Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Victory Is Mine! (Mostly)

Well, after a massive clusterfuck of a week--which I don't even want to talk about because I'm so sick of it--we've FINALLY gotten ChaosKitty some help. It took THREE different doctors. And I feel fairly sure that the only reason we got help this time is that I took her to MY doctor, who is freaking amazing and who actually *listens* to what comes out of your mouth.

<3 Dr. M.

Of course, we don't have her meds yet. I pay $42 for my 25 mg. Lamictal and, like $19 for my 100 mg. at the pharmacy where I used to work (my Daddy and the owner are really good friends). (Yes, I get two different bottles of it. Long story, LOL.) I didn't go there to get her meds today because I thought it'd be too hard for her to pick up and stuff, given how far away A/C is from the north side of Atlanta.

That was my first mistake.

Walmart wanted $198 for the exact same prescription that I get for $42. That's 150% markup, folks. I was like, "WHAT?!?!?!?!" when they told me the price. Then, I told them I couldn't pay that. I asked if they were sure that they'd filled it as generic, and they told me they did. That's when I said that I get MY Teva generic for $42, the exact same prescription, and the dumb bitch was like, "Well, do you have insurance?"

No, stupid. I'm smart enough to know that if I had insurance, that would explain the difference. *Headdesk* When I said that I don't have insurance and pay for it out of pocket, she was like, "Well, I don't know what to tell you."

So I said, "Well, I know what to tell you. I'm taking this elsewhere to get it filled," LOL.

God, I'm such an asshole.

So, anyway, I'm giving ChaosKitty some of mine until next week when I go home again, and then I'm getting her prescription filled there for her. Screw these assholes and their ridiculous prices. Independent pharmacies for the win!

I have to go home again next week for my mama's surgery. They biopsied some other places on her body and found skin cancers on BOTH legs. Apparently, they're bad enough that they're going to have to do skin grafts to fill in the spots they remove. :( But, luckily, it is an outpatient procedure.

Unfortunately, my mama's surgery and ChaosKitty's multiple doctor visits means no beach for me. :( BUT what kind of person would I have been if I had the means to help someone who needed help, and I didn't do it? ChaosKitty was all like, "Most people wouldn't have done it."

Yeah, well, most people need their asses kicked. Somebody needs my help--especially for a mental health issue, since I know how bad that is--and I'm going to give it to them. End of story. I'm not doing it for pats on the back or to make myself look good. I did it because it was the right thing to do. I may have fucked up a lot in my life and done a lot of questionable things, but I will NOT leave somebody who needs me. Never. Not in a million years.

That's just how I roll.

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