Thursday, December 1, 2011

I Hardly Know What To Do With Myself

Ok, so I spent the evening working on some shit that should drive traffic to my sites, rather than working on clients' shit. I know I probably shouldn't have done that, but if I'd had to write one more 750+ word "essay" today, I might've shanked someone. Probably me, since there's no one else here, LOL.

Anyway, since I'm not in the mood to inflict stab wounds on myself tonight, I decided I'd work on something different for a change.

I've finished all I set out to do tonight, which is sort of odd, given that it's barely after midnight. I don't want to start on anything else, though, so I think I'm going to call it a night a couple of hours early. It'll probably do me some good.

When I go to bed, I hope I can avoid the nightmares. They're hardly ever very far away, but lately, they've been a constant companion. I have no idea what causes them. I mean, I'm sure it's because I have shit on my mind, but when DON'T I have shit on my mind? Why has it just gotten so bad recently?

Also, could everyone I love stop dying in my dreams? That'd be great. :(

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