decisions. But I guess I don't have much of a choice in the matter, do I? Pretty much the only one who can give any reasonable input at this point is Fangbunny, so I suppose she and I will talk over the relative merits of doing...whatever. It's both terrifying and kind of exhilarating, the thought of not being bound to a company or companies for the bulk of my money.
We shall see. Now I'm off to eat.
Jesus Fucking Christ
Mood: Mad as hell--there is no number to describe this
Meds: 3 pm
Sleep: 10 or so hours
Other: Just got another work bombshell dropped on me. I make money by answering the phone myself and then by promoting another line where I can answer or someone else can. I make more money off the latter than the former. Well, now my boss informed us that we'd get our regular money weekly as always, but now our affiliate money will only come once a month. I'm pretty sure my blood pressure shot so high, I gave myself an aneurysm.
Which is just as well. If I bleed out from my brain, I won't have to deal with this bullshit anymore. I have no idea how I'm going to live now. The stupid bitch isn't going to pay affiliate money until the 10th of the following month; what my affiliate makes in March won't be paid until April 10th. The earliest this money will deposit in my account is on the 12th of each month. I have a $350+ credit card bill at the beginning of the month, usually around the 2nd or 3rd, and my $395 rent is due no later than the 5th. So the money I was counting on to take care of most of that won't be coming until too late.
I was so looking forward to the fact that I was finally making money, enough to cover the bills, despite the fact that I am the only one paying them because Fangbunny can't make more than $100 a week because our fucking jobs suck so much. And now, here I am. Fucked again.
I can't even get a "real" job now. I haven't had a "real" job that lasted more than 9 months because I haven't been able to stay in one place long enough, or else I've been stuck doing temp jobs. I haven't been employed outside my home since 2006. Realistically, who the FUCK is going to hire me?
So even though I've been doing the best I could to get out of the call-taking end of it, I've now got to find ANOTHER phone-answering job because I can't make ends meet this way.
I can't handle this shit anymore. Why the FUCK does the whole world think it's ok to make me their goddamn dancing monkey? Why can I never catch a break? And, furthermore, why does nobody GIVE A FUCK that I'm under so much stress?
I just want one good/nice/not shitty thing to happen to me. I'm trying so hard to concentrate on getting better, but I can't as long as it's one fucking crisis after another. I have to take care of that whole "Where am I going to get money to eat/have lights/live/etc.?" thing before I can worry about my mental healthy, and it shows. The toll it's taking is ridiculous.
I really think I'm going to break soon.
Meds: 3 pm
Sleep: 10 or so hours
Other: Just got another work bombshell dropped on me. I make money by answering the phone myself and then by promoting another line where I can answer or someone else can. I make more money off the latter than the former. Well, now my boss informed us that we'd get our regular money weekly as always, but now our affiliate money will only come once a month. I'm pretty sure my blood pressure shot so high, I gave myself an aneurysm.
Which is just as well. If I bleed out from my brain, I won't have to deal with this bullshit anymore. I have no idea how I'm going to live now. The stupid bitch isn't going to pay affiliate money until the 10th of the following month; what my affiliate makes in March won't be paid until April 10th. The earliest this money will deposit in my account is on the 12th of each month. I have a $350+ credit card bill at the beginning of the month, usually around the 2nd or 3rd, and my $395 rent is due no later than the 5th. So the money I was counting on to take care of most of that won't be coming until too late.
I was so looking forward to the fact that I was finally making money, enough to cover the bills, despite the fact that I am the only one paying them because Fangbunny can't make more than $100 a week because our fucking jobs suck so much. And now, here I am. Fucked again.
I can't even get a "real" job now. I haven't had a "real" job that lasted more than 9 months because I haven't been able to stay in one place long enough, or else I've been stuck doing temp jobs. I haven't been employed outside my home since 2006. Realistically, who the FUCK is going to hire me?
So even though I've been doing the best I could to get out of the call-taking end of it, I've now got to find ANOTHER phone-answering job because I can't make ends meet this way.
