Monday, August 15, 2011

So Weird

So...I have this strange problem. Very strange, actually. It's a little embarrassing in its weirdness.

Ok, here's the thing: I've always had a *really* sensitive gag reflex. Probably because of years and years of post-nasal drip and chronically enlarged tonsils from my goddamn vicious-ass allergies. (I also flip out when I think something is constricting my breathing--whether it actually is or not--for the same reason. Necklaces with too-short chains, shirt collars that are too high and tight, anything on me that makes my face overheat, breath play sex games, etc. Ball gags are a two-for-one deal because they make me gag AND make me convinced I can't breathe.)

Anyway, despite having always had a hypersensitive gag reflex, I am now having even *worse* problems with it. The thought of certain things (usually bodily fluids) make me gag. The texture of certain foods in my mouth does it. And now, to add insult to injury, every time I try to brush my teeth, it nearly makes me vomit. I have some anti-cavity mouthwash that I try to use, but swishing liquid around makes me gag godawfully, too.

This is bad for two reasons. Number one, I am PHOBIC of being unclean in any way. I don' care how dirty my house is, but I will always have clean hair, a clean face, a clean body, clean teeth, and lots of deodorant. Number two, I am on meds that are unfortunately connected with tooth decay. :(

I read online in several different places that Lamictal use has been associated with a hypersensitive gag reflex. Oh, the joys of seizure meds. *Eyeroll*

It didn't start until a couple of months ago, which correlates with when my doctor raised my dosage. So yeah....

Seriously, it's so bad that if I didn't know better, I'd think I was pregnant. It'd have to be the Second Coming, though, because I haven't had a penis in the appropriate place for baby-making since October or November. Well, that and that whole Bunny not be able to spawn thing.

Yeah, so...incredibly random, inconvenient, and rather embarrassing side effect. Please, Lord, let this one be temporary.

Ok, bed now. I took a sleeping pill to try to get some well-needed and well-deserved sleep tonight. I'm only posting from my Kindle because I thought of it when I was in there gagging spectacularly while trying to floss, brush, and rinse before bed. Night.

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