Sunday, June 19, 2011

Productive...Kind Of

I've been getting a lot of work shit done lately. I have a ton of things on my plate, but my to-do list is slowly but surely getting shorter. Today was no exception. I was killing it there for awhile, LOL.

Once the pay period ended, I went to Walmart for groceries and for my Daddy a Father's Day gift. I'm going to meet him tomorrow to give it to him. He told me a little while back that the little personal DVD thing he had for his truck (the kind with the player and the screen) died. So I got him a new one and a movie. I should've probably gotten something else, too, but a.) I'm broke, and b.) I have no idea what else I could've done. :(

I just finished all the work stuff I'm going to do tonight. Then, I sent Kitty an email with some stuff that I've been wanting to tell her, like apologizing for being such an impossible bitch and so forth. I doubt it's going to repair anything now, but I feel like she should know how I felt about everything.

I still miss my best friend. :(

So those things, at least, are taken care of. I still have many more to handle, but for the sake of my sanity, I can only deal with so many at a time.

I think I'm going to try to go to bed now. It's a little early by my standards, but I have to meet Daddy sometime tomorrow, and I don't really know when he'll wanna get together. So in the interest of getting at least *some* sleep, I'm headed to bed.

Adios, readers. Adios.

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