I can't handle this shit anymore. Why the FUCK does the whole world think it's ok to make me their goddamn dancing monkey? Why can I never catch a break? And, furthermore, why does nobody GIVE A FUCK that I'm under so much stress?
I just want one good/nice/not shitty thing to happen to me. I'm trying so hard to concentrate on getting better, but I can't as long as it's one fucking crisis after another. I have to take care of that whole "Where am I going to get money to eat/have lights/live/etc.?" thing before I can worry about my mental healthy, and it shows. The toll it's taking is ridiculous.
I really think I'm going to break soon.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Nothing To Say
Mood: 2
Meds: 2:30 pm
Sleep: 11 hours!
Other: Slept really well and felt much better. Hopefully, one more night of sleep will get me back to normal without any major breakdowns. Went grocery shopping with Fangbunny today. That's pretty much the extent of my day, LOL. Going to work in a few, and that's going to be it.
Meds: 2:30 pm
Sleep: 11 hours!
Other: Slept really well and felt much better. Hopefully, one more night of sleep will get me back to normal without any major breakdowns. Went grocery shopping with Fangbunny today. That's pretty much the extent of my day, LOL. Going to work in a few, and that's going to be it.
36 Hours And Counting
Mood: I...don't know. I'm sleep-deprived, and it's too hard to tell.
Meds: 7:30 this morning.
Sleep: Going on 36 hours without any.
Other: I'm so tired I've gotten shaky, but I don't know that I'll be able to sleep from all the damn shakes. I didn't sleep at all last night because of all the reasons I enumerated in the previous post. Had to do all that running around, come back home, and work. Everything is so fucked up right now. I've got to crash soon before I set off something ugly in my brain. Fangbunny's got a nosebleed we can't get to stop. I have to make sure she's ok before I go to bed. This has been the most upside-down day ever. Going to check on Fangbunny, then going to bed. I hope all will be well after a long, long sleep.
Meds: 7:30 this morning.
Sleep: Going on 36 hours without any.
Other: I'm so tired I've gotten shaky, but I don't know that I'll be able to sleep from all the damn shakes. I didn't sleep at all last night because of all the reasons I enumerated in the previous post. Had to do all that running around, come back home, and work. Everything is so fucked up right now. I've got to crash soon before I set off something ugly in my brain. Fangbunny's got a nosebleed we can't get to stop. I have to make sure she's ok before I go to bed. This has been the most upside-down day ever. Going to check on Fangbunny, then going to bed. I hope all will be well after a long, long sleep.
Friday, March 4, 2011
I'm Convinced
This is hell. Not in that figurative "I'm having a hard time" way. No, this IS hell. If we create our own hells in which to descend as punishment for whatever transgressions we have committed, I am convinced that this is mine. Convinced.
I have to be up in 2 hours. I haven't slept, and I most likely won't sleep. Even if I fall asleep after the writing of this post, I'll have only slept, you know, 2 hours. I will then have to drive my mother nearly an hour to where we're going, sit there and wait for her to come out of surgery, drive her nearly an hour back home, and somehow drive the hour and a half back to my own house without dropping dead in my tracks. Oh, and I still need to work tonight.
You see, one thing we crazies need is sleep. *Regular* sleep. It's pretty much accepted as conclusive that sleep deprivation will trigger manic or ugly mixed states. Another thing that's been pretty well proven is that crazies are a lot more sensitive to changes in both sleep patterns and in the sleep environment. We need cool, dark, quiet, comfortable places in which to recharge our misfiring brains.
I can have this at home. Well, mostly. I need some room-darkening shades, but if I'm able to fall asleep before dawn, the light doesn't bother me. It tends to be quiet, at least until the neighbors get up, and I always keep the house cool. And comfortable? Oh, God, my mattress is probably the only truly nice thing I've ever owned. I paid $800 for it five years ago. It was on sale for half-price, and I had a job that paid better then, so I bought it. If my house catches on fire, I am coming out with that mattress thrown over my back.
