Monday, February 21, 2011

A Quickie

Mood: 2

Meds: 2:45ish

Sleep: 9 or so hours

Other: Incredibly busy with work stuff. Haven't had time to do anything but grab food, go buy groceries, clean the toilet, and work. Massive website overhauls, etc. Left my hoodie in the child seat part of the cart in the Walmart parking lot today and didn't realize it until we'd gotten all the way back to the house. Went back to Walmart in hopes that it'd still be there, and it was. That made me happy, since the hoodie was part of my Valentine's gift from my mother, and I'd have felt like shit if I'd lost it. Need to figure out WTF I'm going to do about all these cognitive problems (e.g., leaving hoodie in buggy in parking lot of Walmart) that Lamictal causes. I'm forgetful and absent-minded and spastic on good days WITHOUT meds. It's terrible now. :(

Ok, I have nothing to say in this post. Or, rather, I have a lot to say, but no time to say it. This is actually for 2-20, but I'm just now taking the time to write it at, like, 3:30 am. SO. FREAKING. BUSY.

Basically, I just wrote this to chart my mood. I'm going to finish my work stuff and go to bed. I'll do my best to post something of more substance tomorrow.

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