Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fuck Me

God motherfucking dammit. I'd cry if I thought it'd do any fucking good.

I'm pretty sure I just lost the hard drive on my goddamn laptop. If this is the case, I've lost hundreds of dollars of content, among other things. My whole fucking LIFE and CAREER are on that motherfucker.

It started acting crazy, then I tried to shut down and restart in safe mode. It never would let me start in safe mode--actually, I could never find HOW. And, finally, after multiple restarts, it won't start again. I get to the boot menu, then it starts making this loud, continuous beeping noise.

And that's it.

I'm going to go tomorrow to find one of those things where you can hook the hard drive on one computer up to another one and see if it's the hard drive that's the problem or something else. I don't give a damn if the whole computer has shit out, but I NEED that goddamn hard drive.

What I'll do if the computer HAS shit out, I don't know. I damn sure don't have the money to replace it. But I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Story of my motherfucking life.

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