But here? The house is hot. Ridiculously hot. I keep the thermostat in my small apartment set on 68. The thermostat in this big-ass house is set on, like, 74. Maybe 72 if I'm lucky. There are those stupid solar-charged candles burning in the windows like fucking beacons in the night, and I don't know how to get the batteries out of them. This mattress is the most uncomfortable thing on the face of the planet. And, to add insult to injury, it's a windy night, and there are at least four wind chimes on the front porch. (For the record, if you opened the window in this room, you'd step out on the porch.)
This. Is. Hell. I'm fully expecting Satan to drop by and ask me how I'm enjoying my stay.
And the kicker? My daddy got home today, so she didn't really even need me here to take her to the damn surgery, but since I'm here, she's going to make me do it, anyway.
I'll spend the next week trying to get my sleep schedule and mood straightened out. I hate how the rest of the world doesn't realize how important it is for me to sleep like I need to. I'm sorry that I run on a different schedule than everyone else, but that's how I make my money, by working when the rest of the world is sleeping. I can't just invert that at the drop of a hat. And so now I'll be trying not to fall asleep at the wheel today and not to go batshit for the rest of the week...all for something I wasn't fucking needed for in the first place.
But I go on. Because I don't have a choice. What's screwing up the whole regimen that keeps me sane when you can make me do whatever you want, right?
Oh, hello, Mr. Devil. How are you? I'm lovely, thank you. Yes, my stay in Hell has been quite nice. I really appreciate you asking.
I have to be up in 2 hours. I haven't slept, and I most likely won't sleep. Even if I fall asleep after the writing of this post, I'll have only slept, you know, 2 hours. I will then have to drive my mother nearly an hour to where we're going, sit there and wait for her to come out of surgery, drive her nearly an hour back home, and somehow drive the hour and a half back to my own house without dropping dead in my tracks. Oh, and I still need to work tonight.
You see, one thing we crazies need is sleep. *Regular* sleep. It's pretty much accepted as conclusive that sleep deprivation will trigger manic or ugly mixed states. Another thing that's been pretty well proven is that crazies are a lot more sensitive to changes in both sleep patterns and in the sleep environment. We need cool, dark, quiet, comfortable places in which to recharge our misfiring brains.
I can have this at home. Well, mostly. I need some room-darkening shades, but if I'm able to fall asleep before dawn, the light doesn't bother me. It tends to be quiet, at least until the neighbors get up, and I always keep the house cool. And comfortable? Oh, God, my mattress is probably the only truly nice thing I've ever owned. I paid $800 for it five years ago. It was on sale for half-price, and I had a job that paid better then, so I bought it. If my house catches on fire, I am coming out with that mattress thrown over my back.
But here? The house is hot. Ridiculously hot. I keep the thermostat in my small apartment set on 68. The thermostat in this big-ass house is set on, like, 74. Maybe 72 if I'm lucky. There are those stupid solar-charged candles burning in the windows like fucking beacons in the night, and I don't know how to get the batteries out of them. This mattress is the most uncomfortable thing on the face of the planet. And, to add insult to injury, it's a windy night, and there are at least four wind chimes on the front porch. (For the record, if you opened the window in this room, you'd step out on the porch.)
This. Is. Hell. I'm fully expecting Satan to drop by and ask me how I'm enjoying my stay.
And the kicker? My daddy got home today, so she didn't really even need me here to take her to the damn surgery, but since I'm here, she's going to make me do it, anyway.
I'll spend the next week trying to get my sleep schedule and mood straightened out. I hate how the rest of the world doesn't realize how important it is for me to sleep like I need to. I'm sorry that I run on a different schedule than everyone else, but that's how I make my money, by working when the rest of the world is sleeping. I can't just invert that at the drop of a hat. And so now I'll be trying not to fall asleep at the wheel today and not to go batshit for the rest of the week...all for something I wasn't fucking needed for in the first place.
But I go on. Because I don't have a choice. What's screwing up the whole regimen that keeps me sane when you can make me do whatever you want, right?
