Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Things That Make Me Happy

Mood: 3.5

Meds: 1:30 pm

Sleep: 9 hours

Other: Overall, things seem to be ok. I'm working, and it seems to be picking up. My boss gave Fangbunny and I our new girls today. I've got money coming. It's not going to be enough to pay all the bills, but it's coming nonetheless. If I didn't have a massive credit card bill AND rent all due at the first of the month, my life would be so much easier. Otherwise, things are pretty quiet. Still nothing from him, and, honestly, I'm wondering if I should give up hope there. I don't want to, but...yeah. That's another blog, I suppose.

Fangbunny's in the kitchen making French toast and eggs, and after we eat, I guess we'll work all night. We may have taken off early last night to play SingStar Pop on her PS2. Yes, the PS2 is ancient, but the games used are dirt-cheap, and, yes, I'm a horrible singer, and she's really good, but whatever. It amused us. In my defense, I'm NOT tone-deaf. I can hear every fuck-up I make. I just don't know how to fix the fuck-up, and I'm also hopeless at staying on beat because my sense of rhythm sucks. Also why I can't dance.

Anyway, for reasons completely unbeknownst to me, Blogger randomly eats my paragraph breaks. So if anyone tried to read that entry yesterday with all the paragraphs squished together before I realized it was messed up, I apologize profusely. It's fixed now, and I'm going to make sure that this one doesn't do the same thing when I post it.

Today's blog is going to be about things that make me happy. I said I was going to do this, and I intend to do it. Plus, I've been wanting to do it for awhile. It's a welcome change from my various pathologies, at least in my opinion. So without further ado, here's the list. Some are unchanging, and some are things that just please me now and may annoy me later. We shall see

~Josh Turner songs. His voice is divine. If the man sang slow jams, it'd be total baby-making music. Also, almost every song of his that he releases as a single is so cute and upbeat.

~The Jane Eyre movie that's coming out on March 11th. I will be there on the release date if I have to go by myself. Fangbunny makes fun of me for my love of Jane Eyre (the book), but I think it's fantastic. I read it again last week for the millionth time, and I cried again at the end, like I always do. If the movie sucks, I'm going to be sad. Here's the trailer if you want to check it out: Jane Eyre (2011). Rochester--as in the character in the book--is pretty much my perfect man in every way. Oh, Byronic heroes, I do so love you, even in real life...and it tends to be my downfall.

~Going places that aren't fast food restaurants or the grocery store. This doesn't happen very much anymore because I'm poor, so that's probably another reason why I'm so excited about the Jane Eyre movie. I get to get out of the house!

~Holidays. Well, most of them, anyway. My favorite holiday is coming up. Yes, Easter, don't judge me. Halloween is my second-favorite. Then, I suppose it's Valentine's Day and Christmas tied for third. I like the 4th of July, too, for fireworks and booze, LOL. I always wish I could do something phenomenal for holidays.

~Stuffed animals. My inner three-year-old rejoices at all things stuffie. Ditto for board games, model horses, Hello Kitty, and Disney Princess shit. I am a sucker for all things cute, and the toy stores are some of my favorite places.

~Music. I have my likes and dislikes as far as music goes, of course, but in general, I like music. It can make me happy, sad, angry, or most any other emotion just by being what it is. Not too many things can do that, so it makes me happy.

~Almost all things sweet and cheesy. Fangbunny got a Valentine's gift in the mail from her friend in Massachusetts, and I almost cried, even though it had nothing to do with me.

~Books. Nothing more to say there.

~The beach. Only, unlike most people, I like it better at night.

~Traveling. It doesn't really matter where. I just like going places I've never been before.

~Driving down long, deserted stretches of road. Only dirt roads, though.

~Going for walks. As in, actually walking to and from places. I'll walk on trails and tracks for exercise if I have to, but it's not the same as walking/exploring.

~Talking. About things. Sharing thoughts and ideas. Comparing what I think about the world around me (or things unseen, like Heaven, Hell, ghosts, etc.) with what other people think of it. Fangbunny and my friend B. in Huntsville are pretty much the only people who ever indulge me in this. It's too bad because there are a lot of people in the world who make me curious about what they think and believe.

~Writing. That's partly why I'm doing this blog thing.

~Being cuddled or petted. But ONLY by a select few. Otherwise, I eschew human contact because it makes me uncomfortable.

~Lipstick. Nobody can have enough.

~Flip-flops. Same reason.

~Surprises. I love being surprised. Almost any kind of surprise will do. I really am a three-year-old, I swear.

~Crackers. In any shape, form, or fashion. Well, except saltines. I love Ritz crackers, Club crackers, snack crackers (Wheat Thins, Sociables, etc.), filled crackers (the ones with peanut butter or cheese or cream cheese in the middle), and even Triscuits, though they don't quite count as crackers. I can make a meal of crackers, particularly if I have something to put on them: cheese (Colby or sharp Cheddar only, please), peanut butter, cream cheese, ham, turkey, deviled Spam, whatever. <3 crackers

Ok, I'm not going to keep on. This is just something I did for myself for when I think the whole world sucks, and I hate everyone in it. Maybe I can come back and look at this and remember it's not all bad.

But for now, I think the French toast is done.

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