Tuesday, August 23, 2011

On Love

I've never understood it when people say shit like, "Just because you love somebody doesn't mean you can be with them."

That's bullshit.

If somebody says, "I love you, but I can't be with you," what it really means is "I don't love you enough to make it work."

ChaosKitty and I had this discussion the other day. When I love, I love forever. So does she. It is, apparently, a lost art.

But whatever. I don't care what other people do. The only thing I have to answer for is what *I've* done, and, by God, I've never--and will never--abandon someone I love.

My whole life, any ounce of love or affection I've been given has come with a shit ton of strings attached. Conditional love. "Love," as it were.

I'll never do that to another person. It's unconditional or not at all.

I just had to get that off my chest.

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