Oh, hello, Mr. Devil. How are you? I'm lovely, thank you. Yes, my stay in Hell has been quite nice. I really appreciate you asking.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
I Don't Know What To Title This Post
Mood: -1
Meds: 2 pm
Sleep: 9 hours
Other: Boss sent me another $50 to PayPal today. I'm going to eventually run out of available transfers. God forbid we overnight it, since we're THREE WEEKS BEHIND. Ugh. Kitty's been saying basically nothing to me anymore. Fangbunny and my friend K. are pretty much the only people I have to talk to nowadays. Thank God they're sympathetic ears, LOL. I'm really behind on my work, and I've got to go to my mother's house tonight. That's going to be fun. Luckily, I only have to stay until tomorrow. I'm taking her to the oral surgeon and then driving her back. Hopefully, I can bail before it gets too late. I wish I didn't feel that way about being there, but I have no patience for being stuck on someone's schedule when I'm so used to being on my own. Also, still nothing from him, which is terribly unsurprising.
I'm really glad it's spring. I'm hoping there won't be another cold snap now. I'm also hoping that we actually have a spring this year, like we did last year, instead of having two weeks of mild weather and then jumping straight into 100 degree days from then til October.
I love spring. It makes me very happy. Despite the fact that my allergies will most likely catch up with me before long, and I'll have hay fever for a week, I still love spring. It's my favorite season, much like Easter is my favorite holiday.
I feel as if I should do something. You know...exercise or something. But I always plan to do it and then end up feeling like I should work instead. Same thing with cooking. I have to log out to actually cook, or I'll get a call, and my food will burn. I never eat while I'm logged in because I feel like I need some semblance of being a civilized person. Then, I have to clean up. It ends up taking 2-3 hours to do all that when I could've either grabbed a sandwich or gone out to get something in far less time than that. I guess my greedy ass would rather make money than eat healthy or whatever. I really need to make a schedule for myself or something.
I'd write more today, but I'm so behind on my work stuff that I'm going to try to do some of it before I have to make the great migration south this evening. Then, I'll be working my ass off this weekend. Fun times. It'll pay off some day, right? Right? RIGHT?
Meds: 2 pm
Sleep: 9 hours
Other: Boss sent me another $50 to PayPal today. I'm going to eventually run out of available transfers. God forbid we overnight it, since we're THREE WEEKS BEHIND. Ugh. Kitty's been saying basically nothing to me anymore. Fangbunny and my friend K. are pretty much the only people I have to talk to nowadays. Thank God they're sympathetic ears, LOL. I'm really behind on my work, and I've got to go to my mother's house tonight. That's going to be fun. Luckily, I only have to stay until tomorrow. I'm taking her to the oral surgeon and then driving her back. Hopefully, I can bail before it gets too late. I wish I didn't feel that way about being there, but I have no patience for being stuck on someone's schedule when I'm so used to being on my own. Also, still nothing from him, which is terribly unsurprising.
I'm really glad it's spring. I'm hoping there won't be another cold snap now. I'm also hoping that we actually have a spring this year, like we did last year, instead of having two weeks of mild weather and then jumping straight into 100 degree days from then til October.
I love spring. It makes me very happy. Despite the fact that my allergies will most likely catch up with me before long, and I'll have hay fever for a week, I still love spring. It's my favorite season, much like Easter is my favorite holiday.
I feel as if I should do something. You know...exercise or something. But I always plan to do it and then end up feeling like I should work instead. Same thing with cooking. I have to log out to actually cook, or I'll get a call, and my food will burn. I never eat while I'm logged in because I feel like I need some semblance of being a civilized person. Then, I have to clean up. It ends up taking 2-3 hours to do all that when I could've either grabbed a sandwich or gone out to get something in far less time than that. I guess my greedy ass would rather make money than eat healthy or whatever. I really need to make a schedule for myself or something.
I'd write more today, but I'm so behind on my work stuff that I'm going to try to do some of it before I have to make the great migration south this evening. Then, I'll be working my ass off this weekend. Fun times. It'll pay off some day, right? Right? RIGHT?
