Thursday, August 18, 2011

In Lieu Of Work, I Write

According to Facebook, tomorrow is Love a Bunny Day. I only know this because Fangbunny totally posted it on my Facebook wall this morning, LOL.

Unfortunately, no one will be loving THIS bunny tomorrow. It makes me really sad. :(

I Googled "unloved bunny" for an image, and that was the most tragic-looking one I found. Poor bunny. :(

In other news, my mother has a skin cancer lesion on her leg. Squamous cell carcinoma, I think? Which is sucky, but she's damn lucky it's not melanoma. She's seeing the surgeon on Wednesday, and, of course, I have to go home to drive her around when she has the fucker removed. But I won't know until late Wednesday evening when she's going to have it done, and there's the possibility that it'll have to be done that Thursday. *Headdesk*

And she wonders why I don't bake in the sun and in tanning beds like she does. Ok, it's mostly because I don't want to look wrinkly and leathery before my time, but it sounds better if I say it's because I care about not getting skin cancer.


I've made a decision about contacting her. I realize that it's completely inadvisable. I also realize it's going to piss her the fuck off because she basically told me to leave her alone. But I'm going to do it, anyway. I'll never be able to rest easy knowing that I didn't apologize for painting her as the villain when, in truth, she really wasn't. Nor will I be able to look at myself in the mirror without getting some things off my conscience and setting the record straight.

Will it result in anything? I sincerely doubt it. I hope, more than anything in the world, I can get her to talk to me, just so I can apologize to her to her face. I want to look her in the eye and say I was wrong. I'd also like her to see me and see that I'm dead serious. Do I expect anything else? No.

I'm not asking for another chance. I'm not asking for anything, other than for the opportunity to give her the apology and explanation that she deserves. I wish we could be friends, but I'm not going to push it. Maybe someday. Other than that, I have no ulterior motives at this point.

However, because I am not a flaming asshole, I'm not going to contact her for another couple of weeks. I know her birthday is next week (Tuesday, I think, but I'm not looking at the calendar at the moment), and I think everybody's entitled to a happy birthday without having to worry about other people's drama. (God knows, I think MY birthday should be a national holiday.) So I'm going to wait until the week after her birthday.

That will give me plenty of time to think of what I'm going to say.


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