Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Big Developments, Y'all

Well, my grandmother made it through the night. Mostly, now they're just standing by. If nothing's changed before too long, I'm going back home. I need to work. I guess I should stay, but I'm a broke-ass motherfucker, and I damn sure can't work here.

I did at least get to pick up another month's worth of prescriptions and get my hair done. Had to get it done here, of course. I was looking forward to seeing S. today, but it just didn't work out. :( But at least I no longer have what was turning into a mullet. I'm also no longer blonde. I asked for dark blonde, but it ended up being more of a light brown. Sort of caramel-colored, only more ash than golden. But that's ok, though. I've got bitch hair now--asymmetrical bob, which, for the time being is laying fairly straight. I may have it lightened a little after it grows some more. Highlights, perhaps. Then, it'll be SUPER bitch hair.

T. messaged me last night on Facebook, saying that she now has written proof (an email) that the management of this dumbass company I work for is telling their dispatchers to take business away from our girls and send them to their girls. I mean, I knew it all along, but the fact that it can now be proven? Yeahhhhh.

T.'s going to make it public, too, which I find HILARIOUS. Why in the name of hell would you send an email saying that? I mean, I figured that was what they were telling the dispatchers, but I thought of it as kind of a gentlemen's agreement, so to speak. What kind of fucking moron puts something like that ON PAPER so that it can be used against them later?

God, do you see what kind of dumbfuck assholes I'm working for?

However...this is going to piss a LOT of people off. I've been making plans to bail for awhile, but I may take this chance to jump off the sinking ship. I think if I took my shit and left, it'd do a dent in their business.

T.'s already told me she'd come to work for me if I'll go ahead and change my billing over AND that she has a couple of friends who'll do the same. So with T., her two friends, Fangbunny, ChaosKitty, and I, we might be able to make this work.

Admittedly, in true narcissistic fashion, I'm going to make sure to drop word to some of my work friends, letting them know what I'm going to do, in hopes of leading the mass exodus out of that shithole.

Yes, Mosaic delusions. Fuck you.

So, as you can see, I'm gonna be busy for awhile. I hope it'll be enough to overcome the inevitable crash I always have in the fall. Probably going to up the Lamictal in a couple of weeks to compensate as well. If I'm going to be running a business--however accidentally I might've fallen into it--where other people are depending on me, I HAVE to be on top of my game. Plus, I fully expect backlash from this company. Not that they can really *do* anything, but they can be a pain in my ass. *I* have to be the one to take responsibility for the people working for me. Unlike B., our old owner, I am NOT going to throw the people who are counting on me to the dogs just because I suddenly don't feel like dealing with it anymore.

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