Fear Of Flat Affect
Mood: 0
Meds: 2:30 pm-ish
Sleep: 10 hours
Other: My boss sent me $50 through PayPal today. She owes me nearly $500, for the record. Asshole. I'd almost rather she not sent me anything than to give me that little slap in the face. I have to go to my parents' house tomorrow (well, technically today, since I forgot to update this blog until nearly 3 am, but whatever), and I really dread it. I do not want to cart my mother around to the dentist at ass o'clock in the morning, but I guess I don't have a choice in the matter. Still nothing from Sir Asshat, though I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's not dead. Figures.
Ok, I have a weird thing going on right now. I'm not sure of the whys and wherefores, but I'm just going to put it out there.
I've been having trouble with my emotions lately. Ok, even though I titled this blog "Fear Of Flat Affect," it's actually not flat affect. I don't know what to call it. It's like, I don't feel things like I should. My emotions feel superficial. Well, everything except anger, like when I was pissed about my paycheck bouncing.
Nothing feels right. I feel weird in my own skin. My emotions feel stilted, wooden. There's a strange emptiness inside, and I'm not even saying that to be dramatic or whiny. I lack motivation, and I just feel...tired. I often feel like I'm disconnected from myself, almost like I'm watching myself from a couple feet away.
I know it's not a sign of me being finally "stable." I've been stable for 2 months now, and I've only been feeling this way for a couple of weeks or so. This is something different than stability--it's more like anhedonia, that's it not really even that, either. I guess it defies characterization or something.
I don't know if I'm, like, over-medicated, incredibly tired and stressed, or about to fall into a pit of depression, despite the meds. I don't think it's a case of over-medication. I wasn't stable on 75 mg of Lamictal, so it'd be sorta pointless to cut down on it. I'd just be batshit again. Incredibly tired and stressed is a distinct possibility. I'm so frazzled that even when I sleep 10 hours like I did last night, I still don't feel rested.
I sincerely hope it's not going to be another spell of depression. I'll up the fucking Wellbutrin if I have to, I guess. But I don't feel like dealing with all the shit that's going on in my life right now. Some sort of escape from reality, however short it might be, would be wonderful right now, but it doesn't look like I'm going to get off this merry-go-round anytime soon.
I'm wholeheartedly avoiding the desire to get shitfaced or hunt for random sex. I feel as if I need it so bad, but I KNOW what'll happen if I do it. Oddly enough, I don't even want any kinky shit whatsoever. I just want someone to be nice to me for a little while, for a change.
Sometimes, I think avoiding doing these coping behaviors uses more energy than just doing them and angsting about them later. I try not to think that way because I don't need to talk myself into just giving into to my own bullshit, but God.
Every blog post I write lately has "I'm tired" in it. It's not physical tiredness. It's a mental/psychological/emotional/spiritual tiredness that's bone-deep and stems from stress. And from how hard it is to try to work on personal issues, especially while it seems like everything else is going to hell in a handbasket. Just call me Nero; I feel like I'm sawing away at "Turkey in the Straw" while Rome burns down around my ears.
At the risk of being redundant, I'm fucking tired. I'm going to bed with the hopes that tomorrow will be better. Hope springs eternal and all that bullshit.
Meds: 2:30 pm-ish
Sleep: 10 hours
Other: My boss sent me $50 through PayPal today. She owes me nearly $500, for the record. Asshole. I'd almost rather she not sent me anything than to give me that little slap in the face. I have to go to my parents' house tomorrow (well, technically today, since I forgot to update this blog until nearly 3 am, but whatever), and I really dread it. I do not want to cart my mother around to the dentist at ass o'clock in the morning, but I guess I don't have a choice in the matter. Still nothing from Sir Asshat, though I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's not dead. Figures.
Ok, I have a weird thing going on right now. I'm not sure of the whys and wherefores, but I'm just going to put it out there.
I've been having trouble with my emotions lately. Ok, even though I titled this blog "Fear Of Flat Affect," it's actually not flat affect. I don't know what to call it. It's like, I don't feel things like I should. My emotions feel superficial. Well, everything except anger, like when I was pissed about my paycheck bouncing.
