Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Playing Messiah For A Minute

So I made a flying run to Atlanta today.

ChaosKitty is in REALLY bad shape. She's bipolar and unmedicated, and I think it's finally gotten the better of her. She's in the middle of a hellacious mixed episode, which is where I was about this time last year. And honestly? I was afraid to leave her by herself.

I'll be hauling her bodily to the doctor tomorrow. There's no sense in her going through this if she doesn't have to.

I guess people might say this is none of my business, but she's one of my best friends in the whole world. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't help her. God knows, when I was in this same situation, I could've really used a friend to sit with me and make sure I was ok.

Just because some people think it's ok to abandon crazy people when they're at their craziest--and thus, at the point where they need someone the most--doesn't mean I do. I KNOW what it's like. She needs someone who understands.

Thoughts/prayers would be nice, too, if anybody's reading.

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