Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Et Tu, Brute?

One of my virtues, as it were (or failings, depending on how you look at it), is that I'm extremely loyal. To a fault, really. I won't abandon a sinking ship if that ship has taken me places in the past. Hell, I don't even like throwing away things I've had for awhile because I attach sentimental value to...everything.

But I've been on a sinking ship now for a year and a half. This ship (called WORK) has fucked me and my friends left and right. The company was great up until our then-owner fell face-first into a pile of white powder and wrecked it by blowing all the company funds on coke.

Then, it was sold to a bunch of dumbasses who couldn't manage their way out of a wet paper bag. Minutes have plummeted. Money is at its nadir at the moment. We're being fucked out of money left and right in favor of the girls who came from the company who bought us out, despite the fact that they're doing nothing and benefiting from our hard work, while we're just being ass-raped over and over and over.

So I'm taking the leap. I get to be Brutus this time. But I'm going to take my shit elsewhere and hope it doesn't come back to bite me in the ass.

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