Monday, February 21, 2011

Another Quickie--I'm Getting Good At This

Mood: 4

Meds: Around 1 pm

Sleep: 5 hours--this is pissing me off

Other: Immersed in web work again today. Last night's project ended up being way more of a pain in the ass than I thought it was going to be. Thus, we get another short blog today because I'm too busy trying to take over the world.

CSS is busy kicking my ass up one side and down the other, so I don't have time to say a lot right now. :( There's a lot on my mind, but work beckons, unfortunately.

I will say that I've been feeling better. The sun and warm weather helps. I'm tired of writing about my various pathologies, so I hope in the next few days, I can write about aspects of me that I like instead of all my maladaptive coping behaviors.

Also, if anyone out there can help Fangbunny and me with CSS, I will owe you my firstborn. Of course, the joke's on you because I most likely can't reproduce (and don't want to, anyway), but it's the thought that counts, right?

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