Thursday, August 4, 2011

Insert Clever Title Here

Ok, so I came home to work, but I didn't get a lot accomplished. I think sleep is in order. The last week or so of not enough sleep has caught up with me. So I'm going to go on to bed in a few minutes and hope that the asshole neighbor doesn't start up her bullshit in the morning or that some other idiot doesn't wake me up.

Talked to Kitty today. It was just about work stuff because I needed someone to advise me on how I should organize my business, but it was nice to talk to her. I really, really missed my best catfriend.

I hope it won't be long before I can confront some things and do some of the stuff I need to do and say some of the stuff I need to say. Life has to calm down just a little first, though.

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