Thursday, February 17, 2011

Not Much To Say

Mood: -1, kinda down, but making it

Meds: 12:30 pm

Sleep: 8 hours

Other: Got some good news as far as work goes. Have had a headache for, like, a week now. It goes away if I take something, but as soon as the Advil or whatever wears off, it's back again with a vengeance. Having problems out of one of my wisdom teeth, too. Hurts like a bitch. Kitty is coming home this weekend (we think). Kind of feeling bummed for various reasons. As always, nothing from him. Incredibly tired and thinking about bed, despite the fact that I need to work.

I'm kind of meh today. I've got a lot on my mind, but I'm too tired to deal with it. I'm not sure if the exhaustion is mental, physical, emotional, or a little of all of it. I know these are things that need to be dealt with, but I don't think I'm capable of handling it at the moment. Hopefully in a day or two, I'll feel more up to it.

I'm lonely, honestly. Not in that faux-tragic "no one loves me" sort of way. I have plenty of people who love me, and I know this. I appreciate my friends and everyone who cares about. I guess I just need attention and affection. I've been starved for those two things my whole life. *Eyeroll*

Yes, this is me whining and not being "proactive" in dealing with my various pathologies. Deal with it. I'll handle it in a healthy way later. For now, I think I just need to turn my mind off.

I don't have a witty sign-off today. Sorry 'bout that. Instead, I'll leave you with this song, which has been playing off and on in my head for at least a week now.

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