Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Good Saturday

Kitty came to get her birthday present today. Sure, it was a week late, but it was the thought that counted, right? I've actually *had* the thing for several weeks, but had no way to get it to her. But, anyway, she came today to get it. That's the moral of the story.

ChaosKitty's still here because both of us are completely broke, so she's stuck here until we get paid again. Not that I'm complaining. It's nice having company. Plus, we both seem to get more stuff done when we're working on it together.

But, anyway, the three of us were all here, and it was pretty great. :)

We didn't do anything special, really. Kitty opened her late birthday present. (I hope she liked it. I tried to pick out something nice that I thought she'd like.) Then, we went to the really good Chinese place in town and got something to eat and came home and hung out until Kitty had to leave. Oh, and Kitty and I colored a picture each out of a couple of my coloring books. That was basically it.

It was nice, though. We all had fun--or, at least, I know I did, and it seemed like the two of them did, too. It was almost like when the three of us lived in the house together. You know, like some of those days I really miss. :(

But, on the other hand, it was really great to have my best friend back. Even for just a little while. I hope, maybe, that the fact that we can still have fun together after all the drama and all the bullshit means that we can someday move past it.

I dunno, though. Maybe that's just wishful thinking.

And--if I can take this thought a little farther--that's really what I wish I could have with the other two. I mean, yes, ideally, I could be in a relationship with the three of them, but I could live with it if that never happened.

I just wish I could have them in my life, some way, somehow, in basically whatever capacity. Friends? That's fine. I could live with that. As long as I could have them near me and know that they'll be there, that's really all I care about. If there was never anymore sex, never anymore touches or kisses or snuggles, never a word ever spoken about how much I love them, that'd be ok.

I just need badly. I'll settle for damn near anything just to have them in my life right now. I wish they knew that; I wish they understood.

But how the hell do you tell someone that?

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