Thursday, December 1, 2011

On The Road Again

Turns out poor Kitty is sick this week, and she's not going to be able to make it on Friday. :( I hope she starts feeling better soon. Maybe so.

ChaosKitty's broke, having given the entirety of her last paycheck to her parents because THEY didn't have any money. I have her medication for next month, and she doesn't know when she'll be able to come here. So I'm going to go take it to her. She's also having some serious problems, so I'm going to see if we can't find a Georgia mental health clinic to shoot her into.

I don't think the Lamictal is helping her like it helped me. We're going to see if we can get her on something else that will work better (and faster, so she doesn't have to wait so long to see if it's going to help or not). Trileptal, Depakote, Tegretol, lithium, even, if we have to. Or an antipsychotic. Or both. We'll see. Too bad most of the atypicals are still under patent and most of the typicals are fucking ridiculous when it comes to side effects.

But she's going to get help. I'm not abandoning someone who genuinely needs help. I've been there--sick, scared, no one to turn to. Fuck that. I won't let it happen to someone I care about if I can possibly do anything to stop it.

Ok. Going to finish packing and get out of here.

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