Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Yeah, Well....

So much for not sucking. It was obviously too much to ask. *Eyeroll*

I'm not a very happy camper right now. I'm being ignored--AGAIN, goddammit--and something not good is going on. I can tell. I'm trying not to get angry until I know the facts, but it's awfully hard.

I'm so tired. This whole situation exhausts me.

I've also been running off a manic high for the last week or so. It happens every time I fuck with the Lamictal dose. I think it's winding down, though. A lot of stuff has gotten done for work, though, at least.

But I do believe it's time to try to stop worrying and go to bed. "Try" being the operative word here. I've got to get to the bottom of this little psychodrama before I run myself crazy (ok, craziER). But I suppose now's not the time. Maybe tomorrow. Time to go sleep off the about-to-crash post-manic exhaustion.


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