Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Owieeeeeee :(

Ugh. I hurt so badly. Stupid fucking period is hitting me so hard this month. And I didn't even have the money to buy any PMS medicine today at Wal-Mart when ChaosKitty and I went to buy groceries. FML. :(

I've begun the migration away from the one job, and you know what? I'm already making money. Imagine that. As long as they don't catch me and fire me before I can leave, I'll be in good shape. I hope to be gone from that shithole within the next month or so.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. I am officially a business owner. :D

Besides that, though, I can't say I have a whole shitload of good news. My mother called today and said they took my grandma off the fluids and shit they were pumping her full of. She's awake and responsive now (because I think they may have stopped the morphine). They're supposed to be sending her home on Thursday, I think? So who knows if she'll drink and eat when she gets home or will just waste away?

Even though ChaosKitty is here with me, I'm still incredibly lonely. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make everything not suck anymore. I'd give anything if I could snuggle down between the people I love and cry because I hurt so much. They'd rub my back and tummy and tell me what a good little girl I am and how much they love me.

I dreamed something similar to that the other night. (Wish fulfillment, anyone?) I was really happy. Should've known THAT could only happen in a dream. :|

Still going to do *something* about all the shit that's on my mind. I just have so much on my plate right now that I don't think I can devote the amount of time I need to devote to deciding what I'm going to do and then implementing it. It seems reasonable to me to wait until I can think it all through.

I miss them. I love them--all of them. No amount of work, drama, or time with friends can change that. :(

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