Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Sickos ;)

Ok, so my mother called at 11:30 tonight to tell me they're taking my grandma to the hospital. Well, more accurately, the ER.

Allow me to tell this story.

The woman has Alzheimer's. She's hateful, self-centered, attention-seeking, and just downright fucking mean. If you look up "Narcissistic Personality Disorder" in the dictionary, you'll see her picture right beside it. And, yes, she was always like this, not just since the Alzheimer's diagnosis. It's just worse now because the disease has removed the normal inhibitions. She used to just be a sneaky, two-faced bitch. She's mean now without even trying to hide it.

Anyway, I've been telling my mother that she needs to send her to the nursing home. For YEARS. They actually *did* call in hospice last month, but hospice nurses are about as useful as a screen door in a submarine. I know this from experience. *Eyeroll*

****TMI warning. If you're easily disgusted, skip this paragraph.****

Apparently, she's had diarrhea for the last, oh, TWO WEEKS or so. My poor mother and aunt have been cleaning it up all over the house. *Vomit* Anyway, she won't eat or drink, either. My mama said she looks all waxy and is obviously dehydrated.

****End ickyness****

Anyway, apparently, when you bring hospice in, you have to sign some kind of contract saying that you can't take the patient to the hospital with hospice's permission or whatever. So my mama and my aunt have been after these assholes to let her go on to the hospital all weekend. Finally, one of the nurses said she'd "talk to the doctor tomorrow."

I reckon my mama drew a hard line with them tonight, though, because they got the ok to haul her to the ER. I'd say I pity whoever had to deal with my mother, but I don't. They deserve it for their stupidity and laziness.

To my way of thinking, if someone's been that way for TWO WEEKS and is bad enough off that you send them to the ER at 11:30 at night, that person should've been sent long before then. I told my mama that if she dies of dehydration, we're suing the hospice people. I hate that old bitch more than anything in the world, but nobody deserves to thirst to death because you're a lazy, incompetent dumbfuck.

How the fuck hard is it to do your fucking job?


As for me, I've had a headache for I can't remember how long now. Today was particularly bad. I've caffeinated heavily, taken Excedrin migraine and Advil, drank Powerade to ward off dehydration, and eaten a couple of times to keep a decent blood sugar level. But it hasn't really eased up. Now, I feel sort of sick to my stomach (probably from all the damned caffeine). I'm also weak-ish and shaky. Probably going to try to make it until 2 and then go to bed.

If this shit isn't better tomorrow, there's still codeine cough syrup in the bathroom. I WILL get rid of it, by God.

I should be working on an important email. But I feel like hell. I *really* feel like hell. It'll just have to hold for now. I may have to go home to relieve my mother soon, anyway, so there may be a bit of a delay in dealing with the relationship issues. I dunno yet.

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