Nothing feels right. I feel weird in my own skin. My emotions feel stilted, wooden. There's a strange emptiness inside, and I'm not even saying that to be dramatic or whiny. I lack motivation, and I just feel...tired. I often feel like I'm disconnected from myself, almost like I'm watching myself from a couple feet away.
I know it's not a sign of me being finally "stable." I've been stable for 2 months now, and I've only been feeling this way for a couple of weeks or so. This is something different than stability--it's more like anhedonia, that's it not really even that, either. I guess it defies characterization or something.
I don't know if I'm, like, over-medicated, incredibly tired and stressed, or about to fall into a pit of depression, despite the meds. I don't think it's a case of over-medication. I wasn't stable on 75 mg of Lamictal, so it'd be sorta pointless to cut down on it. I'd just be batshit again. Incredibly tired and stressed is a distinct possibility. I'm so frazzled that even when I sleep 10 hours like I did last night, I still don't feel rested.
I sincerely hope it's not going to be another spell of depression. I'll up the fucking Wellbutrin if I have to, I guess. But I don't feel like dealing with all the shit that's going on in my life right now. Some sort of escape from reality, however short it might be, would be wonderful right now, but it doesn't look like I'm going to get off this merry-go-round anytime soon.
I'm wholeheartedly avoiding the desire to get shitfaced or hunt for random sex. I feel as if I need it so bad, but I KNOW what'll happen if I do it. Oddly enough, I don't even want any kinky shit whatsoever. I just want someone to be nice to me for a little while, for a change.
Sometimes, I think avoiding doing these coping behaviors uses more energy than just doing them and angsting about them later. I try not to think that way because I don't need to talk myself into just giving into to my own bullshit, but God.
Every blog post I write lately has "I'm tired" in it. It's not physical tiredness. It's a mental/psychological/emotional/spiritual tiredness that's bone-deep and stems from stress. And from how hard it is to try to work on personal issues, especially while it seems like everything else is going to hell in a handbasket. Just call me Nero; I feel like I'm sawing away at "Turkey in the Straw" while Rome burns down around my ears.
At the risk of being redundant, I'm fucking tired. I'm going to bed with the hopes that tomorrow will be better. Hope springs eternal and all that bullshit.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Mood: -2
Meds: 1 pm
Sleep: 7 hours or so
Other: No pay. My boss sent Fangbunny a message, asking her to ask me to get in touch with if she didn't have a way to get in touch with me herself. Apparently, she's afraid to deal with me. Found out that I'm not the only one whose paycheck bounced. Ugh. She promised to PayPal me some money, but she didn't.
So. Fucking. Stressed.
I have other drama that I'm too tired to even discuss. My mother is having yet another dental surgery on Friday, so I've got to go down there on Thursday night, so I can go with her. Since I have no idea when I'll ever get paid again, she's paying my big-ass credit card bill this month. This makes me feel like complete and total shit. How the FUCK old am I? Why do I have to keep borrowing money from my mother and father because my goddamn boss can't pay me? *Sigh*
The Lamictal headache isn't getting any better, either. Plus, I'm so sleepy and don't feel like working. This has GOT to get better, right?
Ok, I swear I'll write something more productive tomorrow. I'm just...blech.
Meds: 1 pm
Sleep: 7 hours or so
Other: No pay. My boss sent Fangbunny a message, asking her to ask me to get in touch with if she didn't have a way to get in touch with me herself. Apparently, she's afraid to deal with me. Found out that I'm not the only one whose paycheck bounced. Ugh. She promised to PayPal me some money, but she didn't.
So. Fucking. Stressed.
I have other drama that I'm too tired to even discuss. My mother is having yet another dental surgery on Friday, so I've got to go down there on Thursday night, so I can go with her. Since I have no idea when I'll ever get paid again, she's paying my big-ass credit card bill this month. This makes me feel like complete and total shit. How the FUCK old am I? Why do I have to keep borrowing money from my mother and father because my goddamn boss can't pay me? *Sigh*
The Lamictal headache isn't getting any better, either. Plus, I'm so sleepy and don't feel like working. This has GOT to get better, right?
Ok, I swear I'll write something more productive tomorrow. I'm just...blech.
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